Secondary Level LLI kit_digital_presentation

Lakshmi Valdes
Tina Hanby
The Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention
System (LLI) is a small-group, supplementary literacy
intervention designed to help teachers provide powerful,
daily, small-group instruction for the lowest achieving
students at their grade level.
Through systematically designed lessons and original,
engaging leveled books, LLI supports learning in both
reading and writing, helps students expand their
knowledge of language and words and how they work.
The goal of LLI is to bring students to grade level
achievement in reading.
Lessons across the seven systems progress from level A
(beginning reading in kindergarten) through level Z
(represents competencies at the middle and secondary
school level) on the F&P Text Level Gradient™. Header
• Emphasis on teaching for comprehending strategies.
• Explicit attention to genre and to the features of
nonfiction and fiction texts.
• Special attention to disciplinary reading, literature
inquiry, and writing about reading.
• Specific work on sounds, letters, and words in activities
designed to help students notice the details of written
language and learn how words "work."
• Close reading to deepen and expand comprehension.
• Explicit teaching of effective and efficient strategies for
expanding vocabulary.
• Explicit teaching for fluent and phrased reading.
• Use of writing about reading for the purpose of
communicating and learning how to express ideas for a
particular purpose and audience using a variety of writing
• Built-in level-by-level descriptions and competencies from
The Continuum of Literacy Learning, PreK-8 (2011) to
monitor student progress and guide teaching.
• Communication tools for informing parents about what
children are learning and how they can support them at
• Technology support for assessment, record keeping, lesson
instruction, and home and classroom connections.
A guide that provides
a comprehensive
overview of the LLI
Systematically designed, fastpaced lessons to support both
reading and writing development.
The Lesson Guide Volumes 1 & 2,
includes all the lessons as well as
an introduction to the program
that will help you prepare
materials you will use throughout
the lessons.
At end of each 10-lesson
sequence, the Guided Reading
Continuum for the level provides
a set of specific behaviors to
notice, teach, and support in your
lessons. An introductory Letter to
Parents can be printed from the
Lesson Resources CD in English or
Spanish and sent home.
When Readers Struggle:
Teaching That Works is a
comprehensive resource on
struggling readers.
It’s filled with specific
teaching ideas for helping
children in kindergarten
through Grade 3 who are
having difficulty in reading
and writing.
Brightly colored bags for
students to carry their
Take-Home Books and
Fold Sheets.
6-pack, 2 of each color.
Folders for storing Reading
Records, tracking student
data and graphing student
Contains the Recording
Forms, Word and Picture
Cards, Letter Minibooks,
My ABC Books, an
Alphabet Linking Chart,
My Poetry Books, Parent
Letters and other recordkeeping and observation
forms and resources you’ll
need to support your
Facilitates data entry and
progress monitoring,
reporting, and graphing of
individual student and
small group progress.
A DVD featuring a tutorial on coding,
scoring, and analyzing Reading