The Constitution and the Bill of Rights

The Constitution
and the Bill of
 Seat,
Quiet, Bellringer!...pleeeease?
 I’m
 In
Just a Bill – Schoolhouse Rock
your own words, describe what a bill is
and how a bill becomes a law…
Summarizing Historical Texts
 Read
the content on Page 180 under the
title “Summarizing Historical Texts”
 Next, complete the “You Try It!” Activity
on Page 181
The Federal System
system that divides power between the states
and the federal government
 Delegated powers
Certain powers assigned to the national government;
Ex – right to coin $$
 Reserved
Powers kept by the states; Ex – creating local govts.
 Concurrent
Those powers shared by the national and state
govts.; Ex – taxing
 The
Elastic Clause
Congress may “make all Laws which shall be
necessary and proper” for carrying out its duties
The Preamble!
The Articles of the Constitution…
 And
their sections!
 Create
a graphic organizer outlining the
checks and balances each branch of the
government holds on the others
 Use your textbooks and the computer to
find examples.
October 27, 2014
Do Now…
 After
quietly taking your seat, take out
your homework from last week (Graphic
Organizer and Vocabulary), pass them
down to the end of the row to be
 Turn to your Bellringer! Section, be ready
to use your “Preamble” worksheet
 List
the six goals of the U.S. Constitution
according to the Preamble…
 For each goal, write a one sentence
summary explaining what the goal
The Preamble
 To
form a more perfect union
 Getting the states to work together as a
united nation
 To establish justice
 Creating a system where every law is the
same for every American
 To insure domestic tranquility
 Giving the government the power to keep
the peace at home
The Preamble
 To
provide for the common defense
 Gives the government the ability to raise an
army and navy to protect US from foreign
 To promote the general welfare
 The government has the power to take
action in order to make life in the US better
(e.g. collect taxes)
 To secure the Blessings of liberty
 To
protect the independence and rights that
every American holds
Finish our Summaries of the
 Groups!
Articles of the Constitution
Chalk Talk…
 Create
a List of Rights you believe every
student should have at Haynes Academy
 At least 10
October 29, 2014
Do Now…
 Take
out your List of Students’ Rights you
had to make for homework, pass them
down to the end of the row to be turned
Get back in your groups to finish
your summaries of the Articles…
 20
What didn’t the Constitution
 Outlines
the rights of the National
Government and State Governments…
 What is missing?
 How would/could you fix what’s missing??
The Bill of Rights
 Proposed
by James Madison in order to get the
Constitution passed
 List of amendments that guaranteed the rights of
 Madison wrote many, HOR narrowed it down to
12, the states ratified 10, took effect in December
 1st Amendment protects basic freedoms of the
people (freedom of religion, press, speech,
assembly, and right to petition)
Amendments 2, 3, 4
 Protect
the citizens!
 Relate to colonial disputes with Britain,
reflects many ideas from Declaration of
Amendments 5, 6, 7, 8
 Rights
of the accused!
 Citizens cannot be punished or have
property seized without due process (for
the law to be fairly applied)
 Citizens cannot be tried for the same
crime twice (double jeopardy)
 Only exception, eminent domain, govt.
can seize property if it protects the public.
 Also ensures right to bail, prevents “cruel
and unusual punishment”
Amendments 9, 10
 Rights
of citizens (not mentioned in the first
8 amendments) and rights of the states
 Rights in Constitution are not only rights
the people have
 Any powers not given to federal govt.
belong to the state and the people
Bill of Rights Informational
 Study
for Quiz on articles of the U.S.
Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Vocabulary, Notes on the Federal System,
Preamble Bellringer, Summaries of the
Articles, Bill of Rights Notes, Bill of Rights
informational worksheet
October 31, 2014
Do Now…
 After
quietly taking your seat, take out
your binder and Bill of Rights materials.
 Move to your partner, if you must, to finish
the activity we started last time.
 If you were absent, see me (Mr. Glueck)
Finish Frayer Models
Frayer Model…
 10
groups (2-3 persons per group)
 Each group gets an Amendment
 Divide legal paper into 4 sections
 In Center: Write Amendment Title and circle
 4 sections:
Why it is included
Quote From the People (from 1791)
Any questions before the quiz?!?
So, What are the
responsibilities of citizens?
 What
do y’all think?
Duties of the citizen
 Obey
the law
 Military service
 Community service
 Jury duty
 Voting
 Possibly
most important right. Why?
 What do we need to do to vote?
 What advantages do we hold today over
Americans of the past?
 What are some challenges involved with
History of Voting
Could you be a citizen?
November 6, 2014
Do Now…
 Take
your seat quietly and turn to the
notes section of your binder.
Bellringer: Quiz Review!
 Powers
outlined by constitution (3 of them)?
 What clause gives Congress power to make laws
that are “necessary and proper?”
 Goals of the preamble…
 Vocabulary…
Quiz review (continued)
 The
 Bill of Rights…
Divided into 3 basic groups, which are…?
Reason first group was included?
Biggest right/idea afforded to the accused
within the second group?
Articles of the Constitution
 Pyramid
Responsibilities of the citizen
 What
are they?
Obey the law
Military service
Community service
Jury duty
 Example
of how we fulfill these
Ways to become a citizen…
 Anyone
born in the U.S. or a territory it
 People who are born in a foreign country
when at least one of their parents is a U.S.
 Becoming a naturalized citizen
Could you be a citizen?
Checks and Balances Review
 Create
a graphic organizer dividing the
Amendments in the Bill of Rights into the
reasons for why they were included
Ex: Amendments 2, 3, and 4 are basic rights
that protect the citizens.