Integration between RescueNet Dispatch-Billing and

Integration between RescueNet DispatchBilling and ePCR
Presented by:
Christopher P. Lavoie
Integration Consultant
Integration between RescueNet
Dispatch-Billing and ePCR
 The RescueNet Suite has several integration points
between these three products.
 The data flow is bi-directional in several areas
 We will cover the data flow in this presentation along with
available configuration options
 We will also cover some best practices in regards to the
Data Flow Between Dispatch
and ePCR
Data Points Shared between
Dispatch and ePCR
 Run Number
 Company
 Call Source
 Call Type
 Nature of Call(Dispatch Complaint)
 Response Priority
 Transport Priority
 Pick Up address fields
 Times
Integration between RescueNet
Dispatch-Billing and ePCR
 Call Times
 Destination Address Fields
 Mileages
 P/U and Drop off Zones
 Patient Demographics
 Doctor Information
Data Uploaded from ePCR to
 ePCR has the ability to Cancel calls in Dispatch based on
 Odometer Settings are imported based on Import options
 Primary and Secondary Impressions will import into the
complaints field in Tab 2.
 Patient Info will upload from ePCR but will need to be
confirmed in most cases.
Shared Administration Fields
 Companies
 Natures
 Call Types
 Priorities
 Crew Members (Can be filtered in Company Crew Members
based on Company)
 Vehicles
 Call Sources
 Complaints (Can be filtered)
Shared Administration Fields
 Doctors
 Employers
 Facilities (Can be filtered based on Company)
 Cancel Reasons
 Late Reasons (Dispatch Delay Field)
 Zones(if Applicable)
 Payors(Can be filtered by Company)
Import Options for ePCR to CAD
Import Options for ePCR to CAD
 You can Import the odometer readings or the Loaded
• Enroute
• At Scene
• At Destination
 You can tell the system to overwrite the total mileage in
Tab 3 of CAD with the following setting
Import Options for ePCR to CAD
Importing Patient Data
 There are 3 options to import patient data and trigger a
customer confirmation.
Importing Patient Data
 Option 1 is always on. This will trigger a patient
confirmation when an existing customer record is present
and there is conflicting information
 Option 2 and 3 provides additional safeguards to ensure
accurate info
 Why are these Important if using just RescueNet Dispatch?
Merging PCR’s in Tablet PCR
 Necessary to save a manual PCR back to System
 Crews should always merge an open manual PCR with a
dispatch PCR
 The merge process will only populate fields that are
 Merging when using Read-Only Fields
Read-Only Fields
 Times
 Run Number
 Benefits of Using Read-Only
Mixed Mode Systems
 5.2 introduced the ability to use one dispatch system or a
mix of dispatch and non dispatch systems in one ePCR
 Configured in ZDMC on the ePCR services server
 Can be set by Company
Mixed Mode Systems
Mixed Mode Systems
Using Crew Matching Algorithms
 There are 5 algorithms that can be used
• 2 Crew Members, Vehicle, and Company
• 1 Crew Member, Vehicle, and Company
• 2 Crew Member and Vehicle
• 1 Crew Member and Vehicle
• Company and Vehicle
 Use of Update PCR Crew Info TabletPCR/WebPCR when
Mismatch occurs
• Used when a matching algorithm is used other than 2 crew
member, vehicle, and company to ensure the current crew
info is applied to every PCR.
Using Crew Matching Algorithms
Best Practices
 Tracking PCR’s
• Real-time
• Can use RightCAD.INI setting to show incomplete PCR’s
upon vehicle deactivation
Best Practices
Best Practices
• Using RescueNet Reporting
Best Practices
 Confirming Patient Data in Modify Customer
• Why should you do this?
 Planning Changes in RescueNet Administration
 Using Copy/Cancel vs. Unassign/Reassign in CAD
Integration between RescueNet
ePCR and Billing
 ePCR will populate the billing Record with call
information and Patient demographic information
Data Uploaded from ePCR
 Status based on Outcome
 Cancellation Reason
 Dispatch Priority(based on Response Priority) (Tab1)
 Transport Priority (Tab1)
 Call Type (Tab1)
 Nature of Call (Dispatch Complaint) (Tab1)
 Call Source (Tab1)
 Pick Up Location (Tab1)
 Drop off Location (Tab1)
Data Uploaded from ePCR
 Doctor Information
• Personnel (Modify Customer)
• Referring(Tab 2)
• Receiving(Tab 2)
 Odometers/Mileage
• Enroute(Edit Time Stamps)
• At Scene(Edit Time Stamps)
• At Destination(Edit Time Stamps)
 Loaded Mileage(Tab 3)
Data Uploaded from ePCR
 Complaints(Primary and Secondary Impressions) (Tab2)
 Call Times (Edit Time Stamps)
 Crew Info (Edit Time Stamps)
 Patient Demographics (Modify Customer)
 HCFA Box 12 and 13 Signature (Modify Customer CMS
 NPP Info (Modify Customer)
 Accident Check Box (Tab 2)
 Charges (Tab 3)
Importing Charges
 Charges can be Imported from ePCR
 Must be Configured in RescueNet Administration
 Use Caution in setting these up if using Default
Importing Charges
 Six Options for Charges
• Intervention Charges
• Used to base a charge on a procedure on the PCR
• Level of Care Charges
• Base Charge on Level of Care provided
• Outcome Charge
• Base Charge on the outcome selected in the PCR
• Priority Charge
• Base Charge on the Transport Priority in ePCR
• Qualifier Charge
• Base Charge on a Procedure question on the PCR
Importing Charges
 Qualifier Pick List Charges
• Import a Charge based of an item selected in the PCR for a
 Can assign an individual charge from Billing or you can
create Charge Categories with multiple charges from Billing.
Setting Import Options
 General Section
• Primary and Secondary Impressions
• This will Import into the Complaints field
Billing will allow 5 Impressions.
• Mileages
• Odometers
• Loaded Mileage
• Updating Total Trip Mileage
• Use Local Customer Default Signature Setting
Setting Import Options
Import Options
 Configuring Customer Confirmation Settings
Setting Import Options
 TabletPCR Section
• Charges
• Can configure based on Outcome will only import
charges configured in The Field Data Administration
Charges Section
• Signature Section
• NPP Information
– Based on Signature set as the HIPPA Signature
• HCFA Box 12 and 13
– Imports the signature designated as the HCFA
Setting Import Options
• Accident Info
• Checks Accident Button based on set Causes of Injury
• Checks Workman's Comp button based on set Causes
of Injury
Confirming Patient Data
Confirming Patient Data
Confirming Patient Data
Setting up Billing Workflows
Best Practices
 Planning Changes in RescueNet Administration
 Tracking Outstanding PCR’s
• Combination of List of CAD runs and RescueNet Reporting
 Confirming Patient Data
 Establishing Complete Call Rules to Capture information
needed for accurate Billing