Pilar Rojo Noguera CALRE’s President The Future of the European integration challenges for regional assemblies and 1. The Role of Legislative Assemblies in Europe: the CALRE 2. The importance governance of the multilevel 3. The defense of the subsidiarity principle as a tool for regional assemblies with legislative power in the future of Europe 1. The Role of Legislative Assemblies in Europe: the CALRE The EU regional assemblies with legislative power joint in a network : the CALRE 1. The Role of Legislative Assemblies in Europe: the CALRE Departing point: Cooperation with the European Parliament The role of regional parliaments on the EU policies The subsidiarity principle 1. The Role of Legislative Assemblies in Europe: the CALRE The adoption of the Lisbon Treaty change the scenario: The EU regional assemblies with legislative power was empowered: the “Early Warning System” The CoR obtained direct right to act in the EU Court of Justice Request: regional assemblies should strength its cooperation with the CoR internal activities 2. The importance of the multilevel governance The regional and local authorities (LRA) are the closest bodies to the EU citizens: Democratic legitimacy Europe 2020 strategy -midterm review- needs to be territorialized to get fixed goals Good governance: the LRA have to be more present at EU level and thus, in the CoR internal functioning 3. The defense of the subsidiarity principle As a tool for regional assemblies with legislative power for the defense of its prerogatives: As a parameter of the EU competences against regional competences violations Problem: this principle remains in process to be effectively implemented Request: the implementation of this principle have to be more flexible and adapted to regional assemblies capacity Pilar Rojo Noguera CALRE’s President