How To Use Social
Video To Drive Results
HootSuite & Cameron
Cameron Uganec
Director, Marketing & Communication
Twitter: @cameronu
About HootSuite
Social Media Management System
Over 4 Million users worldwide
650K Businesses globally
1.5 Million messages sent daily
Easy to Use, Scalable, Secure
Trusted Partners with the most important social networks
Connected Consumer Revolution
Video Growth
Video Growth
Growth Visual Storytelling
What is Social Video?
Social Video: Online video that is designed to be shared
through social networks.
Don’t you mean viral video?
Virality describes an outcome not all social video goes viral.
WHO views and shares is as important as HOW Many views and
Social Video is Different
Principles of Social Media that impact Social Video
Network Effect
Social Video is Different
+40 million view
+1 Billion
How to use Social Video to Drive Results
How to create a video that is Shareable:
The Magic & Logic Approach
Creative & Strategy
Content & Distribution
Emotion & Intellect
Story & Facts
1) Social Media Strategy
The Magic & Logic Approach
Objectives: Clear Measurable
• Success Metrics - Cost Per View, Shares, Views, CTR, Enbeds.
Clicks, Time Spent
• Focus on your Audience, Current Beliefs, Desired Beliefs
• What’s the one key message you want your audience to take away.
Distribution Plan: Paid, Earned and Owned
• Build and they will come, doesn’t work.
2) Shareable Content
Create Value for Audience
Key questions:
• How will this help or
entertain my audience?
• Why will they share it?
Make it Emotive
The Psychology of Sharing
The sharing of stories or information may be driven in part by
arousal. When people are physiologically aroused, whether due to
emotional stimuli or otherwise, the autonomic nervous is activated,
which then boosts social transmission.
Simply put, evoking certain emotions can help increase the chance
a message is shared.
In a 2011 study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the
Association for Psychological Science
What Sparks Sharing
Some of the emotive content that sparks sharing:
Power of Storytelling
One of the quickest ways to
establish an emotional connection
with someone is to tell them a story.
Stories are our sense-making
Paid, Earned & Owned Media
3) Paid, Earned, Owned Distribution
Myth: Social and Viral Marketing is Free
A good distribution plan includes coordinated Paid, Earned and
Owned components. Each of these requires resources.
Owned: It’s critical that you invest and build your own channels- email,
blog, social, a YouTube channel.
Paid: Hyper-targeted Social Ads and Promoted Content
Facebook Video, YouTube, Video Networks like ShareThrough, Unruly
Earned: Seeding the video with Influencers, blogs, media properties.
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
4. Always start strong
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
4. Always start strong
5. Try non-linear storytelling
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
4. Always start strong
5. Try non-linear storytelling
6. Remember search
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
4. Always start strong
5. Try non-linear storytelling
6. Remember search
7. Have a long tail
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
4. Always start strong
5. Try non-linear storytelling
6. Remember search
7. Have a long tail
8. Focus on evergreen content
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
4. Always start strong
5. Try non-linear storytelling
6. Remember search
7. Have a long tail
8. Focus on evergreen content
9. YouTube is a search engine and a media property
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
4. Always start strong
5. Try non-linear storytelling
6. Remember search
7. Have a long tail
8. Focus on evergreen content
9. YouTube is a search engine and a media property
10. Your VP of Sales is wrong
10 Secrets to Social Video Success:
1. Make it shareable
2. Tell a story
3. Shorter is better
4. Always start strong
5. Try non-linear storytelling
6. Remember search
7. Have a long tail
8. Focus on evergreen content
9. YouTube is a search engine and a media property
10. Your VP of Sales is wrong
Bonus: 11. Music, Music, Music
Examples & Sources:
• W+K Old Spice Case Study -
• HootSuite: Social Media is Sweet
• Chevy Stories
• Kony 2012 -
• Start-up Videos -
• Viral Video Chart –
• The Girl Effect -
Thank You!
Cameron Uganec
Director, Marketing & Communications
Image credits:
Slashgear – Baby’s first ipad – Global consumer internet traffic & Video viewers worldwide
Youtube – Old Spice – The man you could smell like
Smart Insights -
Altimeter –
Sharing Ice Cream -