PowerPoint - Logical Arts

Makey Makey
How to Makey Makey a Banana Piano
Makey Makey
MaKey MaKey is an invention kit for the 21st century. Turn everyday objects
into touchpads and combine them with the internet. It's a simple Invention Kit
for Beginners and Experts doing art, engineering, and everything inbetween
The Makey Makey name comes from the idea of making anything a key
The board connects via USB and is recognised asa USB mouse or keyboard
The board will work on any PC, Mac, and most tablets and smart phones
What can Makey Makey do?
The Makey Makey board comes with a number of premapped keys
representing mouse or keyboard clicks
You have Up, Down, Left, Right, Space and Click
On the back you have additional outlets for the letter keys W, A, S, D, F, G
In order to register a key strike they must be connected to the earth along
the bottom
How does it work?
Alligator Clip and wires can be used to connect the board
Connections can be made via a large range of conductive materials
When a connection is made the computer registers a key strike
No additional software is required to make the board work
As such the Makey Makey works with any program or website that accepts
keyboard and mouse inputs
Basic Setup
Requires 4 leads to the Up, Down, Left, Right and 1 to the Earth
Now connect the Makey Makey to your computer using the USB cable
The device will be detected as if it is a USB keyboard or mouse
Connect crocodile clips to Earth and the 4 keys
Touch the earth wire and one of the Key wires to register the input
Test it out
To test open up notepad
Test that the cursor can be moved by the keys
Alternatively try out one the one button games:
http://flabbyphysics.com/ (Uses the space key)
http://www.adamatomic.com/canabalt/ (Uses the space key)
Using the back of the board
Disconnect the leads
Turn the Makey Makey over
On the left side there are a set of inputs labelled WASDFG
These represent the letter keys on the keyboard
make some PayDoh letters
Cut some wires and strip the ends
Connect the wires to each letter
Also connect a wire to a seperate piece of PayDoh representing the earth
Connecting to Objects
Again connect to a computer
This time in Notepad test the PlayDoh letters
They only work when a connection is made to earth
The voltages involved are less than 5V
Try linking hands
Test other input objects
Suitable Conductors
Pieces of Fruit
Lines of graphite drawn on paper
Plants with the wire in the soil and touching a leaf
Foil and other metal objects
Use your own imagination
What the board is capable of
There is the possibility of 18 input channels
The predefined ones are Space, Click, Left, Right Up, Down, Left Click, Right
Click, W, A, S, D, F, G
The board is an Arduino board and can be customised, look this up on Google
This would allow you to spin motors, turn on LEDs, or anything else that an
Arduino can do
Banana Piano
Scratch Piano for use with Makey Makey
Additonal musical applications:
Use your own imagination!
Some existing projects
Cat Photo Booth
Jar Jar Keys
Magnetic Maze
Sketch It Play It
Scratch Operation Game
Musical Room
Musical Weave
Video Gallery
Programs to use your Makey Makey with
Connected Objects
A list of scratch programs designed for Makey Makey
Flash Flash Revolution
Additional Links
Official Makey Makey site
Jay Silver on TED
Similar Projects:
Squishy Circuits
Singing Fingers