(case sensitive) And there is this. Google Forms will change your world. Molly Ebbers Karcher Middle School Agenda: • What are Google Forms and why do you really want to use them? • Basics for creating a form. • Making forms available to others • Finding and organizing data • Suggestions for use Advanced Optional Agenda • Create a self grading form OR • Make your own form Google Forms What else? * Plan your holiday parties, showers, vacations. * Plan a pot luck * Embed practice quizzes in a website * Forms for work checks or classroom behavior. * Readers workshop response * Create Rubrics Create a Google Form For GAFE users (Google Apps for educator) •Getting the new Forms: If you are using your school account, you may not see the new forms yet. In that case, have your GAFE administrator go to their Dashboard, then to "Domain Settings". From there they should click on "General" and then "New User Features". If they select "Rapid Release" all the users in your GAFE domain should get these new releases right away! What are Google forms • Part of the Google Drive suite. • Create forms and surveys. • Delivered Electronically • Responses are collected in a Google Drive spreadsheet. Why Use Google Forms? • • • • • • • • Simple to Use Wide variety of uses, in and out of the classroom. Variety of ways to deliver the from. Responses are collected electronically. And it is paperless. (you don't have to get up early to sneak in 130 copies at the copier ever again). Responses are collected electronically. Quickly and easily collect data. Integrated into Google Drive Create a new form. From your Google Drive homepage click the create button and choose form. Let's get started: Your Form If you do not want to see this window when you open a form, uncheck. Click OK when you have chosen your theme. • • Choose your theme or background. Tip: If you are embedding in a website leave the theme plain. Why? Let's get started: Your Form • • If you are sharing your form or survey outside of the district be sure to uncheck the box requiring district sign in. • Collecting user name automatically may seem like a good idea, student usernames are randomly populated. Let's get started: Your Form Name your form. Click on the words UNTITLED FORM to name your form, this will also be the name for your spreadsheet. OR Click on Rename in the file menu and enter the name of your form. Let's get started: Your Form Let's get started: Your Form By default you are given the first question. Let's get started: Your Form You can send users to another page based on the response. Let's get started: Your Form Question Title is the actual question. TIP: STUDENT NAME SHOULD BE FIRST QUESTION, CLASS PERIOD SHOULD BE SECOND QUESTION. Let's get started: Your Form • • Help Text is anything you want to tell the form user that might be helpful. (hints) You do not need to use help text. Let's get started: Your Form Choose your question type. Choose your question type. Text- this is a simple one line text field used for one word to one sentence answers. ex: name, email, Paragraph Text- A multi-line field. Used for longer responses to a question. Multiple choice- Allows only one answer to be selected. Checkboxes-Allows multiple answers to be selected. Choose from a list- Create a drop down list of possible answers to choose. Scale- Create a "rating" scale for responses. Used for such questions as"rate your interest in your readers workshop book". Grid-Create several questions which are use the same rating scale. Date- Drop down menu to choose a date such as birthday. Time- Drop down menu to choose a time. Sample Questions Sample Question By clicking , the form cannot be submitted without answer. Click Done to complete your question. Click "add item" and create your next question. Your Form Edit Duplicate Question Delete Question Add a section header If you'd like to divide your form into sections to make it easier to read and complete, add a section header. From the Insert menu, select Section header. Add an image To add an image to your form, click the Insert menu, and select Image. Once you've uploaded the image, you can give it a title and specify what text will appear when someone hovers over the image. You can specify individual collaborators with whom you'd like to share your form for editing. To add a collaborator, begin typing his or her name in the "Add people" text box. Embed a form on a website or blog If you'd like to embed your form in a website or blog after you create your form, click the Send form button at the end of your form and select the Embed option. Alternatively, go to the File menu and select Embed. You can then paste the generated HTML into your site or blog. Copy A Form: Awesome! You can now copy a form and have more than one user. If you and another content teacher want to use the same form, you no longer have to share a spreadsheet. Choose a response destination. View your form's spreadsheet The spreadsheet is where you will find responses. From spreadsheet back to form Go to live form. Your from lives on the web to go to the form that your respondents will see click go to live form. When you are done accepting responses toggle this item. HOW TO SHARE YOUR FORM. Share your form. Let me count the ways. Copy and paste code into your website. Share your form. Let me count the ways. In your school website. Copy and paste code. Share your form. Let me count the ways. In your Google site website. 3. Choose the form. 1. 2. 4. Share your form. Let me count the ways. Copy, paste and share LIVE web address. Remember your live address is different from the edit address. URL Shorteners Share your form. Let me count the ways. From the spreadsheet From the edit form. Finding and organizing data. Retrieving and organizing data. Access spreadsheet from the form or from Google Drive. Retrieving and organizing data. Retrieving and organizing data. Templates How to find templates. Back to Google Drive How to find templates. How about a self grading template? 1. Open From Template 2. Select Public Templates 3. Type "WORCESTER" in the search bar. 4. Click search 2. 1. 3. How to find templates. How about a self grading template? 1. Open From Template 2. Select Public Templates 3. Type "WORCESTER" in the search bar. 4. Click search 2. 1. 3. How to find templates. How about a self grading template? 1. Scroll to second page of worcester templates. 2. Choose the template that is best for your needs. 3. Click use this template. 4. Edit for your purposes. How to find templates. How about a self grading template? In the spreadsheet for your form enter the correct answers in the first row. When you are ready to look at the scores for the responses, click on the score tab at the bottom of the sheet. Enter Correct answers Holy Moly! It is graded! Advanced Resources: Flubaroo- Another way to create self grading forms. Creating a rubric to grade and share with students. Doctopus Goobric