Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 Fieldwork assessment The difference between AS and A2 Fotolia David Redfern Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 What this presentation covers The nature of investigative (fieldwork) skills at AS and A2 The requirements of the assessment of fieldwork at AS The requirements of the assessment of fieldwork at A2 A summary of the progression from AS to A2. Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 Investigative (fieldwork) skills at AS and A2 These are the same for both levels: Identifying aims, geographical questions and issues, and effective approaches to enquiry. Risk assessment and identification of strategies for minimising health and safety risks. Identifying, selecting and collecting quantitative and qualitative evidence, including the use of appropriate sampling techniques, from primary (including fieldwork) and secondary sources. The processing, presentation, analysis and interpretation of evidence. Drawing conclusions and showing an awareness of the validity of those conclusions including evaluation and further research opportunities. Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 The starting point of the investigation AS A2 Describe the purpose of your Explain the reasons why you fieldwork enquiry. selected this aim for investigation. Describe the characteristic Explain the importance of the features of your study area. choice of location for your Draw an annotated sketch map investigation in relation to your showing its characteristics. aim(s). Describe the underlying theory, Explain how the location of your concept or issue which formed the basis of your enquiry. fieldwork was relevant to the theory/concept/issue being investigated. Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 Health and safety and risk assessment AS A2 Describe the measures you Justify the measures you took to minimise the health took to minimise the health and safety risks involved in and safety risks involved in your investigation. your investigation. Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 Types of data and data collection AS Outline one method of primary data collection used in the field in your investigation Describe a sampling technique you used to collect data. Outline how you obtained and why you used secondary data in your enquiry. A2 Evaluate the suitability of this method of primary data collection. Justify how you made sure that the data collected were as accurate and reliable as possible. Justify improvements you would make to a method of data collection that you used. Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 Data presentation and analysis AS A2 Describe one method you used to Assess the usefulness of one present data collected in your method of data presentation that you fieldwork investigation. used in your investigation. With reference to one technique to Describe one technique of data present data in your enquiry, analysis that you used and justify justify the choice of this its inclusion in your investigation. technique. Explain how far the data you Describe advantages of a collected made your analysis technique used to analyse your technique appropriate. data. Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 The outcomes of the investigation AS A2 Referring to your results, outline Evaluate the usefulness of the the main conclusions of your conclusions reached in your enquiry and suggest further areas investigation and consider their of research. potential implications. Summarise the main findings of Evaluate the success of your your fieldwork enquiry. investigation. Explain how your fieldwork Discuss how your investigation enquiry could have been helped your understanding of improved. geographical theory. Global Digitalassessment Divide Fieldwork at AS and A2 What is the essential difference between AS and A2? A2 assessment is more challenging than the AS equivalent. The questions have to demonstrate elements of progression, ‘synopticity’ and ‘stretch and challenge’. Essentially, the differences between the two levels can be summarised as: AS: assesses what you did on your fieldwork. A2: assesses why you did what you did on your fieldwork. In other words, questions at A2 are all evaluative.