Tips for District-Wide Success

Boyle County Schools
Location: Danville, KY
Schools: Woodlawn Elementary, Junction City
Elementary, Perryville Elementary, Boyle
County Middle School, Boyle County High
Number of Students: 2650
KPREP District Ranking: 9th (One of 4 school
districts with all schools proficient or
Label: District of Distinction
**The power is not in what it says as much as
how it was created – Boyle County
Leadership Academy
Created in response to “pockets of excellence
throughout the district
4 types of activities engaged in by BCLA:
1) Monthly sessions designed to build a foundation
of common knowledge
2) Visits to high-performing schools
3) Guest speaker presentations (Leslie Robertson,
Ken Mattingly, Alisa Berger)
4) Sharing of ideas
Job Duties of BCLA Teams:
1) Assess the school’s proficiency in critical
areas (safety, instruction, etc.) and make
action plans for change
2) Write the school’s CSIP
3) Representatives from each school’s BCLA
team wrote the Blueprint (near the end of
Year 2)
Created through this lens: “What should we
guarantee to every child regardless of
Contains commitments for leaders and
The 7 bullets that relate to classroom
instruction guide everything we do (PD, etc.)
Student Work Analysis – Done in schools by
principals with teachers
Best First Time Teaching – All staff trained
on “Steps In An Ideal Lesson” and walkthrough form reflects the Blueprint
Learning Targets – The foundation for
everything we do, they MUST be written
correctly as defined by our system (major
connection here to CASL)
Active Student Engagement – All teachers are Kagan
trained and walk-through form reflects specific
numbers for active engagement
 Formative Assessment (Flashbacks and Exit Slips) –
A formative assessment is expected at the end of
every lesson and congruence between target, student
work, and exit slip is expected in every walk-through
 Common Benchmark Assessments (Unit and Nine
Week) – Every question is tied to a learning target,
congruence is expected, and is quality controlled
 Planning for Intervention or Enrichment – Review
Fridays, Accelerated Pathways, Mega Block
Curriculum Binder Work Done In Teams By
The Teachers (Creates Content Experts)
Quality Control Process (#1 Key)
Boyle County Teacher Academy
CIA Meetings (Curriculum, Instruction, and
All Teachers Trained In All Blueprint Items
Boyle County Leadership Academy
7) Walk-Through Form (Mirrors the Blueprint)
8) Curriculum Binder Work Every Summer
9) Blueprint Item Tip Sheets
10) All teachers trained in how to write MC
questions to assess high level verbs
11) Grow Your Own Instructional Leadership
Proof of Success – Incredible parallel between
teacher level of Blueprint implementation and
level of student achievement (KPREP, MAP, etc.)
David Young
Boyle County Schools
(859) 236-6634