Graphic Communication DA

• This represents 50% of your course mark at National 5 (60 marks) and
will cover your added value unit for National 4.
• Opportunity to demonstrate your skills learned through the S3 and
into S4.
• A maximum of 10 A3 pages to complete your task.
• This PowerPoint will take you through each section to aid you on your
•The brief and target market and record your research for later use.
Preliminary Graphics
•Sketch and dimension your idea
•Create dimensioned preliminary sketches of the product and a modelling plan to enable production drawings to be made.
•Create an illustration of one of the components
Production Drawings
•Create CAD production drawings to include relevant manufacturing detail.
•Create a production drawing that shows how the product assembles.
Promotional Graphics
•Design and create a graphic layout to promote and display the product
•Include: the product name, catchy slogan and additional information in the promotional layout
•Include a positive image of a young person in the promotion.
•Evaluate your use of design elements and principles and DTP features in your promotional layout.
Logo/Design ideas
• It is important you are clear about what you need
to do to complete your assignment.
• Break the brief into smaller chunks and note down
important parts that will help you with your task.
• Always include the 3Ps in your analysis
• Preliminary
• Production
• Promotional
• Pay close attention to:
• Who are the target market?
• What styles do they like?
• What visuals will they respond to?
(5 marks)
• Analysis is relevant and detailed. Target market is
explored, analysis cover the 3 graphic areas. Many
specific tasks have been identified and taken forward.
(3 marks)
• Illustration skills are demonstrated in a design context
using marker pens. Illustration is very strong, suitably
complex and the skills demonstrate understanding of
form, light and texture.
3 graphical
areas explored
Sketching ideas and
colour choices
(3 marks)
• Orthographic Sketching:
Correct drawing standards are applied
throughout. Title block is sufficiently detailed
• You must provide enough information
to allow 3D models to be built and
• Orthographic sketches can be
dimensioned and split up into the parts
• National 4 – 2 parts min
• National 5 – 3 parts min
• Remember to apply the correct
drawing standards and conventions:
• Third angle projection
• Correct line types
• Correct and enough dimensioning
• Remember to:
• Sketch freehand
• Use construction techniques
• Use good proportion in your sketching
(3 marks)
There is enough dimensioning and detail to support
modelling. The modelling plan (next page) is also
included in this assessment and is both detailed and
• Making a modelling plan is the best
way to analyse a component and
identify challenges.
• Helps you to work out how you will
model a component.
• Remember there are different ways
to model each component.
• Remember to:
• Use freehand sketches
• Use a mix of 2D and pictorial
• Annotate your sketches to explain the
modelling techniques you will use.
(3 marks)
Sketching is proportionally accurate and effectively represents
the components. There is additional challenge through the
use of partial views and assembly details all successfully
carried out.
• This is an important part of your assignment and
is worth 15 marks in total.
• You will most likely need a minimum of 2 pages for
this part.
• One page should be dedicated to individual
component parts and include dimensions.
• The second page should include assembled views
without dimensions
• Think about including:
• One clear pictorial view
• One enlarged view
• Ensure that:
Drawings are detailed and accurate
Using correct projection methods
Views are aligned accurately
Line types correct
Dimensioning correct
Labelling is clear and in correct place
Title block is correct and detailed
Third angle projection symbol is in place
Correct scales have been used.
• NB – you don’t need dimension every part of the
• The two pages of production drawings have enough
information to meet the requirements of the brief.
Relevant assembly details are shown and component
parts have a range of suitable dimensions. The
drawings are accurate and show enough details to
assist manufacture.
(3 marks)
• The correct conventions have been applied
throughout the drawings and the views are titled and
aligned. A range of dimension types has been
applied correctly. The title blocks are detailed and
(3 marks)
• The drawings include a range of details what would
aid the manufacture. The technical details include:
Enlarged views
Sectional elevations
Exploded and assembled pictorial
Assembled orthographic
• There is more technical detail than what is required.
• This section is work 7 marks.
(7 marks)
• In both the examples on this page, the illustrations
make effective use of materials, highlights, shadows
and reflections. They are sharp and clear and have
been rendered at a high resolution and give the model
and scene visual impact.
• Visual impact can be achieved by:
• Ensuring your illustration is
rendered at a high resolution
• The product is displayed clearly,
either in context or in a suitable
• Materials, lights, shadows and
reflections are added to enhance
the look of the product.
You must measure out the advertising spaces before you
plan your layouts. It is vital that you work with accurate
dimensions and the correct proportions.
• Preliminary designs for promotional
layouts will allow you to create an
exciting layout that you can bring to
life on the computer.
• When producing your thumbnails
think about:
• What type of images will appeal to the
target market?
• What colours might they like?
• What does the brief ask for?
• What size of space do you need to fill?
• How much text can you use?
• Don’t forget design elements and
principles and DTP features learned
as these will help give visual impact.
(3 marks)
The thumbnails are detailed and demonstrate a variety of creative ideas
The annotations are evaluative, consider a numver of DTP features and
demonstrate a firm grasp of the use of design elements and principles
The content meets the brief, proportions are accurate and there is a focus
on visual impact.
• Fine tuning from the draft to the final
layout helps give the visual impact.
• In your own, try adjusting:
Positions of the main items
Colours and colour fill styles
Images you have selected
Font sizes, styles and colours
• Check:
• That items are accurately aligned
• That there is enough contrast
• That you haven't made use of other
elements and principles not noted.
(3 marks)
The requirements of the brief have been met: market, purpose, content and style
are all covered in the layout.
(3 marks)
Illustrations enhanced the layout by creating two focal points. The exploded view
makes best use of the vertical space and five information about the number of
parts and helps clarify assembly. Careful positioning connects the user with the
product and product name. The illustrations are sharp, high quality images that
help bring visual impact a challenging, elongated layout.
DTP features used effectively include: full cropping, flow text, reverse text
colour fills, drop shadow, font styles and rotate. The scene is well-lit and the
shadows cast are subtle but effective.
Design elements and principles employed include: contrast, unity, depth,
dominance, balance and texture
Each contributes effectively to the visual impact of the layout.
The levels of complexity and detail and the scale of the context are appropriate
to the situation: on the side of a bus.
(5 marks)
Preliminary graphics – evaluative annotations describe the
choices made at thumbnail layouts.
Production drawings – drawings meet the brief throughout
and this evaluated by the annotation on the production
Promotional graphics – the evaluation covers the impact of
design elements and principles on the layouts in detail. DTP
features that improve visual impact have also been evaluated
Care has been taken to relate evaluations to the brief and a
justification of the layout is given.