Day 1 Begin Earthquake in Nampa EA Plan EQ and Faults research- students answer questions out of the book, reading and writing. Day 2 How do EQs work? Fault model lab- using the paper cutouts of faults, students observed fault movement. Day 3: Faults in Nampa lab (Nampa cross-section image). Day 4 What would an EQ look like/ feel like? Measuring earthquakes vocab- P,S,Surface Waves -slinky demonstration with wave types -looking at the seismic wave from Calvin seismograph -Nat geo video on Earthquakes Day 5 Earthquake drill-I played sound fx and threw objects around the room to similate a live earthquake, then students answered some reflection questions. Day 6 – How to make buildings safe? Showed two videos about construction projects to make buildings safer. • • Students worked on foldables for hazards (liquefaction/aftershock/tsunami), safe buildings (location/construction/in your home pg 74), and measuring (cree While students worked on foladbles, I walked around with a tub of sand on a tray, and blocks. I used the blocks to represent a building. First, I would place Day 7 and 8 In groups, create your Nampa EAP (can be a poster, booklet, model, anything students come up with). Earthquake Project Nampa Emergency Action Plan (NEAP) Nampa Area Earthquake Emergency Plan 2014 Goal: To determine causes, risks, prevention, and safety of potential earthquakes in our area Mission As a team of scientists, you have been hired to help create an earthquake safety plan for the Nampa area. In order to accomplish this task, you need to research earthquake formation and safety. Over the next few days, you will assess earthquake risk for our area and design an emergency action plan for public use. EQ Safety Plan What do we need to know? 1. What causes earthquakes? 2. Where might/how might earthquakes occur in our area? 3. What would an earthquake look like/feel like? 4. How can we make earthquake safe buildings? 5. What should people do during an earthquake? 6. How can we prepare for an earthquake? Day 1: What causes earthquakes? Your first task is to research earthquake formation. What Causes Earthquakes? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is an earthquake? What causes earthquakes? How does stress create a fault? What types of features can faults make? Where have you seen these features around Nampa, ID? Be as specific as you can about where you have seen them and the type of feature you think they are. 6. Do you think it is possible for an earthquake to happen in Nampa, ID? 7. Create a stress concept map using the outline from page 83 in text (a-d). Day 2: Fault Lab • Students examine fault models to understand how land moves in either a normal, reverse, or strike slip fault. Questions included. COMPRESSION, TENSION, SHEAR! …or no stress! This handshake allows students to have a active memory of the types of stress. Students push their hands together with a partner (like a high five) for compression, grab each others fingers and pull backwards for tension, and slide past each others hands for shear. OR, they can go for the “fake out” which is No stress! Day 3 Faults in Nampa Lab • Examine a fault map of the Nampa area • Determine if there is a risk of Earthquakes Reasoning for lab: Earthquakes occur along fault lines, so if we find fault lines in Nampa, there should be possibility of an Earthquake*** Evidence of Faults Lab 1. What are the names and depths of the two major faults near Nampa? 2. The rock layers under Nampa show signs of folding. What does this folding show evidence of in our area? 3. Several mountain ranges (Owyhee, Boise) are near Nampa. Explain why this fact supports or rejects the possibility of an earthquake near us. 4. Summary: Based on the geological map, could an earthquake occur near Nampa? Support your answer using evidence from the fault map. For the Teacher… Website for Fault lines • 30p11-geothermal_nampa-caldwell_areas.pdf • Page 29, 30 have fault maps. I used page 30, then darkened the lines myself. Day 4: What would an Earthquake Look Like? • Videos on Earthquakes • Famous Earthquakes • Seismic Waves • P,S,Surface Waves • Slinky Demo • Calvin Seismograph (Turkey Earthquake) to locate P,S,Surface Waves Video Segment • hePlanet?h1=Programme+1%3A+Volcanoes • From around minute 14 to 21, shows great plate tectonics • From around 22-25 shows great earthquakes • From 25- 28 good erosion/deposition • Around minute 30 talks about Early Earth life. Earthquakes 101: Nat Geo -natural-disasters/earthquakes/earthquake-101/ Reviews previous terms and data, including plate tecs, faults, and seismic waves. Also leads into buildings. Day 5: What would an Earthquake Feel Like? • Earthquake Drill for E Preparedness What we learned last week… • Stress is a force caused by plate tectonics • Three types of stress • Three types of faults • Faults create mountains, folds, plateaus,… • Nampa has faults, mountains, and folds in its geology. Many of us suspect that an earthquake may occur here. What to do during an Earthquake! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remain CALM DROP down onto your hands and knees (before the earthquakes knocks you down). This position protects you from falling but allows you to still move if necessary. COVER your head and neck (and your entire body if possible) under a sturdy table or desk. If there is no shelter nearby, only then should you get down near an interior wall (or next to low-lying furniture that won't fall on you), and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands. HOLD ON to your shelter (or to your head and neck) until the shaking stops. Be prepared to move with your shelter if the shaking shifts it around. If in a public area such as a school, REMAIN QUIET and listen for directions. Reflection Questions 1. Why is it important to remain quiet and listen to instructions during an EQ? 2. What are some objects in this room that might be dangerous during an EQ? 3. How do you think you would react during a real EQ? 4. Why is it important to practice in case a real EQ occurs? Day 6: How can we prepare for Earthquakes? • Videos on Safe Construction Showed two videos about construction projects to make buildings safer. • • Students worked on foldables (using the textbooks) for hazards (liquefaction/aftershock/tsunami), safe buildings (location/construction/in your home pg 74), and measuring (creep meter, laser, tiltmeter). While students worked on foladbles, I walked around with a tub of sand on a tray, and blocks. I used the blocks to represent a building. First, I would place 3 blocks and ask “this is my new business building that ive built in the middle of this city. What do you think would happen during an earthquake?” students shook the tray to make the blocks fall. Next, I gave a student 3 blocks and told them to build a better building. Often, their building was 2 stories and survived the quake. I asked them why this was better, and foundation was the answer. Next I gave them 6 blocks to build a building 3 blocks high. Some accomplished this, some didn’t. I asked how can we make this even better or how was this better then my original building? Finally I gave students 5 blocks (not enough money for 6) and 4 sticks (broken dowell rods) and told them to build me a building 3 high with these materials. The sticks represent beams used to provide support for large buildings, as shown in the video. Summary question for the day: Create a list of things people can do to prepare for a future Earthquake. • Worlds Largest Earthquake Test (Large building size shake table!) • (Building Earthquake proof buildings) Day 7 and 8: Create an Emergency Action Plan • Groups of four • Info learned from each day (see project assignment sheet) Nampa Earthquake Emergency Action Plan Goal: As a team of scientists, you have been hired to help create an earthquake safety plan for the Nampa area. You have researched how earthquakes form, what effects they have, how citizens should safely react, and how to prepare our infrastructure (buildings, bridges, roads, ext). Your goal now is to create an emergency action plan that provides the public with an informative and easy to understand guide concerning earthquakes in Nampa. Your EAP should include the following information: Cover Page: The cover page should grab the attention of the intended audience either with large letters or colorful pictures with an earthquake theme, and should include the title of this assignment. Purpose: Your purpose for creating this E.A.P. should be clearly stated. Example: Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide public awareness for volcano-related hazards, and to provide a step-by-step guide for surviving a volcanic eruption. How do Earthquakes Start? Many people do not know what causes earthquakes. Write a brief summary (one paragraph) about how earthquakes form due to stress and faults. Could this happen in Nampa? Use what we learned from the geological cross-section of Nampa to inform the public of possible earthquakes in the future. (Hint: The answer to this question is YES, but what evidence is there to support this?) What effects could an EQ have in Nampa? What might be damaged if an earthquake hit our area? Provide at least 5 types of structures that might be damaged. What should people do during an earthquake? Explain either in a numbered sequence or a paragraph what a person should do if an earthquake started to shake the ground beneath their feet. How should we prepare for future earthquakes? Explain the importance of building earthquake-safe buildings, knowing what to do in case of an earthquake, and the importance of understanding how earthquakes work. Names of all team members, 8th grade Earth Science, EVMS 2014 • Next up… mapping Earthquakes and Volcanoes lab