Listening to Learn Training Program in P u r p o s e f u l L i s t e n i n g For Early Childhood Teachers PA L L AV I N A I K Principal D r. K a l m a d i S h a m a r a o H i g h S c h o o l Pune By the end of the session you will Understand the diverse purposes of listening. Will experience model activities in purposeful listening to develop early literacy skills. What do young learners listen to at school? Early Literacy Skills Phonological Awareness Following directions Rhymes Stories Listening is the Cinderella skill of language, eclipsed by its sister skills of speaking, reading and writing (Nunan, 1997; Smith, 2003). Listening is important Main channel of classroom instruction Key source of receiving new information Basis for the acquisition of all subsequent forms of communication – speaking, reading and writing Is there a difference between Listening and Hearing? Yes, there is How do we get the undivided attention of the learner? L I S T E N I N G T O L E A R N – P A L L A V I N A I K Young listeners are most successful when they listen with a purpose. Their purposes help listeners concentrate on the message, keeping their thoughts from wandering off. Purposes! Purposes! and Purposes! To enjoy language sounds To predict To identify main ideas To draw To compare and contrast To categorize To cite examples To narrate sequence of the story To visualize (meanings and feelings) To judge characters To formulate questions Listening to follow directions Pre listening – Recite the active listening chant Time for actions Time for actions Time for actions just now Time to stretch stretch Time to hop hop Time to sit sit just now Time for actions….. While listening - the learners do the actions Post listening - the learners will add a set of new actions Listening to follow instructions: How to make a cupboard fold step by step Pre listening: show the object and introduce vocabulary fold left to right, crease book fold unfold center doors. While listening: The teacher will give the instructions First: take a paper and fold from left to right, crease well and you get a book fold Then: unfold the paper Next: fold the right side to meet the crease in the center Last: fold the left side to meet the crease in the center and you get a cupboard with two doors. Post listening: describe the process to your partner. Listening to identify the S sound: The story of ‘S’ – CLAP CLAP Listening to… isolate identify Match categorize blend add and substitute Identify the missing sound Listening to enjoy sound words L I S T E N I N G T O L E Drive a motor car Drive a motor car Pomp, pomp, pomp Ride a bicycle Ride a bicycle Tring, tring, tring Fly an aeroplane Fly an aeroplane Zoom, zoom, zoom Complete the poem…. A R N – P A L L A V I N A I K Rhyming - A B partner One two buckle my shoe Three four shut the door Five six pick up the sticks Seven eight lay them straight Nine ten a big fat hen. Listen to match and add Rhyming Bingo – play the game Stories are a rich source of…. Vocabulary New information Good sentence and story grammar Stimulating imagination Increasing attention span Improving listening comprehension Listening to stories - Activity You are going to listen to your teacher read the info book Terrible Tigers. The specific purpose of listening to the narration is to ask questions to the characters in the story. Pre listening – Ask the students what is one thing they would like to know about their partner Help them to use the correct question word. Prepare a list of question words. While listening – Listen to the story and have stop and jot points Post listening – Do a whole class discussion of the answers. Lesson plan: My young learner’s listening inventory L I S T E N I N G T O L E A R N – P A L L A V I When they listen to.. Music, rhymes and songs they listen to….. Stories, they listen to….. Sounds, they listen to…… Instructions, they listen to …… N A I K Chronologically children listen before they speak, speak before they read and read before they write.