PowerPoint - Bowling Green Independent Schools

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Negative Peer pressure
Positive Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure
Refusal skills
• Practice treating yourself the ways a good friend
would treat you
• Respect yourself
• Encourage yourself to make healthy decisions
• Be assertive about reaching goals
• DO not be selfish.
• Building healthy self-esteem also helps you
develop the skills to treat your friends the same
way you want them to treat you.
• Friendship is the relationship between people
who enjoy being together and who care
about each other.
• It is important that the friends you have keep
you healthy and safe.
How do you meet people and become good
•Live near each other
•Classes together
•Meet through other friends
•Take part in activities that you enjoy
What is prejudice?
• Judging others on the basis of stereotypes,
second-hand impressions, rumors, and so
• Prejudices are learned behaviors
• People prejudge things all the time.
• Simplified and standardized conception or
image invested with special meaning and
held in common by members of a group.
• At your table (marker and paper), select a
leader based on most intelligent person.
• Come up with a list of stereotypes and labelsbased on what you hear people say on age,
physical appearance, clothes, intelligence,
economic status, music they listen too,
personality, interests, etc.
• Tape your list to the board
• Where do we learn about these things?
• Are there any that you never heard before?
•Are labels harmless or not?
•Where do you cross the line?
•Does it depend on who says it? Or how they are saying it?
•Does it depend on whether or not they know the person it is being
directed too?
•Does it depend on whether they belong to the group they are making
the stereotype about?
•Did you make a stereotype picking the most intelligent person?
How can we combat stereotypes in our lives and in society as whole?
It is important to not stereotype people when making friends. A close
friend might be someone who is just like you or the complete opposite.
• Work in pairs.
• One student interviews your partner about
the questions on the slide before.
• The interview should be about how he or
she met a friend and why they became
• Once you have interviewed your partner,
switch roles
Like each other
Treat each other well
Use good communication skills about goals and ideas
Demonstrate good character Know what is important
(values and beliefs) to each other
Show respect to their friends decisions and opinions
Dependable and loyal
Not only friends during the easy times
Caring (for and about their friends)
Empathetic ( identify and share another person’s feelings)
Trust ( and believe in one another)
Reliable ( count on each other and keep their word)
• Demonstrate one or more of the qualities of
a good friendship.
• Some people think that a good friend will
always agree with you, no matter what you
say or do. Do you think this is true? Think of
examples when a friend would be showing
their friendship to you by disagreeing with
Does this person share or respect my values?
Do I enjoy being with this person?
Does this person accept and like me?
Do my parents trust this person?
Will this person and I have a chance to spend time
If you answered “YES” to the questions above, then
it is most likely that this person will be a good
Making Good Decisions:
You just met a new person who seems
interested in being your friend and is nice.
However, this person is constantly trying to
change you. They also don’t respect other
people’s values. Is this person a good candidate
for a friend? Why or why not?
• Bet You Can’t
• Some friendship relationships are not good.
• This could be because of Negative Peer Pressureencouragement to do things that could cause
• It could be:
– something that is dangerous or illegal
– something you are just not ready for
– or something that goes against your values or
family’s values (lie, steal, cheat, try drugs).
• Relationships during teen years are important
• Peers have a strong influence on you
• Peer Pressure- is the influence to go along with
actions and beliefs of your peers (directly or
• It can be negative or positive
• Involves bribes
• Threats
• Teasing
• Name-calling
• Facial expressions
• Gossip
When someone challenges your beliefs- stand
• Does this person hurt me; threaten to hurt me, or
• Does this person try to control me, keep me away
from my friends, or ask me to hurt others?
• Does this person encourage me to act against my
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, talk
to your parents and use refusal skills to get away
from this person.
Refusal skills help you stay in safe relationships and
resist negative peer pressure.
Are communication strategies that help you say “no”
• Avoid dangerous situations
• State Reasons
• Say “No” verbally with good body language
• Stand your ground- Don’t Try To Meet The Other Person
• Stay focused on the issue
• Suggest alternatives
• Walk away from unhealthy situations
• Plan Ahead
• Use S.T.O.P
Pressure Lines:
• Everybody’s going….
• If you’re my friend you’ll do …..
• Oh, come on- just this once …..
What You Should Say:
• Well I am not everybody. Besides I don’t
believe everyone is going.
• I am your friend. If you were my friend,
you wouldn’t ask me too.
• It only takes once to get in trouble
• The Power of Structure
• These let people know, YOU mean what YOU say
(show with words and actions)
• They take practice
• Speak clearly, calmly, and in a firm tone
• Be Assertive- behave with confidence and clearly
state your intentions
• Be sure your body language and gestures match
your words.
• Get in pairs
• Write an example of negative peer pressure
on a slip of paper.
• Put the paper into a box
• If your example is drawn on you will role play
resisting their partner.
• Volunteer.
• I will try to pressure you to do a risky
• Use S.T.O.P. for effective refusal skills.
• ( Say No, Tell why not, Offer other ideas, and
Promptly Leave)
• Create a concept map using refusal skills for
the following scenario: “Friends want to
vandalize a neighbor’s mailbox.”
• How can humor be used in response to
negative peer pressure?
• A clique is a group of friends who hang out together
and act in similar ways.
• Cliques are common during teen years.
• Usually students play on a same team or are in the
same club together.
• Membership in the clique is limited and not all who
want to belong can join.
• They can be positive or negative.
• One of your emotional needs: Need to belong, want
to fit in to the group.
• Teens who are unsure of themselves join a clique to
gain approval (what they wear or how they act)
• Cliques can be harmful if they encourage bad behavior, and
discourage members from making their own decisions.
• May cause members to go against their values and beliefs
(lying, sexual activity)
• May hurt people outside the group (make fun of others)
If you are in a BAD clique:
• Suggest other activities to participate in ( that do not hurt or
put others down)
• Find new friends
• Left Out
Some peer pressure may be positive and inspire you to do
something worthwhile, with good character
• Positive Peer Pressure (encouragement to stick to values and
achieve goals) involves:
• Encouraging words
• Encouraging expressions
• Challenging friends to do their best
• Keep risky situations from resulting in bad decisions/
• Positive Peer Pressure can help you make more decisions
and become independent, and give you confidence
Example: If a friend picks on someone, tell them that teasing is
wrong. Being honest takes courage; BUT HONESTY is one of
the most important parts of friendship.
• Exit Slip- Create a table with TWO columns: one
for negative peer pressure and one for positive
peer pressure. List at least five influences in each
appropriate column.
• Homework- Write a paragraph (4-5 sentences)
describing what kind of friend you are. Next write
1-2 sentences describing the type of friend you
would like to have.
• Fair Weather Friends
• Leadership
• cooperation
• Friends usually have things in common, but
remember you are STILL individual people with
goals and ideas.
• Accepting differences is a way to show and
demonstrate respect.
• By respecting and understanding the views of
people from many different backgrounds, you can
learn to look at the world in new ways.
Being a good friend might require you to be a leader.
Leadership is guiding others in a responsible way.
It is not “bossing others”
It is setting examples for others:
Using refusal skills to show others how to handle
negative peer pressure
• Demonstrate respect
• Develop a plan to solve a problem
• It takes practice. The more chances you have to
practice being a leader, the better you will be.
Create a maze on graph paper.
Collect all of the papers.
Get into pairs.
Give each pair one maze.
One student close your eyes (with the pencil on
the paper), while your partner helps lead them
through the maze- verbally.
• The sighted student may not touch the pencil.
Is communication important?
• Cooperation is working with others to reach a goal.
• Share the work in a group among everyone
• Let everyone use their skills to add to the group (car
wash- someone make posters, someone collect
• Cooperation helps you learn and grow socially.
• Friends who help each other can reach larger goals
• Cooperation makes friendships stronger because you
want them to succeed (showing you are willing to
spend time and effort to help them reach their goals)
• What does it mean to be someone’s best
friend? What is the difference between a
best friend, casual friend, and acquaintance?
• Stick to your values
• Doing what is right is easier if your friends support you
• You can support each other by talking regularly about
decisions you make
• Offer suggestions for help
• Stand by friends when they say “No” to negative peer
• Sticking to your values won’t be POPULAR
• Popularity is based on things you cannot control.
• Friendship is based on values and respect.
• Support of a friend is more important than being popular
• Popularity can change, but friends will support you even in
hard times, when you need them the most.
• Find someone you do not talk to or know
well. Find three things you have in common
and three things that you are different about.
Present to class.
• Exit Slip- Write about how leadership and
cooperation can affect the following people:
firefighters, doctors and nurses, architects,
carpenters, plumbers, electricians.
• Media
• is TV shows, movies, music, magazines,
and all other public forms of communication.
• Media influences what you think about yourself and
how you get along with others.
• You are surrounded by messages that influence how
you get along with others. Listen closely to the words
of your favorite song. (Disrespectful, violent? TV show
characters go against your values and beliefs?) If so,
these may be negative influences in your life.
• Surround yourself with good influences that help you
make healthy choices.
• Your family
• Your role models
• Your peers
What Are They Selling?
• Copy of What Are They Selling worksheet, to each
group of students (3).
• Ten (10) stations with advertisements, each group
will travel
• Each groups will try to guess what is being
• After students have gone to all stations SIT.
• Tell your guesses.
• Tell them what is actually being advertised.
• What was the similarity among all the advertisements?
• Do you think advertisements are an aberration or are they
examples of the type of advertising that is out there?
• Why do companies use sexuality in their advertising?
• What is the impact of all the sexuality on young people’s
lives, if any?
Media is all around us. We are exposed to 3,000 advertising
images daily. Many companies use sexuality to market their
product. Overwhelming number advertisement companies use
sexuality subconsciously to encourage premature sexuality
among teens. If you are made aware of the influence of media
in your lives, it is the first step to prevent the media’s powerful
• Decide Early
• Responsible Dating
• In early teen years, relationship with boys and girls
• Some teens become interested in spending time with
people they find attractive.
• Some teens might be shy and uncomfortable around
the opposite gender without the support of friends.
• Some teens still enjoy hanging out with people of
similar interests-sports, clubs, hobbies
• You have options about how you spend your social
time and with whom.
• Group boys together, group girls together. In
groups form questions they would like to ask
the opposite gender about dating.
• Most teens prefer going in a mixed group of
both boys and girls
• This helps to feel more comfortable with
teens of both genders
• Helps with conversation and practice social
• Is it appropriate for a girl to ask a boy out on
a date? Explain reasons.
Video rental
Computer games
Table tennis
Pizza party
Board games
Youth center
Amusement park
Spectator sports
Mini golf
In-line skating
• You may develop an interest in one person
• Individual dating is a way to get to know one
person better
• Go on a date because you want to, not because
you feel pressured too
• Responsible dating is- wanting to spend time with
someone who demonstrates positive qualities
Draw a Venn Diagram, comparing and
contrasting: Group and Individual Dating
(need at least 3 examples in each section).
• Affection
• Discussion: List non-physical ways to show
affection. How is affection related to respect? Can
you have affection without respect? (You are not
showing affection if you are disrespectful)
• Affection is a feeling of liking or fondness.
• People who feel affection for one another can
show it in many ways.
Smiling or speaking cheerfully
Telling the person how much you like his or her company
Send a kind card or letter
Making a kind phone call
Patting you friend on the back
Showing empathy
Listen to each other’s problems
Give or get a hug
Study together
Go for a long walk and hold hands
Do something nice for each other
Put affectionate notes in locker or books for each other
Telling someone how much they mean to you
Cheering for them at a performance
• Brainstorm a list of “nice things” to do for
one another that show affection without
engaging in sexual activity.
• When showing affection, make sure your message
is clear, understood, and respectful.
• Simple expressions are usually the clearest.
• Pay attention to other peoples responses
• Never offer affection in a way that is unwelcome.
• Create a list of (5) ways to demonstrate
affection. Give reasons of how it
demonstrates affection for each one.
• Abstinence Bingo
• Sexuality Brainstorm
• Plan ahead- Going to a party- find out who will be
there, adults supervising.
• Movies- how much money you will need, how are
you getting home.
• Any date- decide what you will do, and how long.
• Limits are invisible boundaries that protect you.
• Setting limits can help protect you from risky or unhealthy
behaviors. ( Example-limits on tv for what you can watch- R and
time limits)
• Limits are important when it comes to dating.
Limits for:
• People you date
• Places you go
• Activities you do
• Transportation you take
These limits will help protect you from getting hurt and avoiding
sexual activity.
Parents set limits because they love their children and want them to
be safe.
Create a list at your table, for questions to ask
before teens go on a date.
• Avoid risky situations- party with drugs and
alcohol is risky. Someone might pressure you to
suing harmful substances or doing something
you do not want to do.
• Avoid being home along with a date or in an
isolated spot.
• Movies that might suggest or encourage risky
behavior between you and your dating partner
are also best avoided.
• Name current movies.
• Would these movies be good date movies?
• Why?
• Make a list of adults you could talk too about
setting limits in dating relationships.
• Suggest other way to demonstrate affection
without involving sexual contact.
• TV show- shows affection without engaging
in sexual activity.
• Show one that they do engage in sexual
• What messages are they sending to teen
• How do their actions affect their lives?
• A way to show affection respectfully is choosing sexual abstinence.
Abstinence is refusing to take part in an activity that puts your health or
the health of others at risk.
• Teens who take responsibility for their health and care about choosing
healthful behaviors, practice abstinence from sexual activity before
• Practicing abstinence shows that you respect your health and others.
• You may begin to feel strong sexual attraction toward another person, this
is normal and healthy, but can be managed.
• Set limits
• Plan Ahead
• Avoid risky situations
All of three will help you maintain self-control.
• Speaking with a trusted adult can also help.
• Adults can offer useful suggestions for dealing with your physical feelings
and emotions.
• contraception
• What is the point of persuasion?
• What makes someone a good persuader? A poor
• What types of persuasion work best on you?
• Why might it be difficult to turn down someone
who’s trying to persuade you to do something?
• Many lines have been successful for years because
the person receiving the line was unprepared,
unaware, or well-equipped to say “no”.
• You and your table will come up with lines to
persuade someone into certain sexual
behaviors: kissing, touching, intimate contact.
You will also be coming up with lines to refuse
• This is a competition. I will bring in a judge to
determine the winners. Be creative, original,
humor is permissible as long as it is in good
• You have about 10 minutes.
Judge persuasion lines:
• Most Original
• Most often used
• Most effective when participants are in love
• Most obviously a line
Judge: (refusal lines):
• Most original
• Most effective, least embarrassing
• Least sincere
• Least effective; it will never work
• Most effective way to say “No”
• Skit: Write out a skit at your table using the award
winning lines. Be creative, yet realistic. You can
use one line or multiple lines.
• Create a rap, song, or poem using the lines.
This activity helps you recognize lines. Practicing
refusal helps it become easier to roll off the tongue
when needed.
• Contraception is the deliberate prevention of
conception or impregnation by any of various
drugs, techniques, or devices; birth control.
• Each group focus on the contraceptive methods
• Write the name of the method and answer the questions on
your worksheet
• Design a one minute television ad to market your
contraceptive method to teens. What makes it effective and
easy to use?
• Contain warnings about the product, health risks, and
Present your method to the class and advertisement
Vote on the best advertisement and the healthiest to use.
Conversations about birth control should take place “before
the heat of the moment”
• What is the most effective method?
• What is the difference between condoms and other
methods of birth control?
• Why do you think people avoid condoms?
• How old do you need to be to buy condoms without
parent permission?
• Which method prevents against STIs/HIV/AIDS?
• Can teens avoid disadvantages of contraceptives?
The only way to protect yourself 100% is ABSTINENCEother birth control methods only work 99% of the time,
do you want to be the 1%?
• Tell me about a method that works against
unplanned pregnancy 100% of the time.
• Handle That Crying
• Consequences
• Self-respect
• More and more teens are CHOOSING to abstain
from sexual activity.
• Teens are also willing to talk about their
• Abstinence makes it easier to remain physically
and emotionally healthy.
• Show a clip of a TV abstinence program (One
Tree Hill)
• Do you think that participating in abstinence
program helps teens practice abstinence?
• Why or Why not?
• What are the most important advantages or
abstinence programs?
• Teens who practice sexual abstinence gain self-respect.
• Self-respect is the positive feelings you have about yourself
when you live up to your beliefs and values.
• You learn your beliefs and values from your family, religion,
and school.
• Many have been taught that sexual intimacy should occur only
between a couple that is married.
• Most also believe the relationship should be built on trust,
caring, and friendship, not just physical attraction alone.
• Teens that remain abstinent for these reasons honor their
• Some teens remain abstinent to show respect for the beliefs
and values of parents and other family members (disappoint or
hurt them).
Consequences are outcomes or effects that may occur as
a result of a decision or an action.
Sexuality activity among teens is likely to have several
consequences (some with serious and long-lasting
impacts on their lives):
• Unplanned pregnancy- most sexually active teens
don’t use birth control, or use it inconsistently. This
can damage the physical health of the mothers, it can
damage them emotionally and they aren’t financially
able to raise a child. It can also prevent or hinder
future goal
• Hypothesize buying diapers for one year.
How many times does a baby need to be
changed during the first year? Estimate for
first 32 weeks, and last 20 weeks. One pack
of disposable diapers is=___ . You would
need___ packages. Buying diapers for the
whole year would be____.
• Sexually transmitted infections (STI’s)- Sexually
active teens fail to protect themselves from STIs.
STIs can lead to lifelong health problems
(HIV/Aids), increase the risk of cancers, pose
serious health risks to future children, and even
Explanation: Most sexually transmitted infections
occur in teens and young people up to about age 25.
Although it sometimes difficult to avoid catching the
common cold and flu, there is an easy way to avoid
catching sexually transmitted infections. Abstinence.
• Emotional distress- The stress of lying and
guilt of the behavior is painful. Teens might
regret behavior that doesn’t bring love,
respect, or acceptance
• Adopt a Parent
• Peace of mind- Abstinence is the ONLY 100% effective
birth control method, and it provides 100% protection
against STIs.
• Self-respect- You are in control of your body. People
will see you as confident and a responsible person
• Time for personal growth- Abstinence gives you time
to pursue your interests and develop your talents and
• Healthy relationships- Abstinence let you avoid the
pressure of a sexual relationship. Abstinent teens can
develop meaningful relationships based on mutual
respect and shared interests.
• Use refusal skills. Say “NO” with your words, actions, and
body language.
• Stick to your values
• Walk away
• Call for a ride home
• Try to avoid the situations
You have enough responsibilities at school, home, and with
Sexual activity does NOT prove that you are grown and
You are showing more independence by choosing abstinence
by protecting your health and future.
Sit girl and boy. Maintain eye contact and say responses confidently.
Resist pressures:
• You’re the only one in the class who hasn’t had sex
• If you really loved me, you would
• It would mean so much to me
• Is there something wrong with you?
• That’s not true. But that doesn’t even matter. Abstinence is MY choice.
• If you really loved me, you would respect my decision.
• It would mean so much more to our relationship if we wait until we are
• There is nothing wrong with me. But if you think so, maybe we should
stop seeing each other.
Make a contract with yourself in which you use
goal setting for yourself to remain abstinent.
1.State your goal
2.List steps to help you reach your goal
3.Get help and support from others ( Name
4.Set up checkpoints to make sure you are staying
on target
5.Reward yourself
• Example (p. 159 in the book)