EQ: How does Eli Whitney’s cotton gin lead to the Civil War? Cotton: White Gold of Georgia: Today and Yesterday Cotton was a profitable crop but was not grown on a large scale because of the slow and difficult process of removing seeds from cotton bolls in order to produce a usable fiber Invention of cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 changed this situation Gin could easily and quickly remove seeds Caused a fantastic explosion in southern cotton production 3000 bales in 1790 178,000 bales in 1810 732,000 bales in 1830 4.5 million bales in 1860 South became the world’s leading producer of cotton by 1842 Produced 2/3s world output and 65% of all American exports Cotton mills in north depended on southern cotton Prosperity in South caused by cotton made it a major market for northern manufactured products Cotton was an important part of American prosperity and economic well-being In 1860, 25% of all Southerners owned slaves. Of that 25% 52% owned 1-5 slaves 35% owned 6-9 slaves 11% owned 20-99 slaves 1 % owned 100 or more slaves Those who owned 20 or more slaves - about 3% of the entire white population - controlled the social, political, and economic power of the South. http://www.gpb.org/georgiastories/story/king _cotton_and_the_cotton_gin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAUQNM ldp_Y&feature=related Cotton in the fields Pictures of Cotton: The plant Bales are ready for ginning and finally: Jeans, clothes, etc. Collecting of cotton to be ginned Ginning: The 2nd picture you can see the seeds at the bottom The seeds after ginning process Cotton: the final version A Modern Cotton Gin. MODERN COTTON GIN PICKING COTTON 1. How does the cotton gin work? 2. What products are made from cotton? 3. How do you think this cotton gin affects the slaves? 4. How do you think this cotton gin helps the plantation owners? 5. What would happen if this would never have been developed? How would it have changed life then and now? 6. How did Whitney’s cotton gin lead to the Civil War?