MIPS Project -

MIPS Project -- Simics
Yang Diyi
• Introduction to Simics
• Simics Installation
– Linux
– Windows
• Guide to Labs
– General idea
• Score Policy
Introduction to Simics
• An efficient, instrumented, system level instruction
set simulator
• Uses: program analysis, computer architecture
research, and kenerl debugging
Simics Installation
• Installation under Linux
– For detailed procedure, refer to MIPS Page
– Space requirement:
• 400MB for initial
• 1.5G for images
• Additional space
– Simics provided
• ftp: //820711:public@public.sjtu.edu.cn/Simics/
• File name: simics-pal-3.0.31-linux.tar
Simics Installation
• Several steps
– Check compatibility
• $ gcc --version #for GCC
• $ g++ --version #for G++
• $ ldd --version #for Glibc
– Install
• Copy the package to /opt and extract
– Command: /opt$ tar –xvf simics-pal-3.0.31-linux.tar
– Root priviledge
• Run
– /opt$ cd simics-3.0-install
– /opt/simics-3.0-install$ ./install-simics.sh
Simics Installation
• After installation
– Remove or rename the file libgcc_s.so.1 in directory
simics/x86-linux/sys/lib (rm)
– Setting up your license by copying it to simcis/license
• Image setup
– Three images
– Copy them to same directory, add it to start-up commands
Guide to Labs
• Lab 1 through 3 are required
• Directed portion(whose answer is
– Observe the running of different CPUs by benchmark code
– Make analysis and comparisons among them
• Open portion
– Reasonable is ok
Guide to Labs
• Lab1
– Some simple observation and analysis problem
– Design a processor and an ISA
• Lab2
– Memory hierarchy
– Cache, parameters, replacement policies
• Lab3
– Virtual experiments
– TLB performances
Guide to Labs
• Report
– Answers to corresponding questions
– Analysis on Execution information
– Designed Details
– Anything gained from Simics
• Presentation
Score Policy
• ~20 points
• Report (Date: 5.9)
• Directed Portion + Optional
– A good job will earn extra points
• Presentation – 5 min(Date: 5.12)