Event Driven Programming In Non GUI applications

Event Driven Programming In
Non GUI applications
Car Jet Wash.
List of Events:Coin operation detection.
Mode selection (rinse, cold high pressure wash etc.
EDP explained in modern car jet wash machines.
The user inserts coins, depending on the amount paid the
machine will last as long as the amount paid (trigger) as it can
detect the different coin types inserted.
EDP is ideal for these machines because it will rarely go wrong.
Event Driven Programming In
Non GUI applications
List of Events:Floor Buttons
Door Sensor
EDP explained in elevators.
The user presses a button (event), doors will open and wont
close until they are clear. User selects a floor which tells the
elevator which floor to go to (trigger). The event handler would
then move the elevator to the desired floor and once arrived at
the correct floor the elevator levels and then the doors open.
In this example Event Driven programming is ideal for elevators
as everything works internally from controlling the elevator’s
pulley, each corresponding floor door switch and all the user
needs to do is press a specific button for a specific floor then
the elevator will move to the specified height.
Event Driven Programming In
Non GUI applications