Lesson Plan Presentation for Math

Lesson Plan Presentation for Math
Estimation Jar
MTE 532
September 26, 2010
Estimation Jar
The Estimation Jar lesson is a creative plan that
addresses several state standards. Students will count
and group in sequences to 100, review even/odd
numbers, estimate and solve for sums and differences.
This 2nd grade lesson provides students with
differentiated instructional activities to meet the needs
of diverse learners. Scaffolding activities are included
for at-risk students along with extensions for gifted
learners. After instruction, students will be given a two
part assessment to demonstrate understanding.
Standards of Learning
The student will:
 count forward by fives and ten to 100, starting at various multiples
of 5 or 10, using mental mathematics, paper and pencil, and/or
concrete objects (jelly beans) as appropriate.
 recognize even and odd numbers.
 compare two whole numbers between 0 and 999 using symbols
and words.
 find the sum and/or difference, given two whole numbers, using
various methods of calculation.
 use the data from this activity (estimations) to create a graph.
 estimate the sum.
The student will count by fives and tens to 100.
The student will compare and organize numbers in
sequential order, from the smallest to the largest.
The student will estimate the sum of jellybeans in the
The student will recognize even and odd numbers.
Given two whole numbers, each of which is less than
99, the student will calculate the difference and/or sum
of the numbers using various methods of calculation.
Materials Needed
A jar filled with 100 or fewer
jelly beans.
One small piece of paper for
each student to write his or
her name and estimate on.
Jar for names and estimates
Estimation worksheet with
Grocery estimation
Test for assessment
Instructional Activities
Students gather in a circle, observe and write down
estimates and name on paper of how many jelly beans
in the jar.
 After placing the paper in the jar,
teacher will select a student to read
the estimates.
 Students will take turns selecting estimates
from jar and place estimates in order.
 Teacher begins questioning (See question slide).
Instructional Activities
Have students sort using various methods.
Count how many jelly beans are in the jar as a
class by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, or 10’s
One student writes the actual number of jelly
beans on a slip of paper and sequence it in the row
of estimates.
Students will identify if the actual number is odd or
even and who made the closest estimate to the
actual number.
Instructional Activities
The teacher will facilitate a class discussion on the
rationale on determining the winner.
The winner gets half of the jelly beans.
As a class, students practice counting
by either 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, or 25s
dividing the jelly beans in half.
The remaining jelly beans are divided equally
among the rest of the class.
Students will be asked to
identify the smallest
 Students will be asked to
identify the most popular
 Students will be asked to
identify the least popular
 Students will be asked
comparison questions.
How many more chose 46 than 58?
Scaffolding Activities for At-Risk
Use an estimation worksheet with pictures
that will provide guidance and help them
take notes to form an estimation.
 Teacher models how to estimate when
looking at a jar while thinking aloud to
provide guidance.
 Pairing students heterogeneously for
support and guidance.
Extension Activities for Gifted
Student can graph the class estimations.
Student can estimate height, weight, length of
items and compare estimates to the actual
Create a grocery estimation
The student will have a dollar
limit and estimate what items
to buy without going over.
The students will be given a test to determine if they
have learned about estimation.
 This test will have two parts:
- one part where they work with a partner
- one part where they work individually
 With a partner, the student will count by fives and tens.
Both students will record which numbers the student
skips while counting.
 Individually, the student will complete the test by
answering questions about even and odd numbers and
subtraction/addition using estimation.
This 2nd grade lesson plan is fun and exciting.
Students will not even realize they are learning
while they count and group in sequences to 100,
review even/odd numbers, estimate and solve for
sums and differences using jelly beans.
As for teachers, the plan includes all the
necessary elements for a successful lesson. The
standards/objectives are met throughout the plan,
instructions are clear, and the assessment is
directly related to the objectives while meeting the
needs of various learners.
Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education (2004). Mathematics
standards of learning enhanced scope and sequence: grade 2. Estimation
jar. Retrieved September 21, 2010, from http://www.doe.virginia.gov/