Benefits of Using WebFOCUS Open Portal Services


SharePoint and WebFOCUS, A Perfect Pair

Carlotta Cunningham

Senior Technical Specialist

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WebFOCUS and Shareport- Agenda


What is OPS?

Benefits of OPS

SharePoint and WebFOCUS Open Portal Services Integration

Portal & WebFOCUS certification

WebParts (WebFOCUS Components)

WebParts Installation & Configuration

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WebFOCUS Open Portal Services Overview

Portals need to access information to be valuable

A large portion of needed information is locked in databases and applications

Most portals lack BI capabilities

Reporting and analysis are not core technologies

They rely on applications and tools to create the content they display

Portals concentrate and deliver fully formatted content, they do not crunch data or format reports

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WebFOCUS Open Portal Services Overview

Open Portal Services enables you to extend WebFOCUS business intelligence capabilities to end users within an existing EIP framework.

Users can:

Personalize the way they view, store, and retrieve business intelligence content for optimum job efficiency.

Decide what content to include in each content window and how that content is displayed and organized.

Combine graphics and reports in the same portal page.

Employ analytic tools for all types of reporting and query, including ad hoc and OLAP.

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WebFOCUS Open Portal Services Overview

Benefits of Using WebFOCUS Open Portal Services

WebFOCUS Open Portal Services offer many benefits to the users within the enterprise by:

Providing immediate access to critical enterprise-wide data.

Incorporating comprehensive reporting and analysis capabilities within the portal and enhancing the user experience by delivering relevant, real-time information.

Enabling users to display, locate, share, visualize, and analyze business intelligence information based on their roles within the enterprise.

Supporting internal and external security for delivering timely and accurate business reports to authorized users.

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WebFOCUS Open Portal Services

Single Signon Support

Support for secure signon integration with supported thirdparty portal products

Initiates a trusted Managed Reporting signon on behalf of the

Portal User using its user ID to avoid the subsequent

Managed Reporting logon prompt.

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WebFOCUS Open Portal Services Overview

WebFOCUS Open Portal Services provides a set of

WebFOCUS components that allow WebFOCUS to integrate quickly into EIPs.

To achieve portability and reusability these components may be in any of the following formats:






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SharePoint and WebFOCUS Open Portal

Services Integration

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SharePoint and WebFOCUS Open Portal Services


Product Certification

WebFOCUS 7.7 is the latest Production Release

SharePoint 2007

SharePoint 2007 integrated with WebFOCUS 7.7

Open Portal Services can run on different machines as long as there is connectivity to the machine where the WebFOCUS client is installed on.

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WebFOCUS Open Portal Services WebParts

Domain WebPart

Report WebPart

Defer Status WebPart

QuickLinks WebPart

Favorites WebPart

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WebParts Installation & Configuration

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Installation prerequisites:

WebFOCUS 76x or above. In our case it’s 7.7.

WebFOCUS 76x or above Reporting Server.

TOMCAT 5.5.x or up.

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Configuration steps:

By default SharePoint runs on port 80. Here is the default screen:

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Preparing the WebParts for deployment: Step 1


I have copied the file into your C:\ibi\WebFOCUS77\worp\components\webparts2 directory on the WebFOCUS client. From the drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN\ directory I have copied stsadm.exe into this directory as well.

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Preparing the webParts for deployment: Step 2

2. From the dos prompt, cd into the above directory on your machine and execute the following command: stsadm -o addwppack -filename WOAS_Cab.CAB -force -globalinstall after this command is executed you should see the following output:

Operation completed successfully

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint


Create a site by clicking on “Create new ... sites…”

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint

2. Click create, the following page should be displayed:

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint

3. Click on site actions and choose edit page to add webParts.

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint

4. Click on the box where you would like your webPart displayed

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint

5. Click on advanced web part gallery and options

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint

6. The Add webParts box should appear on the right side of the page.

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint

7. Click on the arrow next to the browse button in the add webparts box and choose import.

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint

8. Browse to the webparts2 folder under ../ibi/WebFOCUS/worp/components directory and choose the domain webpart to import and click on upload.

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint

9. Drag the webpart you just uploaded into the box on the left and click on edit/modify shared webPart.

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Deploying webParts to SharePoint


Scroll down on the box on the right expand the content area, and choose the check box called isolated webpart , Update the url to add the port :8080 and click apply.

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Be sure that the id you logged onto Sharepoint exists in MRE otherwise you will get a login failed message above instead.

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Customizing WebParts:

Parameters for Portlets for WebParts

All WebParts share the following parameters: view This parameter is used by the content URL to identify the WebFOCUS component you are accessing.

height title

The height of the frame in pixels. The default height is 350 pixels.

The formal name of the WebFOCUS component, for example, WebFOCUS

Domain. This is the value that appears in the title bar for the component.

contextpath Specify the following context path:

/ibi_apps expiration-path The amount of time that the content of a WebFOCUS component is retained in cache before it is cleared. By default, cache expiration is not enabled.

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Configurable parameters by webPart

WebFOCUS Deferred Status and Favorites do not have additional parameters that can be configured.

WebFOCUS Domain has: multidomain

WebFOCUS Report has: showrefresh, userrunonly, usescrollbars, showtimestamp, gn, colNum, scale and refresh

WebFOCUS Quicklinks has: showrefresh, lbdisplay, rcdisplay, pvdisplay, gvautolaunch, servername, mvdisplay and gvdisplay

These parameters are added to the .dwp

file on the “link” directive (for example: The Domain

WebPart’s “link” directive is:

<Link xmlns="WOAS_ContentViewer">http://localhost/ibi_apps/components/woas/governor/WOAS


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Editing the “link” directive

For the Domain WebPart the “link” directive would be changed from

<Link xmlns="WOAS_ContentViewer">http://localhost/ibi_apps/components/woa s/governor/WOAS_view.jsp?SID=_LogonUser_&amp;view=domain</Link> to

<Link xmlns="WOAS_ContentViewer">http://localhost/ibi_apps/components/woa s/governor/WOAS_view.jsp?SID=_LogonUser_&amp;view=domain &amp ; multidomains=yes</Link>

Notice: After creating a new webPart, the stsadm … command has to be reexecuted. You also have to add and &amp before the parameter you are adding.

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Here’s the custom webPart

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