The Holocaust ~From Anti-Semitism to Concentration Camps~ MRS. ROGERS’ CLASS 2010-2011 SCHOOL YEAR SEVENTH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Unit Summary In this unit, students will experience an initial exposure to the Holocaust in a hands-on, projectbased format. Students will be guided through underlying themes, problems, and solutions in order to summarize the Holocaust and its impact on European Society and Jewish culture. Students will create projects that assist with real-world connections to anti-Semitism, the Final Solution and the Nuremburg Trials. Standards Standard 7-5 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the causes and effects of world conflicts in the early twentieth century. Indicator 7-5.6 Summarize the Holocaust and its impact on European society and Jewish culture, including Nazi policies to eliminate the Jews and other minorities, the “Final Solution,” and the war crimes trials at Nuremberg. Themes & Technology Standards National Council for the Social Studies I. Culture II. Time, Continuity, and Change IV. Individual Development and Identity VI. Power, authority, and Governance IX. Global Connections X. Civic Ideals and Practices ISTE Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Digital Citizenship Technology Operations and Concepts 21st Century & Safety Standards AASL 21st SC Internet Safety Standards Century Skills 1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society 4. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth 1-1. Recognize that content uploaded to the web is accessible to everyone and creates a reflection of who you are throughout your life. 1-3. Exhibit responsibility, safety and etiquette when communicating digitally. 2-2. Collaborate safely, responsibly, and effectively when using wikis, blogs, email, and emerging technologies. 3-1. Respect the copyright and intellectual property rights of others. 3-4. Understand the legal, ethical, and privacy guidelines for emailing and viewing/posting content. 3-5. Recognize the responsibility, legal consequences, and emotional effects of cyberbullying. 4-5. Avoid sharing personal logins and passwords. 4-7. Identify the appropriate use and safety precautions when participating in online activities. Objectives At the conclusion of the unit, each student will be able to: *Summarize the major events of the Holocaust* *Describe the purpose of concentration camps* *Explain the purpose and result of the Nuremburg trials* *Explain how the Holocaust impacted European society and Jewish culture* Curriculum Framing Questions How can we develop tolerance from our differences? How did the Holocaust/Final Solution impact European Society? Why did the Nuremburg Trials occur? How is evidence of the Holocaust present today? What is anti-Semitism? What is the Holocaust? Why did the Holocaust occur? What is a concentration camp? Why did Hitler choose concentration camps? How did the Holocaust end? What are the Nuremburg trials? Assessment Timeline Before During After K-W-L Chart K-W-L Chart K-W-L Chart Post-it note thoughts Think-pair-share Self-Assessment Scenario Journal entry 2-Column Notes (idea/relevance) Peer-Assessment Introduce Movie Rubric Project Reflection Review Movie Rubric Class Discussion Movie Rubric completion Picture Movie Storyboard Video Clips Discussion Formal Assessment Informal Observation Holocaust Picture Book Discussion Journal Entry Journal entry Blog Reflections Assessment Purpose K-W-L Chart To assess and document students’ prior knowledge, knowledge expectations, and learning outcomes in a written format Sticky notes sorting activity (before/after) To assess students’ prior knowledge and learning outcomes in a visual-spatial & kinesthetic format Journal entries To assess students’ reflection and thoughts throughout the learning process in regards to prompts (derived from CFQs) Essential facts handout completion To assess students’ abilities to search and find information, and to provide students a list of factual information so they can focus on higher order thinking skills Paper Movie Rubric ETV Video Clips questions To provide students an assessment guideline tool for outcomes and expectations To activate prior knowledge, comprehension skills, and inference skills; spawn class discussion Holocaust Picture Book 2-Column Notes Chart Think-pair-share activities Storyboard Outline To activate prior knowledge, comprehension skills, and inference skills; spawn class discussion To assess main idea/big picture comprehension – What is the relevance of events? For students to assess each other’s thoughts, provide feedback, etc. To assess students’ thought processes – provide guidance and feedback through teacher conferences Informal Observations/Teacher Conferences To provide ongoing feedback throughout the Paper Movie creation process Blog reflections Self-assessment To assess student thinking about their own thinking (metacognition) For students to assess themselves as individuals – work ethic, comprehension, community skills, etc. Peer-assessment Project Reflection For students to assess peers based on work ethic, comprehension, community skills, etc. For students to evaluate themselves and the content – provides teacher guidance on how the lesson & project can be improved Formal assessment Exposes students to the standardized questioning format with forced-choice answers. Whole map - highlight Germany Pull out Germany – move in Hitler (describe continent, country, location) (Describe Totalitarian Government & Hitler’s Rise to power) Concentration Camps Life in the Concentration Camps – The Final Solution (Explain the rise of CCs – Why?) Nuremburg Trials (Accountability) (Effects of CCs; extermination methods) Summary/Recap Slide (Hitler/Nazis, CCs, Nuremburg Trials) Star of David (Explain the hatred of the Jews by Hitler & the Nazi Party) Results of the Final Solution (facts/#s) Effects for Today (Tolerance, Conflict, Ideology) Fran G. Rogers Technology Coach School District of Newberry County (803) 321-2660 x7 ~Facebook~ ~Skype~