
For All Schools
October 2013
What is STARS?
STARS is the application all schools
use to record offered courses, teacher
assignments, and student schedules.
STARS data will be used to identify
what courses each teacher teaches
and the students within those courses.
2013-2014 School Year for
Elementary Schools
This August CFN teams helped setup
Elementary Schools in STARS by
collecting teacher assignments and
student to teacher linkage information.
Going Forward for Elementary Schools
Now that STARS setup is complete, Elementary Schools will manage
STARS data by making updates to student programs, etc.
STARSCLASSROOM is the new grade reporting application
designed for teachers. It lives on the Internet and can be accessed
from anywhere, using any device.
STARSCLASSROOM is a web application designed specifically for teachers. Teachers will
use STARSCLASSROOM to enter marking period (report card) marks and comments and,
in future releases, verify class lists and student enrollment dates.
Only teachers linked to classes and students will have access to STARSCLASSROOM.
Other DOE employees that attempt to login will receive the following message.
The message staff members not linked to courses/students will see when logging into
Who can access STARSCLASSROOM?
STARSCLASSROOM is a web application designed specifically for teachers. Only
teachers linked to classes and students will have access to STARSCLASSROOM. Other
DOE employees that attempt to login will receive the following message.
The message staff members not linked to courses/students will see when logging into
Can Principals, Program Chairs, or other schools administrators access
STARSCLASSROOM is a web application designed specifically for teachers. Only
teachers linked to classes and students will have access to STARSCLASSROOM. If an
administrator also teaches a class they will have access to their classes in
STARSCLASSROOM only. Other DOE employees that attempt to login will receive a
message stating that they have no classes.
Administrators and other non-teaching staff use STARSADMIN to access report card data
entered by teachers via STARSCLASSROOM.
STARSCLASSROOM is a web application designed specifically for teachers. Teachers will
use STARSCLASSROOM to enter marking period (report card) marks and comments and,
in future releases, verify class lists and student enrollment dates.
Only teachers linked to classes and students will have access to STARSCLASSROOM.
Other DOE employees that attempt to login will receive the following message.
Step 1: End of Marking Period and School Grading Policy
School administrators will let teachers know when to enter grades for a given marking
period. Teachers must not attempt to enter grades in STARSCLASSROOM until the
school’s report card administrator confirms that the system is ready for data entry.
Step 2: Log in
Type on your internet browser, which will take you to
the home page. STARS Classroom is designed to work on any browser or internet-ready
Enter your DOE Outlook alias and password, and click on ‘Sign In’ in order to enter the
system. Your alias is the portion of your DOE e-mail address that comes before the If you do not know your user name or password, click on the ‘forget
your username or password’ link next to the ‘Sign In’ button.
Step 3: View Your Classes
A teacher will see all of the official classes s/he is assigned once logged into
STARSCLASSROOM. School administrators must have attached teachers to classes in
order for them to appear on this page.
Any discrepancies (missing classes, extra classes, etc) should be reported to the school’s
report card administrator.
Step 4: Select a Class to View
Once a teacher clicks on a class from the landing page, STARSCLASSROOM will display
the roster (list of students) for that official class.
Navigating a Class List in STARSCLASSROOM
Use the menu bar at the top of every class list to see school information and to choose
which marking period to work in.
NOTE: Teachers must be aware of the marking period selection at the top of every class
list to ensure marks are being entered correctly.
Use the navigation bar at the bottom of every list to move through students.
Hover over the Student Icon to see student’s biographical information.
Click the + icon to enter marks and comments for a student. Teachers
will only enter marks and comments for the courses they are linked to in
Step 5: Enter Marks and Comments/Narratives
Teachers enter marking period
subject and indicator grades
under the ‘Mark’ column.
Entries will be saved
NOTE: Marks must be entered
for each overall subject and for
each indicator (common core
aligned competency) below
each subject.
Step 5: Enter Marks and Comments/Narratives
Teachers can choose up to three comments from
the new DOE list of common core aligned
comment codes. Teachers who know which
comment (by code) they want to use may enter it
in the comment code entry fields. Teachers can
also search for comments using the filter
dropdowns. Entries will be saved automatically
as they are entered.
Teachers also have the option to enter a
narrative comment using the ‘Write’ tab within
the comment window. Narrative comments will
be print along with any selected comment codes.
A schools grading policy will determine how
many and what type of comments should be
Other Actions
Click the ‘Contact Us’ button to provide feedback or suggestions on
Click the ‘Help’ button to open the STARCLASSROOM Wiki pages for additional
support. Log into the DOE wiki using your email user ID and password.
Click the ‘Log Off’ button to log off of STARCLASSROOM when you are finished
Administrators and other non-teaching staff use STARSADMIN to
access report card data entered by teachers via
Report Card Data in
Report Card Data in STARSADMIN
STARSCLASSROOM is a web application designed specifically for teachers. Teachers will
use STARSCLASSROOM to enter marking period (report card) marks and comments and,
in future releases, verify class lists and student enrollment dates.
Only teachers linked to classes and students will have access to STARSCLASSROOM.
Administrators and other non-teaching staff use STARSADMIN to access report card data
entered by teachers via STARSCLASSROOM.
Report Card Data
STARSADMIN Report/Function
Administrator Update of Marking Period Grades and
comment codes.
• Marking Period Grades*
View Marking Period Grades entered by Teachers via
View Marking Period Comment Codes used by Teachers
Custom Reports 1.01*, 1.03*, 1.07*, 1.20* (Excel)
View Marking Period Narrative Comments
Custom Reports 1.32 (Excel by Group)
Subject Class List With Grades* (PDF)
Missing Grades Report* (PDF)
Report Cards (PDF)
Custom Reports 1.01*, 1.03*, 1.07*, 1.20* (Excel)
*Currently only elementary overall marks can be accessed using these functions and reports. Marks for subject
indicators (common core aligned competencies) can only be updated via STARSCLASSROOM and viewed on
report cards.
Report Cards in STARSADMIN
The elementary school report
cards has been updated for 201314 to align to the Common Core
Learning Standards.
In June and July of 2013,
teachers, principals,
superintendents, and DOE staff
provided feedback about the
updated report cards in a survey
made available on the DOE
Teacher Page. Schools can see a
summary of the feedback, along
with an FAQ with grading
guidance and information on
report card options. For more
information visit
Grades 6 – 12 also have the
option to use the new report card
design when generating report
card reports via STARSADMIN.
Data entered and updated in STARSCLIENT and STARSAMIN is
reflected immediately in STARSCLASSROOM
Troubleshooting STARSCLASSROOM
As teachers begin to use STARSCLASSROOM errors in programing data will be
found and must be fixed to allow for accurate grade reporting and Advance data
PROBLEM: A teacher logs into STARSCLASSROOM and does not have any
Troubleshooting STARSCLASSROOM
PROBLEM: A teacher logs into STARSCLASSROOM and does not have any classes?
SOLUTION: Only teachers that appear on the master schedule, have students scheduled,
and that are correctly linked on Teacher Reference can access STARSCLASSROOM.
Middle Schools and High Schools (CFNs help Elementary Schools) confirm:
The teacher appears on the master schedule for the desired number of course.
Students are scheduled for those courses/sections (classes are not empty).
Name entered on the master schedule is correctly matched on Teacher Reference.
Click the
icon to display teacher details on Teacher Reference. A correct EIS/Employee
ID number and Email address must be listed for a correct match.
Troubleshooting STARSCLASSROOM
PROBLEM: A teacher logs into
not have any classes?
SOLUTION: Only teachers that
appear on the master schedule,
have students scheduled, and that
are correctly linked on Teacher
Middle Schools and High
Schools (CFNs help Elementary
Schools) confirm:
School has at least 1
marking period for the
current school year/term.
Schools with no marking
periods can not enter marks
and not show courses in
Troubleshooting STARSCLASSROOM
PROBLEM: A teacher reports that s/he sees the wrong courses when logging into
SOLUTION: Teachers will see all of the courses and students they are linked to in STARS
(master schedule, student programs, teacher reference) in STARSCLASSROOM. If a
teacher is missing courses check the master schedule for the course and teacher.
If a teacher is missing courses:
Check the master schedule. Is the missing course listed? Is the teacher listed for all
the correct courses?
Check Teacher Reference. Remember, if a teachers name is entered two different
ways on the master schedule it will appear twice on Teacher Reference. This is okay
as long as both records are linked correctly on Teacher Reference.
Troubleshooting STARSCLASSROOM
PROBLEM: A teacher reports that s/he sees the wrong courses when logging into
SOLUTION: Teachers will see all of the courses and students they are linked to in STARS
(master schedule, student programs, teacher reference) in STARSCLASSROOM. If a
teacher is missing courses check the master schedule for the course and teacher.
If a teacher has extra courses:
Check the master schedule. The teacher will be listed next to the course in question.
Who is teaching this class? Update the teacher name to update
STARSCLASSROOM. Complete Teacher Reference for the new teacher name if
Troubleshooting STARSCLASSROOM
PROBLEM: A teacher reports that s/he sees the wrong students when logging into
SOLUTION: Teachers will see all of the courses and students they are linked to in STARS
(master schedule, student programs, teacher reference) in STARSCLASSROOM. If a
teacher is missing students or has students not currently in his/her class student programs
must be updated.
If a teacher is missing students:
School can use Schedule Add/Drop (or other functions) to schedule new admits and
students who had recent program changes.
If a teacher has students not in his/her class:
Most likely due to a interclass transfer, the school can use the Schedule Add/Drop
(or other functions) to update the schedules of students who have had recent
program changes.
Troubleshooting STARSCLASSROOM
PROBLEM: STARSCLASSROOM defaults to Marking Period 2 when a teacher logs in but
the school is currently collecting marks for Marking Period 1.
SOLUTION: STARSCLASSROOM will default to the Marking Period the school is currently
in as identified on the Manage Terms and Marking Periods screen on the Client. If this is
not desired, changing the marking period dates to put the school back in Marking Period 1
will make Marking Period 1 the default in STARSCLASSROOM.
StarsClassroom and Report Cards
For additional information about STARS Classroom or report cards, please see the
following resources:
Student Report Cards and Supplements:
Stars Recourses on the DOE Intranet:
STARS Admin - Elementary School Overview
STARS Admin - Printing a Report Card
STARS Classroom - Teacher FAQ
STARS Classroom - Teacher Guide K-5
STARS Classroom - Teacher Guide 6-12
STARSClassroom -
STARS Wiki –