Examples of Creating In-Text Citations

Citation Formatting
Direct Quotes and
In-Text Citations
Writing about active listening…
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. General knowledge
• “In active listening, receivers actively
demonstrate that they’ve heard and
understood.” Author’s words from textbook
• An example of active listening is repeating back
to the speaker what you think you heard he or
she say. Your words
Without Citation Formatting
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. “In active listening, receivers
actively demonstrate that they’ve heard and
understood.” An example of active listening is
repeating back to the speaker what you think
you heard he or she say.
MLA Citation: Signal Phrase
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. According to Kitty Locker and
Stephen Kaczmarek, “In active listening,
receivers actively demonstrate that they’ve heard
and understood (309). An example of active
listening is repeating back to the speaker what
you think you heard he or she say.
MLA Citation – No Signal Phrase
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. “In active listening, receivers
actively demonstrate that they’ve heard and
understood” (Locker and Kaczmarek 309). An
example of active listening is repeating back to
the speaker what you think you heard he or she
Without Citation Formatting
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. “In active listening, receivers
actively demonstrate that they’ve heard and
understood.” An example of active listening is
repeating back to the speaker what you think
you heard he or she say.
APA In-Text Citation
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. According to Locker and
Kaczmarek (2009), “In active listening, receivers
actively demonstrate that they’ve heard and
understood” (p. 309). An example of active
listening is repeating back to the speaker what
you think you heard he or she say.
APA Citation – No Signal Phrase
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. “In active listening, receivers
actively demonstrate that they’ve heard and
understood” (Locker & Kaczmarek, 2009, p.
309). An example of active listening is repeating
back to the speaker what you think you heard he
or she say.
Paraphrasing and
In-Text Citations
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. General knowledge
• A person shows the speaker that he or she has
heard what’s been said and understands it
through active listening. Paraphrase of author’s
idea from textbook
• An example of active listening is repeating back
to the speaker what you think you heard he or
she say. Your words
Paraphrasing without Citation
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. A person shows the speaker
that he or she has heard what’s been said and
understands it through active listening. An
example of active listening is repeating back to
the speaker what you think you heard he or she
MLA Citation: Signal Phrase
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. According to Locker and
Kaczmarek, a person shows the speaker that he
or she has heard what’s been said and
understands it through active listening. An
example of active listening is repeating back to
the speaker what you think you heard he or she
MLA: Parenthetical Reference
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. A person shows the speaker
that he or she has heard what’s been said and
understands it through active listening (Locker
and Kaczmarek). An example of active listening
is repeating back to the speaker what you think
you heard he or she say.
Paraphrasing without Citation
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. A person shows the speaker
that he or she has heard what’s been said and
understands it through active listening. An
example of active listening is repeating back to
the speaker what you think you heard he or she
APA Citation: Signal Phrase
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. According to Locker and
Kaczmarek (2009), a person shows the speaker
that he or she has heard what’s been said and
understands it through active listening. An
example of active listening is repeating back to
the speaker what you think you heard he or she
APA: Parenthetical Reference
• Active listening is very important in business
communication. A person shows the speaker
that he or she has heard what’s been said and
understands it through active listening (Locker
& Kaczmarek, 2009). An example of active
listening is repeating back to the speaker what
you think you heard he or she say.
Listing of Cited Sources
at the End
Works Cited
Locker, Kitty O., and Stephen Kyo Kaczmarek.
Business Communications: Building Critical
Skills. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
Locker, K. O, & Kaczmarek, S. K. (2009).
Business communication: Building critical skills
(4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.