effects of exercise on the heart

Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 1
Effects of exercise on the
cardiovascular system
Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 2
What you will learn about
in this topic:
1. The short-term effects of
exercise on the cardiovascular
2. The long-term effects of exercise
on the cardiovascular system
3. How to measure your pulse
• Blood pressure - ‘The of force at which the blood
passes through the blood vessels.'
• Heart rate - 'The number of times the heart beats per
• Stroke volume - ‘The amount of blood pumped out of
the heart during one contraction'
• Cardiac output - ‘The amount of blood ejected from
the heart in one minute'
Resting heart rate
• The average heart rate when we are at rest is
60-80 BPM
• Your resting heart rate can be a sign of fitness.
People with high cardiovascular fitness have
lower resting heart rates as the body is
more efficient at transporting the blood
around the body.
• Systolic – The pressure of the blood when the
heart contracts
• Diastolic- The pressure of the blood when the
heart relaxes
• Systolic/Diastolic
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06iQlVMS
• You will take you pulse for 15 seconds
• Take this number and multiply by 4 to get your
• You are going to do 1 minute of star jumps
star jumps 1min
• Retake you pulse
• List: what has been the immediate effects of
this small amount of exercise on you
Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 10
Heart rate monitoring
An ECG (electrocardiogram)
machine will show you what your
heart rate looks like.
Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 11
Short-term effects of exercise on
the cardiovascular
•Heart rate increases
faster and deeper
Temperature increases
•Blood Pressure
Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 14
Long-term effects of exercise on
the cardiovascular system
•Size and Volume
of the heart
•Lower Resting
•Lower Blood Pressure
•Increased Stroke
•Increased Cardiac Output
•More Capillaries
Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 18
The cyclist Miguel
Indurain, five
times Tour de
France winner,
had a resting
heart rate of 28
beats per minute,
one of the lowest
ever recorded in
a healthy human.
Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 21
Exam questions
1. Describe what happens in the
short term to your
cardiovascular system when you
Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 22
What you have learnt
in this topic:
1. The short-term effects of
exercise on the cardiovascular
2. The long-term effects of exercise
on the cardiovascular system
3. How to measure your pulse
Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 23
Learning objectives
You should now be able to:
• Understand the effects of short- and
long-term exercise on the
cardiovascular system
• Describe the effects of exercise on the
cardiovascular system
• Explain how to find a pulse and
measure your heart rate