New York State District-wide Growth Goal Setting Process: Student Learning Objectives Webinar 2 (REVISED FEBRUARY 2012) Teacher Evaluation Formula 60 EBOP, etc. 20 20 Growth Local 100 Student Learning Objectives (focus of this webinar!) 2 Sample Teacher SLO Data Spreadsheet All the principal needs is the aggregate to determine whether or not the target was met. Target: 80% of students will demonstrate mastery of LOTE standards for Spanish 3 as evidenced by a score of 75 or higher on the final assessment AVG: 86 CLASS AVERAGE Student Name HISTORICAL DATA Class Period AVG: 83 Spanish 1 Final Spanish 2 Final Scores Scores BASELINE FINAL TARGET ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT AVG: 60 AVG: 85 AVG: 90% Spanish 3 Baseline Assessment Spanish 3 Final Assessment Met Target (YES/NO) Student 1 Spanish 3 70 73 44 80 Yes Student 2 Spanish 3 91 85 65 91 Yes Student 3 Spanish 3 91 95 68 86 Yes Student 4 Spanish 3 94 85 69 86 Yes Student 5 Spanish 3 75 78 45 75 Yes Student 6 Spanish 3 72 74 51 68 No Student 7 Spanish 3 89 93 56 94 Yes Student 8 Spanish 3 81 80 62 90 Yes Student 9 Student 10 Spanish 3 100 98 68 98 Yes 63 80 Yes Spanish 3 97 73 Key Messages for Student Learning Objectives SLOs name what students need to know and be able to do by the end of the year. SLOs place student learning at the center of the conversation. SLOs are a critical part of all great educators’ practice. SLOs are an opportunity to document the impact educators make with students. Key Messages for SLOs continued… SLOs provide principals with critical information that can be used to manage performance, differentiate and target professional development, and focus supports for teachers. The SLO process encourages collaboration within school buildings. School leaders are accountable for ensuring all teachers have SLOs that will support their district and school goals. 5 KEY DISTRICT DECISIONS 5 District Decisions (recommended by 5/31/2012) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assess and identify district priorities and academic needs. Identify who will have State-provided growth measures and who must have SLOs as “comparable growth measures.” Determine district rules for how specific SLOs will get set. Establish expectations for scoring SLOs and for determining teacher ratings for the growth component. Determine district-wide processes for setting, reviewing, and assessing SLOs in schools. 3/01 4/16 5/31 Note: These dates are recommended so NTI participants are prepared for their training sessions. 7 DECISION 1: ASSESS AND IDENTIFY DISTRICT PRIORITIES AND NEEDS Step 1. District Leaders Assess and Identify Priorities and Needs* • What are the District’s overall priorities, needs, and long-term goals? • HINT: refer to your district strategic plans, and ensure alignment to the Common Core. • HINT: remember that principals and teachers will be held accountable to goals aligned with the district’s stated priorities. • HINT: the more prescriptive district level goals are, the less variation you will see in (content and rigor of) school/classroom goals. *See Attachment 1 and 2 of Resource 1: “New Paltz Educational Master Plan” and “Batavia City Schools Comprehensive District Education Plan” for two examples of districts whose goals and priorities set them up for learning and success. 9 DECISION 2: WHO NEEDS AN SLO FOR GROWTH MEASUREMENT? THREE TYPES OF TEACHERS • Teacher 1: Those who have a State provided growth measure and are not required to have an SLO. • Teacher 2: Those who have a State provided growth measure, and yet, are required to have an SLO because less than 50% of their students are covered by the State provided growth measure. • Teacher 3: Those who are required to have an SLO and do not have a State provided growth measure. 11 Required SLOs: Reference Guide Please see the “Required SLOs: Reference Guide” for NYSED’s rules for teachers who have SLOs for State Growth 12 Test Your Knowledge: State Provided Growth Measure or SLO? Teacher State Provided GrowthState Provided Growth Measure Test Your Knowledge: Measure or SLO? or SLO? 5th Grade Common Branch Teacher 8th Grade ELA Teacher Elementary Art Teacher - Two 2nd grade Art sections with 20 students each; - Two 4th grade Art sections with 25 students each; - One 5th grade Art section with 30 students. 7th Grade Math and Science Teacher - Two 7th grade Math sections with 30 students each; - Two 7th grade Science sections with 25 students each; - One Advanced 7th grade Science section with 20 students. High School CTE Teacher - 150 students across 5 sections of Agricultural Science (all use same final assessment) 8th Grade Science Teacher - One 8th grade Science section with 30 students; - Four 8th grade Advanced Science sections with 28 students each. Test Your Knowledge: State Provided Growth Measure or SLO? Teacher State Provided GrowthState Provided Growth Measure Test Your Knowledge: Measure or SLO? or SLO? 5th Grade Common Branch Teacher State Provided Growth SGP/VA 8th Grade ELA Teacher State Provided Growth SGP/VA Elementary Art Teacher - Two 2nd grade Art sections with 20 students each; - Two 4th grade Art sections with 25 students each; - One 5th grade Art section with 30 students. SLO: 7th Grade Math and Science Teacher - Two 7th grade Math sections with 30 students each; - Two 7th grade Science sections with 25 students each; - One Advanced 7th grade Science section with 20 students. SLO: High School CTE Teacher - 150 students across 5 sections of Agricultural Science (all use same final assessment) SLO: 8th Grade Science Teacher - One 8th grade Science section with 30 students; - Four 8th grade Advanced Science sections with 28 students each. SLO: • 1 SLO for 4th grade Art sections • 1 SLO for 2nd grade Art sections • 1 SLO for 7th grade math (will receive State provided growth SGP) • 1 SLO for 7th grade Science • 1 SLO for Agricultural Science sections • 1 SLO for 8th grade Advanced Science sections DECISION 3: HOW WILL SLOs GET SET? Assessment Options for SLOs: Reference Guide Please see the “Assessment Options for SLOs: Reference Guide” for NYSED’s rules for assessment options for teachers who have SLOs for State Growth 16 What Assessment Do I Use to Measure Growth in SLOs? Teacher Assessment Scenario District Decision Points Scenario 1: Teacher’s course ends in a State assessment, but teacher is still required to have an SLO (see Teacher 2 and some Teacher 3 on Slide 19). Scenario 2: Teacher’s course does not end in a State assessment, but is a 6-7 Science or 6-8 Social Studies course. Scenario 3: Teacher’s course does not end in a State or Regent assessment and is not a 6-7 Science or 6-8 Social Studies course. 17 What Assessment Do I Use to Measure Growth in SLOs? Teacher Assessment Scenario District Decision Points Scenario 1: Teacher’s course ends District has no decision to make. Use State assessment (or Regent in a State assessment, but teacher equivalent) with SLO. is still required to have an SLO (see Teacher 2 and some Teacher 3 on Slide 19). Scenario 2: Teacher’s course does not end in a State assessment, but is a 6-7 Science or 6-8 Social Studies course. District has to determine which assessment option they will use with the SLO district-wide for the grade/subject: 1. State approved 3rd party assessment 2. District, regional or BOCES – developed assessment Scenario 3: Teacher’s course does not end in a State or Regents assessment and is not a 6-7 Science or 6-8 Social Studies course. District has to determine which assessment option they will use with the SLO district-wide for the grade/subject: 1. State approved 3rd party assessment 2. District, regional or BOCES – developed assessment 3. School- or BOCES-wide, group, or team results based on State assessments See: for the full list of State-approved 3rd party assessment options. 18 Mapping District Decisions for Assessments Please see the “District Decisions for Assessments: Growth and Locally Selected Measures” for a spreadsheet that can be used to map District decisions for SLOs and other locally selected measures. 19 Mapping District Decisions for Assessments Please see the “District Decisions for Assessments: Growth and Locally Selected Measures” for a spreadsheet that can be used to map District decisions for SLOs and other locally selected measures. 20 Mapping District Decisions for Assessments Please see the “District Decisions for Assessments: Growth and Locally Selected Measures” for a spreadsheet that can be used to map District decisions for SLOs and other locally selected measures. 21 Next Steps from NYSED February 2012 – May 2012 – April 2012 June 2012 • Webinar 3: Key District Decisions: 4 and 5 • Further Guidance • State provided training on Principal evaluation, including SLOs • Ongoing pilot • Webinar 4: Discussion on Questions from the Field • Additional tools, resources, exemplars in response to field needs Summer 2012 • Continued State provided training • Additional tools, resources, exemplars in response to field needs • Further Guidance • Further Guidance • State provided training • Ongoing pilot 22 QUESTIONS? Please email: 23