EXAM FEEDBACK Lessons learned from UNIT 1 ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE 1 KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING Principal Examiners are impressed by candidates knowledge and understanding in some themes – with some excellent use of examples in: • Theme 2 Impacts of climate change • Theme 3 Earthquake mitigation • Theme 6 Regional inequality in a named country Across all papers there were candidates who used appropriate terminology accurately. WHAT DIDN’T GO SO WELL? • Knowledge of examples is more sketchy in other themes. For example: • Theme 1 – some Foundation tier candidates struggled to describe the formation of a meander and use terminology accurately (such as slip-off slope). • Theme 4 – Higher tier candidates were comfortable with migration to cities in developing countries where urbanisation is rapid but struggled to find an example from a country at a different level of development. • Theme 5 – many candidates struggled to provide any detail about the benefits of globalisation to a named NIC. ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE 1 A grade Candidates recall, select and communicate detailed knowledge and thorough understanding of places, environments, concepts and locations at a range of scales. They use geographical terminology accurately and appropriately. Candidates recall, select and communicate knowledge and C grade understanding of places, environments, concepts and locations across different scales. They use geographical terminology appropriately. Candidates recall, select and communicate knowledge and F grade some limited aspects of understanding about places, environments and concepts at more than one scale. They communicate their ideas using everyday language. NAMING AN EXAMPLE IS NEVER ENOUGH How should a candidate demonstrate AO1 of place? DISCUSSION POINT 1 How do we encourage students to move beyond naming their example? 1. Discuss Candidate response 1 to 4. • What has been done well? • What could be improved? 2. Create a simple 3 level mark scheme that just assesses AO1 for these questions. While we are thinking about Ghana, Africa is not a country! • Botswana is one of the top 13 achievers in the world when it comes to sustained economic growth. It has been democratic and peaceful since its independence. It is an African country. • Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the most tragic economic disasters in the world. It has been plagued by despots and war since its independence. Millions have died since the Second Congo War broke out in 1998. It is the poorest country in the world. Congo DR is also an African country. • SOURCE www.gapminder.org DISCUSSION POINT 2 country Cell phones Per 100 people GNI per capita ppp Access to improved water % Botswana ? 14560 96 Congo DR 23 ? 45 / 55 / 65 Ghana 84 ? 86 Kenya 64 1720 49 / 59 /69 Malawi 15 / 25 / 35 870 83 106 / 116 / 126 10790 ? South Africa DID YOU GET IT RIGHT? country Cell phones Per 100 people GNI per capita Access to ppp improved water % Botswana 143 14560 96 Congo DR 23 350 45 Ghana 84 1820 86 Kenya 64 1720 59 Malawi 25 870 83 South Africa 126 10790 91 AO1 AND COUNTRIES AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DEVELOPMENT Higher tier • Three examples were required in the Higher tier paper. • The Theme 4 question created most problems. Theme 2 Describe the possible effects of climate change on the Netherlands and on one other country at a different level of development. Theme 3 Explain why the effects of earthquakes may vary in countries at different levels of development. Theme 4 Explain how different factors have encouraged migration to cities within countries at different levels of development. RE-URBANISATION Theme 4 Migration Source: http://www.neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/HTMLDocs/dvc25/ WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO INSTEAD OF MEDC / LEDC? DISCUSSION POINT 3 agree 1 It’s best to stick to LEDC / MEDC. 2 The specification requires a study of a country in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Europe. 3 I have to study India or China. 4 I can reduce the number of case studies by teaching India as its an NIC and its in South Asia. 5 Regional inequality has to be studied in an LEDC. 6 The specification has about the right number of place studies. 7 The new specification should list specific countries disagree Using the UN definitions Least Developed Countries Landlocked developing countries Small Island Developing States (SIDs) NIC: DOES IT HAVE TO BE INDIA OR CHINA? • The question asks for knowledge of benefits of globalisation to people in any NIC “such as India and China”. • Centres may use appropriate resources to teach about any NIC. WHICH NIC CAN I TEACH? The usual suspects: Brazil Russia India China Mexico South Africa ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE 2 A grade They apply appropriate knowledge and understanding of a wide range of geographical concepts, processes and patterns in a variety of both familiar and unfamiliar physical and human contexts. They recognise and understand complex relationships between people and the environment, identifying and evaluating current problems and issues, and making perceptive and informed geographical decisions. They understand how these can contribute to a future that is sustainable. C grade They apply their knowledge and understanding of geographical concepts, processes and patterns in a variety of both familiar and unfamiliar physical and human contexts. They understand relationships between people and the environment, identifying and explaining different problems and issues and making geographical decisions that are supported by reasons, including sustainable approaches. F grade They apply their understanding of some simple physical and human processes and patterns in different contexts. They recognise simple relationships between people and the environment. They identify problems and issues and make decisions informed by simple reasons and evidence. ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE 2 APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING The ability of Foundation tier candidates to apply their knowledge and understanding to unfamiliar contexts and achieve AO2 marks is improving at the foundation level and this was evident in questions 5 (a) and 5 (b). WHAT DIDN’T GO SO WELL? • It is reasonable to expect a Foundation candidate at the C grade to be able to consider different viewpoints but a great many responses in question 1 (c) did little more than repeat the content of the resource. Only a small minority of very good candidates referred to the issue of increased building on floodplains due to housing demand or the impact of climate change which is making extreme rainfall events more common. • Question 5 (c) also tended to be answered in very general terms which described how countries have increased their levels of development, referring to little more than increased jobs and higher incomes achieved through globalisation and there was generally very little reference to specific detail on named countries such as India and China. DISCUSSION POINT 4 How do we encourage students to apply their understanding of processes to unfamiliar contexts? 1. Discuss Candidate response 5 to 8. • What has been done well? • What could be improved? 2. Create a simple 3 level mark scheme that just assesses AO2 for these questions. RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS Supporting teaching and learning wjec.co.uk/geography Free subject specific resources available for all to download from our website resources.wjec.co.uk Free digital resources to support the teaching and learning of a broad range of subjects oer.wjec.co.uk Our free Online Exam Review allows teachers to analyse item level data, critically assess sample question papers and receive examiner feedback wjec.co.uk/shop A vast range of educational resources, specifications, past papers and mark schemes to support the teaching and learning of subjects offered by WJEC Any Questions? andrew.owen@wjec.co.uk