CBISA Reports - Lyon Software

CBISA™ Reports
For any CBISATM questions, contact
Customer Support: (419)-885-4593 or
Use “enter” on your keyboard, or click your left
mouse button to move through the screens
Instructions for Creating Reports
Reports and Listings Module
To access the Reports and Listings module, click on the "Reports and Listings“ module
tab. Within the Reports and Listings module, you can access many different report
menus by clicking on the menu tabs. After choosing a specific menu tab, the reports
contained in that menu will appear in the control panel browse box.
Report Menu Tabs
*The Needs Reports menu is only available in CBISA PlusTM. The rest of the report
menus are available in CBISA OnlineTM and CBISA PlusTM.
*Please note: Higher Education and Senior Living users will see different reporting
menus, and higher education reports may contain fewer statistics. The mechanics of
previewing, printing, and exporting reports is consistent among all versions of CBISATM.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Instructions for Creating Reports
Reports and Listings Module
To Preview or Print a report:
Select the report you want to preview or print by highlighting the report in the control
panel browse box.
Choose your reporting options, including the date range you wish to view (the screen
defaults to your current fiscal year dates) and if you wish to open the report in a new
Some reports will have a drop down list, check boxes, or information list with additional
options to further customize the report. To select from a drop down list, click on the down
arrow to open the option list, then highlight the desired item. To choose a check box,
click within the box next to the desired item. To select a group of more than one item
from a list (i.e., to select more than one item to include on a report), check multiple
checkboxes or hold down the shift key and click the first and then last in the list. To
select items that do not appear in succession on the list, hold down the control key and
highlight (i.e., click on) the various items to be included in the report.
Note: When previewing a report with selected Departments as a reporting option, if a specific department is not
chosen, then the data on the report will contain any Program record for which a department has not been assigned.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Instructions for Creating Reports
Reports and Listings Module
Some reports will also have the option of choosing the orientation for the report. The
portrait version contains the basic report information and the landscaped version contains
several other columns of information (i.e., additional fields from the Occurrence form).
Click on the Preview button to see the report.
To Print a report while in Preview mode, click the Printer icon on the report task bar.
Select your page range from the pop up dialog box. Click OK and the report will download
as a PDF. Open the PDF, then proceed with printing. You can also save a copy of this
You can also Export reports to save them in other formats such as Microsoft Word, Excel,
or a PDF file. To export a report, simply choose the Export icon (floppy disk & paper) on
the report task bar. Select your desired format from the dropdown on the pop up dialog
box. Click OK and the report will download. From there, save a copy wherever you like or
open it to make any necessary edits.
Printer Icon
Export Icon
©Lyon Software, 2013
Report Terms and Their Locations
Program Title – found on Line 1 of the Program/General tab
Age – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Program/Target Audience tab
Baseline/Goal – found on the Program/Indicators tab
Benefit – found on the Occurrences screen, this is calculated by subtracting Revenues
(Offsets) from Expenses, usually expressed as Net Benefit
Broader Community – a choice for the “Targeted For” drop down box found on the
Program/General tab
Category – found on line 2 of the Program/General tab
Collaborators – found on the Program/Objectives tab
Comparative Trend – a way of analyzing the current year’s community benefit information
by comparing it to last year’s data (or vice versa using Comparative Trend – Reversed)
County - found on the Program/Target Audience tab
©Lyon Software, 2013
Report Terms and Their Locations
Date – found on line 1 of the Occurrences screen, the Financial Services tabs, the Narratives
module, and the Outcomes module
Department Name – found on line 7 of the Program/General tab and line 2 of the
Occurrence screen
Department Number – found on line 2 of the Occurrences screen
Expenses – the total of Salaries, Fringe Benefits, Purchased Services, Supplies, and Other
Direct and Indirect Expenses from the Occurrences screen
Fees – an element of revenue found under the Offsetting Revenues section of the
Occurrences screen
Financial Assistance – one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab
Format – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Program/Setting/Format tab
Foundation/Fundraising – an element of revenue found under the Offsetting Revenues
section of the Occurrences screen
Fringe Benefits – an element of cost that is found under the Expenses section of the
Occurrences screen, calculated by multiplying the Fringe Benefit Percentage found on Line 1
by the Salary Expense in the Expenses section
©Lyon Software, 2013
Report Terms and Their Locations (Continued)
Gender – a drop down box found on the Program/Target Audiences Tab
Grants/Support – Restricted Grants and Support is found in the Memo Fields section of
the Occurrences screen
Healthy Communities – a list of selectable goals that are found on the Program/Healthy
Communities tab
Hours – tracked on line 3 of the Occurrences screen, and an optional field found on the
Narrative/General tab
Indicators – used to measure the success of a Community Benefit program; found on the
Program/Indicators tab
Indirect Expenses – an element of cost that is located on the Expense section of the
Occurrences screen, this is calculated by multiplying the Indirect Cost Percentages found in
Org Defaults (Financial) to the total Direct Expenses found on the Occurrence screen
IRS 990 Questions – one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab
IRS Bad Debt – one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab
IRS Medicare – one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab
©Lyon Software, 2013
Report Terms and Their Locations (Continued)
Joint Venture– one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab
Living in Poverty – a choice for the “Targeted For” drop down box found on the
Program/General tab
Means-Tested Programs – one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab
Medicaid – one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab
Monetary Inputs – one of the main statistics shown on CBISA™ reports; consists of
Expenses, Offsets, and Net Benefit
Narrative – the non-quantifiable story found on the Narrative/Narrative tab
Objectives – found on the Program/Objectives tab
Offsets/Revenues – the total of Foundation/Fundraising, Grants/Support, Fees, and Other
from the Occurrences screen
Other – an element of revenue found under the Offsetting Revenues section of the
Occurrences screen
Other Direct Expenses – an element of cost found under the Expenses section of the
Occurrences screen
©Lyon Software, 2013
Report Terms and Their Locations (Continued)
Outputs – one of the main statistics shown on CBISA™ reports; “Persons Served” is
automatically available, and two more are customizable
Persons Served – found on line 4 of the Occurrences screen
Purchased Services – an element of cost found under the Expenses section of the
Occurrences screen
Ratios – one of the tracking types utilized in the Financial Services tab
Revenues/Offsets – the total of Foundation/Fundraising, Grants/Support, Fees, and Other
from the Occurrences screen
Salaries – an element of cost found under the Expenses section of the Occurrences screen
that can either be calculated using total dollars reported or by multiplying the hours by the
Setting – a list of selectable choices found on the Program/Setting/Format tab
Special Needs – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Program/Target Audience
Staff Hours – found on line 3 of the Occurrences screen
©Lyon Software, 2013
Report Terms and Their Locations (Continued)
Keyword/Person – found on the Narrative/General tab
Supplies – an element of cost found under the Expenses section of the Occurrences screen
Subjects – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Narrative/Subjects tab
User Defined Codes – a list of selectable choices that is found on the Program/Objectives
tab and on the Occurrences screen
Volunteer Hours - found on line 3 of the Occurrences screen
Year – found in the “Tracked Since” field on the Activities/General tab
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I
Menu I #1 – Programs Detail
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #2 – Program Detail Full
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #3 – Selected Categories – Summary
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #4 – Selected Categories – Detail
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #5 – Selected Departments
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #6 – Programs Targeted For…
This report can be run for “Living in Poverty” (or substituted term) or for the “Broader Community”.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #7 – All Outcomes Including Linkages
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #8 – Financial Services Detail
Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare
and Bad Debt).
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #9 – Elements of Cost
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #10 – Elements of Offsetting Revenue
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #11 – Comparative Trend
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #12 – Comparative Trend - Reversed
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #13 – Selected Formats
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #14 – Selected Settings
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #15 – Selected Ages
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #16 – Selected Genders
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #17 – Selected Special Needs
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #18 – Selected Counties
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #19 – Selected Healthy Community Goals
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #20 – Sel. User Defined Codes - Programs
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #21 – Sel. User Defined Codes – Occurrences
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu I #22 – Programs with Collaborators
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu II
Menu II #1 – Programs with Revenues
This report can be run for “All”, “Foundation/Fundraising”, “Grants/Support”, “Fees”, “Other” or “Additional”.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu II #2 – Programs with Expenses
This report can be run for “Salary Expenses”, “Purchased Services”, “Supplies”, “Other Direct Expenses”, or
“Indirect Expenses”.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu II #3 – High Impact Programs
Note: The input parameters for this report are customizable.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu II #4 – Costly Programs
Note: The input parameters for this report are customizable.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu II #5 – Low Cost Programs
Note: The input parameters for this report are customizable.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu II #6 – Low Cost-High Impact Programs
Note: The input parameters for this report are customizable.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Menu II #7 – Programs Ranked by…
This report can rank by “Benefit”, “Persons Served”, “Staff Hours”, “Volunteer Hours”, and other numeric
inputs and outputs.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Narrative Reports
Narrative #1 – Selected Keywords
©Lyon Software, 2013
Narrative #2 – Selected Subjects
©Lyon Software, 2013
Narrative #3 – Selected Departments
©Lyon Software, 2013
Narrative #4 – Pending Entries
©Lyon Software, 2013
Narrative #5 – All Narratives Including Linkages
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries
Complete Summaries #1 – Complete Summary - Unclassified
Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare
and Bad Debt).
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #2 – Complete Summary - Classified
Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare
and Bad Debt). The Classified Summary differs from the Unclassified Summary in that it separates out
totals for the Living in Poverty and the Broader Community.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #3 – Executive Summary
Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare
and Bad Debt).
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #4 – Executive Summary – 3 Year
Note: You may choose to include or exclude non-Community Benefit financial services (such as Medicare
and Bad Debt).
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #5 – Executive Summary Detail – 3 Year
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #6 – Summary of Community Services
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #7 – Summary by Category
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #8 – Summary - Selected Departments
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #9 – Summary - Targeted
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #10 – Summary by Month
©Lyon Software, 2013
Complete Summaries #11 – Direct & Indirect Expense by
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings
Control Listings #1 – Occ. – Selected Programs/Categories
Note: You may run this report with Occurrences sorted according to Programs or Categories.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #2 – Occ. – Selected Departments
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #3 – Occ. – Selected Users
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #4 – Occurrences – Sorted by Department for
Report coming soon. This slide is a placeholder.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #5 – Occurrences with Notes
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #6 – Occ. – Elements of Cost
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #7 – Occ. – Salary Expense Detail
Report coming soon. This slide is a placeholder.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #8 – List of Programs
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #9 – Occurrences Due
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #10 – Pending Occurrences
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #11 – Program Contacts…
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #12 – Occ. – Restricting Offsetting Revenue
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #13 – Occ. – Indirect Cost
©Lyon Software, 2013
Control Listings #14 – Outcomes – Selected Programs
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS Form 990 Schedule H
IRS 990H #1 – Part I Item 7
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #2 – Part II
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #3 – Worksheet 1 Financial Assistance
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #4 – Worksheet 2 Ratio of Patient Care Cost to
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #5 – Worksheet 3 - Medicaid
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #6 – Worksheet 3 – Other Means-Tested
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #7 – Worksheet 4 Comm. Health Improvement &
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #8 – Worksheet 5 Health Professions Education
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #9 – Worksheet 6 Subsidized Health Services
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #10 – Worksheet 7 Research
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #11 – Worksheet 8 Cash & In-Kind Contributions
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #12 – Bad Debt Worksheet - Cost
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #13 – Bad Debt Worksheet – Statement 15
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #14 – Worksheet – Medicare Part III
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #15 – IRS Questions – Part I
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #16 – IRS Questions – Part III
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #17 – IRS Questions – Part VI
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #18 – Joint Venture
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #19 – Reconciliation
©Lyon Software, 2013
IRS 990H #20 –Subsidized Health Services List
©Lyon Software, 2013
Other Reports
Other Reports #1 – Users
©Lyon Software, 2013
Other Reports #2 – Appendix D
©Lyon Software, 2013
Other Reports #3 – IPM’s
©Lyon Software, 2013
Other Reports #4 – Reporting Unit Defaults
©Lyon Software, 2013
Other Reports #5 – Department List
©Lyon Software, 2013
Other Reports #6 – Attachments
©Lyon Software, 2013
Other Reports #7 – Programs Inventory
Report coming soon. This slide is a placeholder.
©Lyon Software, 2013
Partnership Reports
Partnership Reports #1 – Partnerships – Selected Programs
©Lyon Software, 2013
Partnership Reports #2 – Partnerships – Selected Narratives
©Lyon Software, 2013
Partnership Reports #3 – Partnerships – Selected Outcomes
©Lyon Software, 2013
Partnership Reports #4 – Partnerships – Selected Areas of
©Lyon Software, 2013
Partnership Reports #5 – Directory of Partnerships
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports
*only available in CBISA PlusTM
Needs Reports #1 – Directory of Needs
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #2 – Prioritized Needs
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #3 – Needs – Comprehensive (All Linkages)
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #4 – Needs – Linked Partnerships
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #5 – Needs – Linked Programs with
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #6 – Needs – Linked Narratives
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #7 – Needs – Linked Outcomes
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #8 – Needs Cross-References to HP2020
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #9 – Needs Not Linked to a Program
©Lyon Software, 2013
Needs Reports #10 – Programs Not Linked to a Need
©Lyon Software, 2013
Lyon Software…striving to make social
accountability reporting a streamlined