Surrealism - Somerset Academy

And 3-pt. perspective
 3-pt
Perspective (ant’s or bird’s eye view)
 Hatching/cross-hatching/color pencil
 Surrealism
 Interior or Exterior (at least 3 buildings)
 Theme: “My Paradise”
Homework - due Monday
Research one of the surreal artists provided
Print and paste a portrait and at least 2
images of the artist’s work. Must be in color.
Write a page biography. Title and date each
work next to the work. In color pencil,
replicate one of the artist’s work.
Print and paste an image of 3-pt. perspective
and draw a 3-pt. perspective study next to it.
Brainstorm for your project.
Artist bio example
Salvador Dali
Rene Magreitte
Kay Sage
Yves Tanguy
George Grie
Carrie Ann Baade
Frank Picini
3-pt. Perspective