Central Nervous System

Nervous System
Learning Target
 I can describe the parts of the nervous system and explain
how they work together.
The Control Center
 What do brushing your teeth, riding a bike, and solving a
math problem all have in common?
 All result from instructions from your body’s control center.
 Neurons- Specialized cells that make up the nervous system
 Unlike body cells they CANNOT repair or replace themselves if
they are damaged
 Neurons carry messages to and from different parts of the body
 Reflex arc
Parts of the Nervous System
 Central Nervous System (CNS)- includes the brain and
the spinal cord.
 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)- includes the nerves
that connect the CNS to all parts of the body.
 It carries messages to and from the CNS
Nervous System
Central Nervous System
 Brain- the mass of neurons that controls all actions,
emotions, thoughts, and memory.
 Weighs about 3 pounds
 Blood vessels cover your brain and carry oxygen and food it
needs to work
 Well protected
 Skull
 Meninges- membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord
 Spinal Cord- long bundle of neurons that extend almost
the entire length of the body
 Relays messages from all parts of the body to the brain and from
the brain to muscles and glands
 Diameter of your index finger, protected by backbone
Central Nervous System
3 Parts of the Brain
 Cerebrum- largest portion of the brain
 controls senses, movement of muscles, thinking, and speech
 Cerebellum- Sits at the back of the head under the
 controls balance, posture, and coordination (fine motor
 Brain Stem- controls vital (important) body actions such as
heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, and digestion
Cerebrum-controls senses, movement of muscles, thinking, and
Cerebellum- controls balance, posture, and coordination (fine motor
Brain Stem- controls vital (important) body actions such as heartbeat,
breathing, blood pressure, and digestion
All 3 Parts
Four Lobes of the Brain
 Located in front of the central sulcus (grooves).
 Concerned with reasoning, planning, parts of speech and movement (motor
cortex), emotions, and problem-solving.
 Located behind the central sulcus (grooves).
 Concerned with perception of stimuli such as touch, pressure, temperature
and pain.
 Located below the lateral sulcus (grooves).
 Concerned with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli (hearing)
and memory (hippocampus).
 Located at the back of the brain, behind the parietal lobe and temporal lobe.
 Concerned with many aspects of vision.
Lobes of the Brain
Approximately Locations: Lobes of the Brain
Peripheral Nervous System
 Made up of many nerves that connect the CNS to all parts of
the body
 Peripheral nerves carry messages to and from your muscles
or organs
 Two main parts of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
 Somatic system- deals with actions you control (voluntary)
 Examples- stick your arm out or stick your tongue out
 Autonomic System- deals with actions you do not usually
control. (involuntary)
 Examples- heartbeat, breathing, digestion
Peripheral Nervous System