New Student Organization Workshop Presented by: Office of Campus Activities 434 Curry Student Center 617-373-2642 Office of Campus Activities Your Campus Activities Partners Jason Foster, Director of Campus Activities Chiquita Baylor, Assistant Director of Campus Activities Jace Kirschner, Assistant Director of Campus Activities Sarah Weiner, Assistant Director of Campus Activities Jeffrey Benham, Programming and Ticket Manager Dan Daskivich, Coordinator of Campus Activities, Events/Scheduling Quinn Snellings, Administrative Assistant Ashley Tobin, Graduate Assistant/Program Manager Rose Harvey, Co-op Office of Campus Activities Groups to Know… Student Involvement Board (undergraduate organizations) • Committee within SGA responsible for making the final recommendation to Campus Activities regarding student organization formation Graduate Student Government (graduate organizations) • Responsible for making the final recommendation to Campus Activities regarding graduate student organization foundation Office of Campus Activities Benefits of Being Recognized • Access to room reservations • Accounts and fiscal assistance within the Student Activities Business Office (SABO) • Ability to fundraise and host programs/events • Full use of the 240 Resource Room • Opportunity to recruit at Activities Fairs and host tables for information • Access to Student Activity Fee (undergraduates) and Graduate Activity Fee (graduates) • Access to a Program Manager within Campus Activities • Ability to advertise and use the Northeastern name and brand • Access to OrgSync • MUCH MUCH MORE Office of Campus Activities Responsibilities of Recognized Organizations • Must register with Campus Activities once per semester • Must check mailbox in Resource Room at least once per week • All organizations must maintain at least 12 active members • Must read, understand and abide by all policies and procedures in the Student Activities Handbook • Must meet regularly with Program Manager to discuss programming and other initiatives to ensure adherence to policy • Must have a full-time faculty or staff advisor Office of Campus Activities Undergraduate vs. Graduate Organizations Graduate Organizations • Defined as an organization where graduate students are the main audience and/or the executive boards are comprised of any graduate students Undergraduate Organizations • Defined as an organization where undergraduate students are the main audience and/or the executive boards are comprised of any undergraduate students Undergraduate students may not serve on the E-boards of graduate organizations, and vice versa Office of Campus Activities How to Begin Creating a graduate or undergraduate group begins with the same steps: • Students should log-into OrgSync via (select Northeastern from the “Custom Log-in” section.) • If you are new to the system: fill out a profile and click on “Join an Org” at the top. If you are a member of an organization within the system already: click on “My Orgs” at the top and then select “Join an Org” from the drop-down. • At the top will be a tab labeled “Register an Organization” • Complete the steps to register your organization, and click “submit” • Be sure to save the PDF copy of your submission when you have completed • Then, visit the Campus Activities website and complete the “New Organization Roster Submission Form.” All proposed organizations must have at least 12 active members Office of Campus Activities Letter of Support • Each proposed new organization, regardless of graduate or undergraduate status, must obtain a letter of support from a full-time member of the university staff or faculty • For details on who will need to author your letter of support, please visit our website for details. Office of Campus Activities Document Review • Once you have submitted all of the requirements mentioned so far, your organization will be reviewed by the Director of Campus Activities • Your organization will be reviewed by the Director for the following: • Appeal to the student body • Longevity • Risk or liability concerns • Potential competition with or duplication of an already recognized student organization Depending on the type of organization, this review process may take some time and could possibly require review from other campus offices such as Risk Management, Student Affairs, NUPD or the Office of the Provost. While uncommon, it is possible that your group may not be approved at this review stage. Office of Campus Activities Tentative Recognition • Congratulations! When you receive Tentative Recognition, it means that your organization has passed preliminary review and grants you permission to advance to the next and final step of recognition • Tentative Recognition also allows you to also reserve a total of 3 rooms for the purpose of meeting with your organization members to finalize the recognition process • Tentative Recognition is only valid for two semesters. If your organization does not achieve full recognition during that time, you may be required to repeat the process The deadline to obtain Tentative Recognition for the 2011-2012 academic year is March 2, 2012. Organizations not obtaining Tentative Recognition by that time must wait until the following academic year to complete the process. Office of Campus Activities Tentative Recognition • Tentative Recognition does not mean that you have all of the benefits of fully recognized organizations. During Tentative Recognition, groups ARE NOT able to: • Host programs or sponsor fundraisers • Access student activity fees • Reserve large programming spaces such as Blackman, afterHOURS, CSC Ballroom, Kerr Hall, Fenway Center, etc. • Host recruitment tables at the Activities Fair or in tabling locations • Utilize the 240 Resource Room • Etc… Instead of operating as a fully recognized organization, you should be using this time to finalize the recognition process and set goals for when you do become recognized Office of Campus Activities Now here is where the process changes slightly: Graduate Organizations • Once Tentative Recognition is achieved, graduate organizations must present to the GSG in order to have their constitution reviewed and present for final recognition. Undergraduate Organizations • Once Tentative Recognition is achieved, undergraduate organizations will be contacted by a member of the SIB to begin writing their constitution and to prepare for the final board presentation. Office of Campus Activities Final Presentations • Once your constitutions have been written and reviewed by either GSG or the SIB, your organization will be assigned a presentation date to present to the respective board • Presentations are allotted between 10-15 minutes to illustrate their idea to the board and take questions from its members • It is highly recommended that more than one individual from your organization attend this presentation – it will illustrate that you have the much needed support to succeed! • In your presentation, be sure to highlight your group mission, goals, programming ideas, recruitment techniques and how your organization can add something new to student life at Northeastern Office of Campus Activities Possible Outcomes Recommendation for Full Recognition • The respective board can recommend to Campus Activities that your organization be recognized formally on campus with no changes or contingencies • If Campus Activities accepts the recommendation, the group is issued a notice of full recognition and is granted all privileges of recognized organizations on campus Recommendation for Full Recognition – pending revisions • The board may request that before they issue their recommendation, that you make changes to your constitution, group name, structure, etc. • This is the most common Office of Campus Activities Possible Outcomes Denial of Recognition • Your organization can be denied for a number of reasons: • Overlap of missions with an already existing organization • Lack of student appeal or evidence of longevity • Inappropriate or offensive content • Structural concerns • Failure to illustrate long-term planning • Failure to illustrate contributions to student life • Insufficient presentation • Etc… In the event of a denial of recognition, your organization may continue to work with the respective board and Campus Activities to address concerns that led to the denial. Once addressed, the organization may present once again. Office of Campus Activities When it’s all said and done… • Submit a paper copy of the SABO Account Registration Form in order to set-up your accounts •Set-up a meeting with your Campus Activities Program Manager to discuss your programming goals and schedule for the year • Set a regular meeting time and advertise via OrgSync • Set up a meeting with your advisor, treasurer and SABO staff to discuss financial responsibilities and how to manage your organization funds • Populate your OrgSync profile with officer names and profiles • Begin making plans for successful officer transitions • Begin building your website • Recruit more members! Office of Campus Activities Let us know how we can help! Office of Campus Activities