Roman Expansion


Roman Expansion

World History


Date: Monday

December 9

TSWBAT read, analyze AND explain primary resource

(roman laws) and compare and contrast them to

American laws.

Warm-Up: Quiz; Check worksheets and review answers

Activity: read p. 149 (Roman Law) quietly at your seats; read one of the Roman laws and write a one paragraph answer

Roman Laws explanations paragraph Due


Current Assignments

• Greek Newspaper

Past Due





What do I need for class today?

Date: Tuesday

December 10

TSWBAT read, analyze AND explain primary resource

(roman laws) and compare and contrast them to

American laws.

Warm-Up: using your worksheet from Friday, draw a diagram or chart of the Roman Political Structure (see page 148-49 for help); we will discuss these

Activity: read one of the Roman laws and write a one paragraph answer thoroughly explaining the law AND one paragraph comparing that law to one in the United States (do your best to compare!!)

Roman Laws explanations paragraph Due


• Greek Newspaper




Current Assignments

Past Due


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Who to include in the diagram:

• Roman senate

• Patricians

• Plebeians

• Consuls

• Praetors

• Council of Plebs (assembly)

• Centuriate (assembly)

• Soldiers

Date: Wednesday

December 11

TSWBAT discuss and define what causes a conflict; locate Carthage on a map; explain how, why, and when the Punic Wars occurred and the significance of these wars

Warm-Up: TURN IN 12 TABLES! Staple

Write in your notes:

1) In your opinion, what causes conflict?

2) Explain the location of Carthage using a map (p. 150)

3) On p. 150 read and answer questions 1 &2

Activity: PPT and notes on Punic Wars




Current Assignments

Past Due


What do I need for class today?

Roman Expansion

• After their conquest of Italy, Romans faced the state of Carthage

– Who did the Romans have to conquer first?

– What continent if Carthage located?

• The Phoenicians founded Carthage on the

Coast of North Africa

• Carthage had an enormous trading Empire with colonies stretching from Spain to Sicily

• Carthage was the largest and Richest state in the area

Punic Wars

• Why do you think a conflict arose between Rome and Carthage?

• The First Punic


– The presence of the Carthaginians in Sicily (an island close to the Italian

Coast) made the

Romans fearful.

First Punic Wars, Con’t

• Both the Romans and the

Carthaginians were determined to control Sicily.

• The Romans built a large naval fleet knowing they could not take over Sicily (an island) without a navy

• In 241 BCE, the Romans defeated the Carthaginians and Sicily became the first Roman province.

• The Carthaginians vowed revenge.

First Punic Wars:

• What was the RESULT of the First Punic Wars?

The beginning of the Second Punic Wars

• To make up for lost lands in Sicily, the

Carthaginians decided to add new lands in


• The Romans encouraged one of Carthage’s

Spanish allies to revolt.

• In response, the greatest Carthaginian general, HANNIBAL, struck back beginning the

Second Punic Wars.

Second Punic Wars

• Hannibal, the general of the

Carthaginians brought the fight to Rome this time by crossing over the Alps with 46,000 men, horses, and elephants.

• The Alps took a toll on the

Carthaginian army; most of the elephants died, but the remaining army was still extremely dominant

• The Romans made a big mistake and met the Carthaginian army head on---

– The Roman army lost 40,000 men.

Second Punic Wars

• After defeating the Roman army,

Hannibal conquered surrounding areas in Italy; however he did not have enough men or equipment to take over any major cities.

• The Roman army began to recover from its loss and eventually reconquer the cities that had been taken by Hannibal.

• By 206 BCE, the Romans had pushed the Carthaginians completely out of

Italy and Spain.

Second Punic Wars

• To ensure that Hannibal left Rome, the Romans invaded Carthage while

Hannibal was in Spain.

• The Romans knew that

Hannibal would retreat back to Carthage (in Africa)

• Having the upper hand now, the Romans crushed

Hannibal’s army

• Spain became a Roman


• Rome was now the dominant force in the western Mediterranean world

Second Punic Wars

• What was the result of the Second Punic Wars?

Third Punic Wars

• For years, wealthy and powerful Romans had wanted Carthage destroyed.

• In 146 BCE it was destroyed ; for ten days

Romans burned and destroyed the city and sold all inhabitants into slavery .

• The territory of

Carthage became a

Roman province called


Third Punic Wars

• What was the result of the Third Punic wars?

What was the historical and cultural significance of the Roman destruction of Carthage?

Date: Thursday

December 12

TSWBAT define, explain, analyze, and compare and contrast events and people of the Roman Empire

Warm-Up: Complete worksheet “The End of the Punic Wars”

(read and answer)

Activity: Complete section 1 review (1-7) on page 151; this will be graded and discussed!

Section review due tomorrow!

QUIZ Monday on

(Section 1)- Roman

Republic and


Current Assignments

• Roman Laws

Past Due




Pen/penc il

for class today?

After you read article, answer these questions ( write out questions ):

• 1. who was Scipio?

• 2. Why was he elected Consul?

• 3. Why did Carthage break the truce with


• 4. Explain the battle of Zama

• 5. What happened to Carthage after the war

• 6. Who rules Carthage?

• 7. How many people were sold into slavery?

Date: Friday

December 13

TSWBAT evaluate their answers to the review; explain the importance of Hannibal and make comparisons to their own life experiences.

Warm-Up: Review and discuss all answers to section 1 review; review answers to quizzes

Activity: Viewpoint Description of Punic Wars wks; reminder : quiz


QUIZ Monday

(Section 1)

Current Assignments

Past Due




Pen/penc il

for class today?

Date: Monday

December 16

TSWBAT evaluate their understanding of Rome thus far; survey, define, and explain vocabulary and he Gracchus


Warm-Up: 5 minutes to silently review for the quiz

Activity: AFTER THE QUIZ, complete p. 152 content vocab and p.

153 Gracchus Brothers activity to prepare for next section

Current Assignments

Past Due





What do I need for class today?

Date: Tuesday

December 17

TSWBAT explain the first Roman Triumvirate; create a flow chart explaining Julius Caesar’s rise to power

Warm-Up : review vocab and Gracchus Brothers questions

Activity : First Triumvirate PPT; partner activity

Make up quizzes tomorrow in class!

Current Assignments

Past Due





What do I need for class today?

From a Republic to an Empire

• By the second century BCE, the Roman Senate became the real governing body

• The Senate was controlled by a small circle of wealthy and powerful families.

• The backbone of Rome had always been the small farmers; however over time, these farmers lost their lands to the wealthy and became the landless poor of Rome

• Two brothers, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus urged the Council of Plebs to pass land-reform bills that would give land back to the small farmers (now the landless poor)

Republic to an Empire

• Many senators, themselves large landowners whose estates included large areas of public land, were furious with the brothers idea.

• A small group of Senators killed the brothers for their reform ideas

– This opened the door for instability and violence in the Roman Empire

Republic to an Empire

• For the next 50 years (82-31 BCE), Roman history was characterized by civil wars as many individuals competed for power.

• Turn to page 154: read the short primary resource passage by the Roman historian

Sallust and summarize that in your own words.

– What does this passage tell you about the Roman

Empire at this time in history?

First Triumvirate

• Three men emerged as victors from the civil wars and power struggles:

Crassus: known as the richest man in Rome

Pompey: was military hero

Julius Caesar: controlled military command in


• The combined wealth and power of those three men was enormous and enabled them to dominate the political scene and achieve their goals.

First Triumvirate

• In 60 BCE Caesar joined with Crassus and

Pompey to form the First Triumvirate

– A government ruled by three people with equal power

Pompey received command in Spain

Crassus received command in Syria

Caesar was granted special military command in France

First Triumvirate

• In 53 BCE Crassus was killed in battle, which left only Pompey and Caesar to rule.

• The Senate feared Caesar’s rising popularity with the people and decided to make Pompey the sole leader; they voted for Caesar to lay down his command.

• Caesar refused; he had a strong army of loyal veterans willing to fight for him

• Caesar led a march on Rome starting civil war between him and Pompey

• Pompey was defeated and Caesar took complete control.

Caesar takes total control

• Caesar was made dictator (absolute ruler)in

45 BCE

• Reforms:

– Caesar gave land to the poor

– Increased the senate to 900 members

• He filled the Senate with his supporters

• By increasing the number of Senate members, he

WEAKENED the power of the Senate

– Gave citizenship to supporters from the provinces

– Introduced the solar calendar

– Made plans for building projects and military campaigns to the east

The Fall of Caesar

• Many senators saw Caesar as a dictator

• In 44 BCE, a group of prominent Senators assassinated him.

• Questions: Answer these with a partner

1. How long was Caesar in power?

2. How long was he dictator?

3. Why do you think he is the most well known

Roman leader?

4. Make a list of events that put Caesar into absolute power of Rome

Date: Wednesday

December 18

TSWBAT analyze the people in history and explain the second triumvirate

Warm-Up : Page 155, read about Julius Caesar and Augustus and answer questions.

1. How were Caesar’s personal qualities important to his success

2. What qualities helped Augustus bring stability and peace to Rome

Activity : Second Triumvirate worksheet; time to begin video of Rome

Make up quizzes today!!




Current Assignments

Past Due


What do I need for class today?

Date: Thursday

December 19

TSWBAT analyze a video; describe Julius Caesar and the Roman Republic at this time

Warm-Up: where did we leave off yesterday?

Activity: Video activity

Current Assignments

Past Due





What do I need for class today?

Date: Friday

December 20

TSWBAT analyze a video; describe Julius Caesar and the Roman Republic at this time

Warm-Up : review from yesterday

Activity : complete video activity!

Happy Holidays!

Current Assignments

Past Due





What do I need for class today?
