Extended Response - Conclusions

Extended Response
• Figurative Language
– Simile
– Metaphor
– Theme - Wrapping up the BIG message or idea
– Allusion
– Famous quote/Idiom
Doc Marlowe Conclusion #1
• All in all, Doc Marlowe proved to be quite the
admirable human being. He is kind of like a
modern day Robin Hood the way he helped
out the poor without hesitating. Sure, he may
have done some things in his life that were
questionable, but when it comes down to
what really matters, he always put others first
– like Mrs. Willoughby, the sick child, and even
Jimmy the Narrator. And that’s the most
admirable quality there is.
Doc Marlowe Conclusion #2
• It’s been taught to me all my life that “actions
speak louder than words” and I learned that
lesson again from Doc Marlowe. He said some
things that may have been considered lies, but
when it comes down to what really matters in
people’s lives – he always stepped up to the plate
and hit a home run. When each story is analyzed,
it becomes clear that his positive and generous
actions outweighed his words in every tale the
narrator told. Thanks for the lesson, Doc.
• Doc Marlowe was a modern day saint
• Doc Marlowe was like a community leader or
the head of a church. People always came to
him when they needed help
• When it’s all said and done, the big idea that
were left with from hearing about the life of
Doc Marlowe is…