American Leaders - Polk School District

(Historical Figures)
A. a statue of a person who lived in the
B. a person who made a difference in the
lives of his/her people.
C. a person whose life changed the world in
some significant or important way.
Let’s see if the following slides can help you
figure out the correct answer/s!
Who fought for women’s right to vote and
other women’s rights?
a. Frederick Douglass
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Paul Revere
Who warned the American Patriots (colonists
who fought for freedom) that the British were
a. Frederick Douglass
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Paul Revere
Who fought for civil rights and the abolition
of slavery?
a. Frederick Douglass
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Paul Revere
Who fought for voting rights for all and
created the “Great Society”?
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. Eleanor Roosevelt
Who was the president who created the
“New Deal” to help his people from the Great
Depression and who led us to win World War
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. Eleanor Roosevelt
Who helped establish the United Nations and
fought for human rights? She was also the
eyes and ears of the president?
a. Mary McLeod Bethune
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Eleanor Roosevelt
Who founded a school for African American
(black) people?
a. Mary McLeod Bethune
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Eleanor Roosevelt
Who fought for workers’ right to form a union
or an organization?
a. Cesar Chavez
b. Thurgood Marshall
c. Lyndon Johnson
Who fought against racial segregation in the
public school? He later became the first
African American (black) Supreme Court
a. Cesar Chavez
b. Thurgood Marshall
c. Lyndon Johnson
What is a historical figure?
A. a statue of a person who lived in the
B. a person who made a difference in the
lives of his/her people.
C. a person whose life changed the world in
some significant or important way.
1734 – 1818
1818 – 1895
1820 – 1906
1875 – 1955
1882 – 1945
1884 – 1962
1908 – 1973
1908 – 1993
1927 – 1993
Paul Revere
Frederick Douglass
Susan B. Anthony
Mary McLeod Bethune
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Lyndon Johnson
Thurgood Marshall
Cesar Chavez
We will be looking at a political map of the
United States. A political map is a map that
represents a country’s territories,
boundaries, and capitals (most important
Let’s review the different states. What are the
states that are in the northern hemisphere?
Southern hemisphere? Eastern hemisphere?
Western Hemisphere?
Paul Revere—Massachusetts
Frederick Douglass—Maryland
Susan B. Anthony—Massachusetts
Mary McLeod Bethune—South Carolina
Franklin Roosevelt—New York, then Massachusetts
Eleanor Roosevelt—New York
Thurgood Marshall—Maryland
Lyndon Johnson—Texas
Cesar Chavez—Arizona ,then California
Label you map with the names of these historical
Who warned the American Patriots (colonists
who fought for freedom) that the British were
coming in boats?
a. Frederick Douglass
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Paul Revere
Watch the following
link and answer the
following questions:
1. Why did the colonists rebel against the
2. What did Paul Revere do to warn the
patriots the British were coming?
3. How would the British attack the
Liberty means
freedom from unfair
 Can you use this word
in a sentence?
Colony means a
community that
belongs to another
country. Our country
was once a colony.
Read information about Paul Revere on
pages 1 and 2.
 Let’s look at the map of the 13 colonies.
 Answer study guide on Paul Revere on
page 5.
Who fought for civil rights and the abolition
of slavery?
a. Frederick Douglass
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Paul Revere
Watch his video.
How can you know if a person is a slave?
Do we need to abolish the law against
texting while driving or treating certain
people as slaves?
Read pages 3 and 4
answer page 6
(Frederick Douglass
Study Guide)
 Let’s write/type about Paul
Revere and Frederick Douglass!
Who fought for women’s right to vote and
other women’s rights?
a. Frederick Douglass
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Paul Revere
Read a book
about Susan B.
Anthony, or
watch her video
 Read
about Susan B.
Anthony and
answer study
guide on pages
7, 8, and 11.
Who founded a school for African American
(black) people?
a. Mary McLeod Bethune
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Eleanor Roosevelt
 Learn about
Mary M.
Bethune by
doing research
Read information
on Mary McLeod
Bethune and
answer the study
Do you know
anybody who has
the same
perseverance and
diligence as Mary
Who was the president who created the
“New Deal” to help his people during the
Great Depression and who led us to win
World War II?
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. Eleanor Roosevelt
Watch F.D. Roosevelt’s
biography on
 Write a summary
about Franklin
Roosevelt after reading
pages 13 and 14. Write
at least 7 sentences
about him.
Game 1: The Interview
All the boys will
pretend to be FDR,
and the girls will
pretend to be the
reporters. Each
“reporter” asks
“FDR” a question.
Game 2: The Weak Link
The class forms a circle.
Each student will tell 1
information about
FDR. The person who
does not answer in 10
seconds will be the
weak link. The last
person standing is the
 Read
about F.D.
Roosevelt and
answer study
Who helped establish the United Nations and
fought for human rights? (She was also the
eyes and ears of a U.S. president)
a. Mary McLeod Bethune
b. Susan B. Anthony
c. Eleanor Roosevelt
 Watch a video
and read
about Eleanor
Answer study
Research about the life
of Eleanor Roosevelt
 Write facts about her
that are not found on
your packet.
What new signs do you
see (written on white paper)?
How do you feel about
What is segregation?
Who fought against racial segregation in the
public school? He later became the first
African American (black) Supreme Court
a. Cesar Chavez
b. Thurgood Marshall
c. Lyndon Johnson
Watch a video
segregation and
how Thurgood
Marshall among
other people
fought against it.
 Which of these rules shows
segregation and which shows
Read pages 19-20
and answer Study
Guide, page 26.
Who fought for voting rights and created the
“Great Society”?
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. Eleanor Roosevelt
Which is an example of prejudice here:
A. “I like hanging out with Tricia. I think
she is cool!”
 B. “Let’s stay away from that girl. I heard
both of her parents are criminals. She
might be trouble!”
Which is an example of poverty here:
A. Student A is in poverty she has no winter
clothes at all.
B. Student B is in poverty because she has
her own flat screen TV and laptop.
 Who has authority at home?
 Who has authority in Cedartown?
 Who has authority in the entire
state of Georgia?
Read a biography about
Lyndon Johnson (pp. 2122).
Reread the biography
of Lyndon Johnson
with your partner.
 Remember as many
information as you can
about him.
True or False
1. Lyndon Johnson was born in Georgia.
2. LB Johnson was a teacher in Texas.
3. He taught mostly African Americans in
Cotulla, Texas.
4. He had a program called “The Great
5. “The Great Society” puts an end to poverty
(being poor) and unfair treatment of people
based on their skin color.
6. Lyndon Johnson wanted to be
remembered as the president who fought for
women’s rights to vote.
7. Prejudice means judging people harshly
without knowing them.
8. Authority means going to jail.
Who fought for workers’ right to form a union
or an organization?
a. Cesar Chavez
b. Thurgood Marshall
c. Lyndon Johnson
 Let’s look at a
few robust
words .
Which is a labor union?
A. A group of students who love Math
B. A group of workers that protects their
rights and interests
C. A group of teachers that talk about their
Who are migrant workers?
A. Valdez family goes to work from farm to
farm in the south.
B. Trinidad family goes on a trip in the
Who shows diligence?
Student A talks a lot during independent
work so he does not finish on time. So, he just
copies from a seatmate.
Student B does not give up on a difficult math
question. He gets his book to look at the
topic. He then finds out how to answer the
Watch/read an
ebook on Cesar
 Watch a video
about him on
 Read pp. 23-24
about Cesar
 Answer study