How to write a thesis statement

thesis statement expresses your
opinion about a topic. It is the basis
of the introductory paragraph of
your essay.
 It should be a single complete
 You must be sure you can support
the opinion in your thesis.
thesis statement should:
 Never be an open-ended question
 Be limited to mentioning only
those points you plan to discuss in
your essay
 Never be so broad that it’s difficult
to discuss all relevant information
 Only present one specific idea; not
multiple ideas
 To
create a thesis statement simply follow
this formula:
 Choose a theme
 Innocence
 Friendship
 Humanity
 Obedience/Conformity
 Prejudice/Discrimination
 Write
your chosen theme on your
thesis organizer
 Brainstorm
 Write
down as many points as you can
think of about your theme on your thesis
 What points can you think of related to
your theme in connection with The Book
 What points can you think of related to
your theme in connection with “The Boy
in the Striped Pajamas”?
at your brainstorming list
and identify at least three
common traits related to your
theme between The Book Thief
and “The Boy in the Striped
Write those three points on your
thesis organizer
 Write
the rough draft of your thesis using
your three common traits:
 _________________(theme) is illustrated
in The Book Thief and “The Boy in the
Striped Pajamas” (when, by, through,
etc…) ____________(point 1),
_____________(point 2),
and_______________(point 3).
 Begin
finding quotes to support your
thesis from The Book Thief and write
them on your thesis organizer. (at
least 3)