What is the Leadership MOT?

Leadership MOT
Version 1
What is the Leadership MOT?
The Leadership MOT survey is a tool which will help leaders to benchmark their leadership
capabilities within Nuffield Health as well as understand what drives employee behaviour
and engagement
The Leadership MOT will be led by leaders within the business and not be driven by
Central Office.
The survey aims to help support leaders by letting them see how they are doing from a
leadership perspective and help them identify ways to help them improve their leadership
The aim of the Leadership MOT survey is to improve Nuffield Health’s leadership and
management approach and capability, create a Nuffield Health culture across the company,
improve our people processes and increase employee engagement with Nuffield Health
Set of 13 questions and a free text field – 2 questions relate to employee engagement and
satisfaction, the rest are aligned to our Brand Values.
Online questionnaire hosted by Survey Monkey
1. I believe that I have the right tools to do my job well - Enterprising
2. I am provided with opportunities, encouragement and support to develop my job skills Enterprising
3. I am encouraged to focus on customer needs - Passion for Health
4. I understand and champion the mission and purpose of Nuffield Health - Passionate
5. At Nuffield Health there is open, two-way communication with information relevant to my
role - Caring
6. I am clear about what I’m expected to achieve in my role - Independent
7. I recognise that my job is important to the success of Nuffield Health - Independent
8. I feel that my concerns, views and ideas are listened to at all times - Caring
9. I receive praise or recognition when I do good work - Independent
10. Nuffield Health allows me to strike a balance between my work and my home life - Caring
11. I am treated fairly and with respect - Caring
12. I would recommend Nuffield Health as a great place to work to friends and family –
13. How likely are you to recommend our products and services to friends and family? Satisfaction
Manager is sent a link to the Leadership MOT portal which is a toolkit containing:
• About the Leadership MOT survey
• Responsibilities as a leader
• Frequently asked questions
• Template materials to support in communications to teams
• Email templates
• Poster templates
• Top Tips for sharing your results
• Cascade templates
• How questions relate to Brand values
HR to support leaders with the process and follow up
Reports created internally by the Insights & Planning team
Reports created internally by the Insights & Planning team
There has to be a minimum of 8 respondents to activate a report
The HR & Leadership Teams will have sight of the reports
Scoring based on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) 0-10 system widely used in
Consumer and Corporate Wellbeing. The overall NPS score is based on the
% of promoter responses (9-10) minus % of detractor responses (0-6)
NPS that is positive (i.e. higher than zero) is felt to be good, and an NPS of
+50 is excellent
Loyal enthusiasts who have received service excellence and will advocate the
service to others.
Generally satisfied but unenthusiastic service consumers, will often turn to
alternative methods if available to get the job done.
Generally unhappy consumers who can damage the reputation of the service
offering by prolific detrimental word of mouth. Will only use service is absolutely
necessary with frustration and resentment.
Will I get a report?
Leader has 8
Individual report
Added to the
department report
Department has 8
Department report
Added to the
function report
function has 8
function report
Added to the overall
Nuffield Health
Interpreting the reports
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• Provides a mean score and RAG code for each question to emphasise where things are
going well and where they could improve.
Overall NPS score to enable comparison & tracking
0 – 5.49 = Red
5.5 – 7.49 = Yellow
7.5 and above = Green
Based on the % of promoter responses (9-10) minus % of detractor responses (0-6)
The Friends & Family mean score to enable reporting, comparison & tracking
Based on the NHS response scale of 1 (extremely likely) to 5 (extremely unlikely).
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• Provides a % breakdown of promoters (green), passives (yellow) and detractors (red) for
each question
Promoters = Happy & engaged
Passives = Neither happy nor unhappy not particularly engaged
Detractors = Unhappy & actively disengaged.
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• Provides any comments left by the individuals completing the survey. Usually a good
source of data as to how people are really feeling.
What next?
1. Review results
What is going well?
What areas require some additional focus?
What has surprised you?
What has encouraged you?
Are there any quick wins?
2. Share Results
Seek every opportunity to share the results through existing meetings and written communication
Set up a series of team meetings or listening groups
Ask for volunteers to act as ‘change champions
You may choose to manage which comments you share or keep for the management teams info
3. Action Planning
Best practice suggests focusing on 3 areas you want to really focus on.
Pull together an ‘Action Plan’ and keep everyone up-dated on progress.
Celebrate success – identify what actions have been achieved and communicate this monthly or as
Whichever way the results are shared, think about both low scores (and what actions or solutions will improve
them) and high scores (and what you need to do to maintain this positive feedback). Be careful not to take
too much on at once – and place equal focus on what you are doing well and areas for improvement.