Iron Jawed Angels - Q-RCG


Iron Jawed Angels

Questions Sheet


Video Discussion

•What time period is this movie in? Gilded Age or the Progressive Movement?

•Identify elements of race in the video.

•Identify elements of class in the video.

•What references are made in the movie to earlier women activists? List them below.

•What references are made to the Civil War?

•What role does World War I play in the movie?

•Track the different approaches used by the following:

Carrie Catt leader of the NAWSA vs. Alice Paul of the NWP

8) How were women destroying the system of stratification of the US?

•Defend the argument that race class and gender are (notice tense) linked and not isolated issues.

•Connect any issue today or a video we have watched in class.

Other Film Issues


1. Attached to Anti-



2. Elizabeth Cady

Stanton and

Susan B. Anthony at Seneca Falls

3. AWSA and NWSA

4. Merging of AWSA and NWSA

5. Cult of



1. NAWSA and Carrie Catt trying to secure right to vote through state by state method

2. Enter Alice Paul and the creation of NWP

Alice Paul and Lucy Burns: Parade

Organizers and NWP

Rose Winslow

Inez Milholland


Carrie Catt and NAWSA

1. NAWSA leader

2. Believed an amendment to the Constitution was not possible

Ida B Wells

In 1884, when 22 and a teacher in Tennessee,

Wells-Barnett ignored a train conductor's order directing her to sit in a segregated car.

Editor and co-owner of the Memphis Free

Speech and Headlight

Documented lynchings across the country, and raised awareness challenging alleged white


Women and the West

Sheet Questions and Agree or Disagree

Carrie Catt was right

State by state strategy was the correct approach

Securing a Constitutional Amendment was the correct approach

Women are more likely to be supportive of the same political issues simply because they are women

Alice Paul was crazy

The tactics used by Alice

Paul crossed the line

You would support Carrie


You would support Alice Paul

Alice Paul was psychologically unstable and suicidal

Rose Winslow

Ida B Wells

Seneca Falls

Racist Southerners


Women’s Christian Temperance Movement

Purity Campaign

Susan B Anthony

Elizabeth Cady Stanton


Carrie Catt

Western States

Alice Paul

State by State Strategy

Woodrow Wilson

Comstock Law

Upcoming Quiz
