Lecture Room Operation Instructions

AV Controls in the
Lecture Rooms
Trying to Navigate the Changes
► We
uninstalled the existing audiovisual
equipment from the previous equipment
racks and lecterns located in each lecture
room and replaced them with a custom
consolidated Multimedia Lectern. The
lecterns are designed to simplify the use
and installation of various pieces of
equipment required to integrate the
► The
following equipment has been
integrated into the new lecterns:
► Blu-ray DVD player: for DVD playback of
both standard and Blu-ray media
► HDTV capable tuner/modulator: for
connectivity to cable TV
► Classroom
computers: for presentations.
This includes the network computer and the
Stand-Alone computer.
► Six new 46” flat panel LCD displays have
replaced the existing displays in each of the
following rooms: Lecture Rooms C, D, and
► Control
System Processor and 17” touch
panel/computer monitor for use during
teaching. The panel is able to be used as a
control system touch panel and lectern PC
monitor. Existing wireless touch panels in
the rooms are integrated into the system.
► Hideaway cable enclosure for connecting
and additional laptop computers.
Codec in the Lecture Room C and
► Existing High-resolution scan converters for
laptop connections.
► Multiple wireless microphones (all in one
transmitter/microphone design) to allow the
presenter to present/teach and be heard
anywhere in the room.
► Integrated
an HD-capable all-in-one pan-tiltzoom ceiling mounted video camera to allow
for video conferencing and streaming along
with allowing the ability for USUHS
technicians to see into the room for troubleshooting purposes.
► New digital cabling has been run to all
display devices from switcher/distribution
► On
top of the teaching station are the
keyboard and mouse for the computers.
The keyboard and mouse are wireless so
that presenters can work from the table in
the room. These devices work with both
► The mouse can also be used as a pointer on
the screen.
► The touch screen does not control computer
► An
additional wireless remote has been
added for those individuals that find the
wireless mouse difficult to use as a pointer.
► Audio and video recording equipment has
been added to allow for capture of the
lectures or programs in all lecture halls.
They are currently in use in Lecture Rooms
D and E. Testing is being done in the other
halls for implementation soon.
► On
the wall behind the teaching stations, you will
find a wall plate which can accommodate multiple
laptops, in addition to the connections on the
podium, should someone wish to use laptops for
presentation instead of the house computers.
► With this computer input, you will see a dial that
says "Shift." This dial allows you to horizontally
shift the image generated on the screen by the
laptop. Occasionally, when a laptop is plugged
into a projector or control system, this type of
adjustment is necessary.
► The
stand alone computer has a cable that
terminates on the podium that allows the
lecturer to utilize a flash drive without
having to access the computer.
► Both the network computer and stand alone
computer have CD drives and are capable of
projecting DVD’s and playing CD’s.
Touch Screen Operation
► The
touch screen allows you to activate the
system, control sources, raise and lower
volume on programs, and shut down the
► This touch screen is movable on the podium
and allows the presenter to control the
sources to the projector no matter which
way it is facing.
Touch Screen Operation
► Upon
arriving in the room, you will see
three possible screens: black if the system
has been off for a while; welcome screen if
the system was recently turned off; or main
menu if the system is still up. If the screen
is black or welcome and you want to use
the system, you touch the panel to activate
Welcome Screen on Touch Panel
Touch Screen Operation
► Touching
the screen again when you see
the logo will take you into the Main Menu.
Main Menu
Touch Screen Operation
► The
icons at the base of the screen show
the sources that can be accessed from this
screen. Touching them activates that
► The first five icons refer to computer
sources: the network computer; the stand
alone computer; lectern DVI; lectern VGA;
and wall VGA.
Touch Screen Operation
► Touching
any of these icons will bring up
that source which can then be viewed in the
left hand preview screen.
► The preview screen allows you to prepare
for your lecture or switching sources
without the audience seeing what you are
► Touching the preview screen increases the
size on the touch screen for viewing.
Touch Screen Operation
► When
you are ready for the audience to
view what you are presenting, you touch
the base of the preview screen where it
indicates to do so.
► If there is already a projection; you can
send the blank screen and work from the
preview screen.
► There is a secondary preview screen that
can be set up for reading your notes during
the presentation in a dual screen mode.
Touch Screen Operation
► Either
screen can be sent to the
presentation devices.
► Note: until you send the view to the
presentation devices, there will be no audio
from the source selected.
► If the screen and projector are not already
on, they will activate when you send the
view to the projection devices. If they are
already on, they will switch to that view.
Preview Screen
Touch Screen Operation
► The
Blu-Ray source icon will bring up a
control panel for the player.
► The player will read both regular DVD and
Blu-Ray disks. It should be noted that there
is time involved in waiting for loading and
playing of the disks.
► Utilize the buttons to control the player.
Make sure to send the display to the
projector in order for it to be viewed and
heard by the audience.
Touch Screen Operation
Touch Screen Operation
► The
TV icon will bring up a tuner control for
use with the in-house cable TV network.
► Currently, this network only has three
channels, though eventually all the rooms
will be connected for broadcast.
► Type in the channel and push enter.
► Again, until you send the source, no audio
will be heard.
TV Control Screen
Touch Screen Operation
► The
phone icon activates a menu that
allows you to call out to another phone and
have that audio pumped into the room.
► This feature is not active as it requires the
use of a phone line that is not in the room
Phone Control Screen
Touch Screen Operation
► The
final source icon on the bottom is the
one for the camera. This camera is in the
rear of the room and is controlled by the
menu activated by the icon.
► The camera is typically used for recording
events in the room, though it can be sent as
a source to the projector and LCD panels.
Camera Control Screen
Touch Screen Operation
► Pan
and tilt are controlled by the wheel
► Camera speed refers to how fast the
cameral will move while controlled.
► Presets are the camera positions already set
in the camera.
Touch Screen Operation
► The
other icons on the touch panel control
environmental aspects of the room:
reduced screen projection; volume control
of the panel mics; volume of the podium
mic; volume of the program sources (i.e.
computer, tv, and Blu-Ray player); and, the
► The lights have four presets for use during
presentations: all the way up; two
successive dimming settings; and off.
Main Menu
Touch Screen Operation
► Touching
the “Full Screen” icon will reduce
the projected screen to allow for stage use.
Touching it again returns the projection to
full size.
► The volume controls on this screen are over
a range controlled by the arrows. The oval
located below each volume setting allows
you to mute the source with a touch. If the
word “mute” is red the source is muted, if
not, the source is projecting.
Touch Screen Operation
► Touching
the icon above the lights labeled
“Room Controls” will bring you to another
menu that controls devices individually:
projector, screen, LCD panels, lights, and
wireless microphones.
Room Controls
Touch Screen Operation
► The
wireless microphones have three preset
volumes and mute. You should try the
microphones before presenting to find the
volume best suited to your voice.
► There are three lavaliere microphones, one
ear-piece, two hand-held mics.
► If you are soft-spoken, you are probably
better served with the ear-piece mic.
Touch Screen Operation
► As
with the volume, it is best to try the
different microphones to find what works
best for you.
► The microphones are stored in a charger.
Each microphone battery has a 16 hour
charge and will appear green when fully
Touch Screen Operation
► When
the microphone is removed from the
charger, the light on the front will blink red,
yellow, green. When it blinks red
continuously, it has connected to the
► You may now push the button the front of
the mic for the microphone to be active
(light will be green).
Touch Screen Operation
► To
mute the mic, push the button. The
light will turn red.
► To return to the main screen, just touch the
back button in the upper right corner of the
Touch Screen Operation
► When
you have completed your
presentation, you need to log off the
computer and if no one is following your
lecture, you may shut down the system.
► Shutdown is accomplished by pushing the
“Exit” button in the upper right corner.
► You will be asked if you are sure you want
to shut down.
Touch Screen Operation
Touch Screen Operation
► Pushing
“Yes” will exit the system: i.e. shut
off the projector; raise the screen; and turn
off the podium mic.
► Pushing “No” will return you to the main
menu screen.
► Please remember that turning off the
projector means that there will be a cool
down time and warm up time if you need
the projector again.
Wall Touch Panel
► The
touch panel on the wall mimics the
operations of the podium touch panel with
the exception of the preview screens.
► The menus associated with the icons appear
differently due to size of the screen.
Welcome Screen
Main Screen
Lighting Screen
Volume Control Screen
Projection Control Screen
Projection Control Screen
Blu-Ray Control Screen
Shut Down Screen
Wall Touch Panel
► To
remove the wall panel, you simply press
the button (blue light) at the base of the
panel. The panel will move forward out of
the wall and you can lift it free from its
► There is a stylus on the left side of the
panel. It is stored in a similar fashion to the
stylus on a PDA. Please remember to return
the stylus to its slot before putting the panel
back into the wall.
Wall Touch Panel
► When
you are finished, you slide the panel
back into its cradle.
► Please do not force it into position, if you
have trouble, please notify MDL.
► These panels do not work in other rooms
and are not functional with other systems,
so please leave them in the room.
Notes about Operation
► Please
be aware of recording situations.
Many of the lectures and programs in the
halls are recorded. This means any
microphone or computer use may be
recorded and broadcast later to the
► If you want to insure private conversations,
mics must be muted.
Notes about Operation
► As
these are government computers, it is
suggested that you do not conduct private
business on the computers that include
outside passwords or credit card numbers.
► Your USUHS login and Group-Wise login are
protected, but all others maybe visible when
sent to projection devices or recorded
during lectures.