Rural Youth Development Grant Program Budgets and Accounting Nancy Valentine, Ed.D. National Program Leader, 4-H Rural Youth Development Grantee Training June 2011 Crowne Plaza at Historic Union Station Adapted by National FFA 6/22/11 Budget Writing Tips (1 of 5) • Use Budgetary Details Information Sheet • Explain budget requests in proposal narrative • Link budget requests to project outcomes • Provide more rather than less information • Cost must be reasonable • Include purpose, # people, # miles, unit cost, total cost, how often Budget Writing Tips (2 of 5) • Line items must add & multiply correctly • Categories must sub-total correctly • Sub-totals must add correctly • Correct sub-totals must transfer accurately to budget form • Use round numbers; .50 or more up; less than .50 down Budget Writing Tips (3 of 5) Group and explain items Items to establish a community garden 5 garden rakes @$15.00 $75.00 100 metal stakes @ $5.00 $500.00 20 rolls wire fencing @ $20.00 $400.00 Sub-Total $975.00 Budget Writing Tips (4 of 5) Group and Explain Items Food Preservation Workshops •5 pressure cookers @ $30.00 $150.00 •5 large canning kettles @ 15.00 75.00 •5 food blenders @ $20.00 100.00 Sub-Total $325.00 Materials and Supplies Total $1,300.00 Budget Writing Tips (5 of 5) Questions: National organization office first; they can contact staff at NIFA Budget Categories Salaries (1 of 2) • Show work by academic & summer or calendar months • Give total months--1 person 100% for 12 mos.; 1 person 50% for 6 mos. = 18 months • Salary & fringe only for project budget period • Salary cannot exceed regular rate of pay Budget Categories Salaries (2 of2) • Not allowable at Chapter level •Include role, FTE%, how fringe was calculated • Secretarial staff must be significantly above regular duties to count on grant Budget Categories Nonexpendable Equipment (1 of 2) • Items equal or more than $500 (lower than NIFA - $5,000) and useful for more than 1 yr. •Items less than $500 go in “materials & supplies” • Justification needed for similar equipment purchased before • Purchase early in the project Budget Categories Nonexpendable Equipment (2 of 2) • Include descriptions, purpose, costs, time used • General purpose items (office equipment) not allowed Budget Categories Materials & Supplies • Materials & supplies to conduct community projects • Materials & supplies for learning activities at meetings (markers, notebooks, paper) • Curriculum • Give purpose, # youth & adults, cost per unit, # meetings Budget Categories Travel (1 of 2) • Must relate specifically to grant • Youth travel needs measurable purpose & outcomes • Include number of people, costs, purpose, destination, dates, mode of transportation • Foreign travel needs prior NIFA approval Budget Categories Travel (2 of 2) • Overnight should include per diem meals & lodging • Must follow organization’s written travel policies Budget Categories Formal Publications Costs • Publishing in journal or program related publication • Commercial printing for program materials • Give cost for layout, design, printing, #copies, purpose Budget Categories Student Assistance/Support • Training programs for youth & adult volunteers to implement program • Include purpose, # youth & adults, duration, location, travel, & all other costs Budget Categories Other Direct Costs-Equipment/Facility Rental •Provide type of equipment/facility to be rented, purpose, length of time needed, rental rate, how rental rate was established Budget Categories Other • Used for other costs not listed above • Purpose and cost details are needed for each item Budget Categories Other—Communications • Mailings, postage, express mail, faxes, long distance phone Other—Photocopying • In-house photocopying of materials Budget Categories Other—Conference/Meetings • Conference/meeting not related to training youth & adults • Includes facility rental, equipment, travel, per diem for participants • Include purpose, cost per item, # people, amount of time • Ex: Community education workshops on food preservation Budget Categories Other—Speaker/Trainer • Speakers are discouraged due to limited short-term impact Other—Honorariums •For staff who are working in excess of salaried time; policies must allow