Unit Two - Color Pencils as a fine art Medium This unit has four parts.

Final Drawing Objective for Unit Two
 It is very important to remember to select the
right tools and learn how to use those tools. This
can make or break your final product for this
unit. The color wheel assignment should have
shown you that low grade colored pencil will not
produce a better product.
 Your final unit drawing objective will be to select
a colored animal photography from a magazine
like "National Geographic" or an animal calendar
(no cartoon drawings or animations of animals),
lightly sketch a contour line drawing on a 9x12
piece of heavy art paper, using proper colored
pencil techniques (learned in this unit) while
adding correct invented textures for a realistic
drawing while employing a focal point.
Part II and III. Monochromatic colors and the expressive
qualities of color.
 This monochromatic worksheet will also have an area to
Monochromatic means one color and its tints
and shades.
create some expressions of art .
 Color has expressive qualities just like the art element of
You will be completing a monochromatic
worksheet to learn how to create the
ranges of values of a color using black and
white to a color.
enhance the realistic effect of your final
 Red can be a warm or hot color
 Blue can be a calming feeling.
 Black can make us feel empty.
 These colors and many more can give the viewers can
express emotions.
Each color can have a dark color and a light color and it is important to learn
how to make them using the colored pencils.
Part II and III
Medium Techniques Continue –
Texture and Value .
These terms will be discussed again.
Texture if the element of
art that refers to how
things feel or look as if
they might feel if
 Value is the element of
art that refers to the
lights and darks of
Artist rely on the memories of you, the viewer to
obtain visual textures.
A technique used to create visual textures are
called invented texture
( two dimensional patterns by the repetition of lines and shapes)
 Invented texture and
values can create the
look of realism in a work
of art.
 How do you think the
artist created the
different surface textures
in this colored pencil
Papers used with colored pencils
 Paper can come in a variety of textures.
 The making of paper falls into three categories.
Machine made
 Made by a machine called the Fordriner papermaking
machine dries much faster, utilizing a different quality of
 Are made in much the same manner today as they were
centuries ago , by scooping pulp from a vat onto a mould by
Mould make
 Emulate handmade paper but the cylinder mould machines
works on a larger and faster scale than hand making process.
Other things to know about paper.
Properties of paper
 Permanence
 a buffering agent can be
added to protect the paper.
 Surface of Texture
 Varies according to fibers
 Weight- measure in pounds
 Color- during this century a
bleach has been added to
make it white unless is made
from a natural shade of fiber
Types of paper
 The majority of machine
paper are made from a
mixture of fibers of hardwood
and softwood, while paper
made from fibers of cotton,
linen, just, ramie and esparto
are more expensive.
See how the variety of pressures or tips your pencil has might make your area have
smooth looking texture or a rougher texture
Apply a light to medium pressure on drawing
paper can result in white flecks. With a sharp
colored pencil and artist could use this
technique to invented textures that might
have a have rougher looking texture.
To reduce the white flecks of paper, keep the
colored pencil sharp. This technique can and
should be used for smoother shiny texture
looking surface.
Smoother paper doesn't have so many valleys(
like rag board). A blunt pencil edge with heavy
pressure can created a smoother texture. (It in
recommended that when starting to work with
colored pencils that you begin with this step).
 Tips to remember
 - There are two kinds of colored pencils: water soluble and
non-water soluble both can work for this project.
 - An artist should always select a colored pencil for its light
 -If you keep your colored pencil tip sharp it can minimize a
paper's grain.
 - A blunt and rounded point of the pencil will maximize
paper's grain and yield a less intensive color.
 - Both of these techniques could be used in your drawing.
 - Keep a good hand held pencil sharpener within reach and
a good art eraser available.
Learn how to palm a group of
colored pencils for speed.
 Learning how to use colored pencils by taking a group
of three different colors in your hand and palm them.
This can increase speed and effectiveness of the tools.
 Practice rolling the two pencils not used into the palm
of the a hand. When you need one of them palm the
pencils by roll it down to your fingers and roll the
other one up.
Apple Assignment : Complete the following as is will be a graded assignment
 Step 1. On a half sheets
of good drawing paper
begin by drawing this
 Lightly drawing a
contour line shape of the
apple with a medium
graphite pencil
 ( a #2 H pencil will work)
 Step 2. After you have
sketched a contour line
drawing of the apple, add
a light pressure of grey
colored pencil or graphite
pencil for shading on one
side of the apple as this
will be the shadow side of
the apple form.
 Step 3. Using a light to
medium pressure adding
various red to red-orange
and yellow tones of colored
pencils over the entire
surface. The yellow pencil is
where the lighter side of the
apple appears and in real
life a red apple might have
this yellow sun spot as this
was where the sun hit the
apple while still on the tree.
Some white flecks of the
paper should still be
What tonal effect will look best for
this apple?
 A. A finished colored pencil
drawing usually contains a
variety of tonal effects.
 B. Tonal Layering means to
apply the pencil stokes so
close together that they
merge into a solid area.
Layering the stacking up of
the semitransparent colors
over one another of color.
 C. Repeating the layers over
each other, can produce
different texture effect.
 Step 4. Add a
white colored
pencil over the
whole apple
with heavy
pressure for a
tonal layering
Step 5. The last layer will be to
re-saturate the apple with the
first colors of various colored
pencils over the glazed and
whitened surface. This will
restore much of the lost color.
Try some other colored pencil
technique to finish the
( Important information)
Paper can be overworked and the grain of the paper
can lift off. If this happens color can not be
restored to the drawing surface.
Also important information: Do not outline your
apple with any darker line. A heavy dark line will
animate any drawing.)
Don't forget to consider the directions that you lay
down the strokes of your colored pencil. A curve,
round object such as the apple below should have
curving lines. This will help it create a rounding
Try other effects to the background.
 Using a medium pressure of two
different colored pencil
Interjecting colors can help create an
optical effect
blue and violet=blue violet
red and blue=violet
green and orange=black
On a the background of the apples.
of drawing paper try interjecting two
complementary colors ( These are
colors that are directly across from
each other on the color wheel, like
orange and blue) with a light to
medium pressure. See what optical
effects you will achieve.
Another technique is to try laying
two colors next to each other.
 Alayeral means to
apply colors right next
to other. This creates
an optical mixing.
Look at the blue line
next to the red color at
the bottom of the
apple. At first glance it
looks purple.
 There are two ways to
remove color no longer
wanted if you have not
applied the color with a
heavy pressure to begin
will. it is possible to use a
good art eraser. or use a
small piece of scotch tape
positioned over the color
area needed to be lifted
and rub a burnishing tool
or a pop cycle stick over the
area. Make sure that the
masking tape does not
come in contact with any
of the water paper. Then
carefully lifted tape as not
to tear the paper.
Your final drawing objective will be (after completing the remaining steps for this unit) to select a
colored photograph of real animal and lightly sketch with graphite pencil as a contour lines
drawing. Then using proper colored techniques learned from units instructions apply the correct
invented textures using a high grade colored pencil to complete with rubric as a guide.
Turn your finished apple in for