Flipped Classrooms

By Jayme Thompson
What is a Flipped
No traditional
Online delivering
Outside class time
Homework during class time
teacher leads
teacher guides
The Model
• Students watch lectures at home
• They communicate with peers and teachers online
• Concept engagement happens in the classroom
How the Flipped
And the Story Goes….
So Why Flipped
Other Reasons to Flip…
Students learn at different paces.
Students miss important pieces of information.
Students are absent.
Students are not completing homework.
Teacher spend class time lecturing which leaves
little time for students to practice.
• Teachers spend extra hours tutoring.
The Inner Workings of a
Flipped Classroom
“Flip” Assignments
• Screencast become
• “Homework” now
becomes classwork
• Class focus on more
important activities
• Student paced
• Demonstrate
understanding before
moving on.
Flipped Classroom (Cont.)
• 50% is weekly progress, 50% is tests/quizzes
Other information…
• Great fit with layered curriculum, guided inquiry,
standards based grading, and project based
• Learning Management System
Starts With a Screencast
Tools and Software
• Computer
• Camtasia screencasting software
• Or Jing software (Free)
• www.techsmith.com tutorials
• Tablet
• Microphone
• iTunes or screencast.com
Examples of Screencasts
How do We Get the
Screencast to the Students?
There is always a way!
• Handheld Device (iPod, iPad, Smartphone)
• Computer
• DVD Player
What Flipping Enables
Students to do
• Students can pause and rewind and re-watch
lessons, truly learning at their own pace.
• Students can access the content for their classes
anytime, anywhere, on any device.
• Students don’t have to worry about getting behind
when they are gone.
• Students become active learners and self-reflective,
knowing when they need to rewind or pause the
material to make sure they understand.
• Students can review material from the course at
any time during the year and receive the same
instruction they received the first time.
Enables Students (Cont.)
• Students who are proficient can work ahead on
lessons and challenge themselves.
• Students can work in groups and with the teacher
to collaborate and make meaning of the content
delivered via video.
• Students can take charge and be in full control of
their learning.
The Idea in Action
Highland Village Elementary School
Allen High School
Stonebridge Elementary School
Woodland Park High School
Bullis School
East Grand Rapids High School
Life School
Algonquin College
Arapahoe High School
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School
Prairie South High School
Willis Junior High School
Final Thoughts…
• This is a work in progress.
• Increasing the 1:1 time.
• Students need to be transitioned.
• It’s not always the right instructional choice
• You don’ t have to fully flip your classroom.
• Don’t look at flipping as a way to get more material
• Flipping can work in any subject area!
“With all this….
…..Remembering that the ‘Flipped Classroom’ is
a work in progress and using this ideology has the
ultimate goal of increasing student understanding and
ownership of the content. This may look a little
different in every class, this may look a little different
every year…but I will constantly be striving to find
ways to help support my students in their learning and
help them to develop into reflective, responsible, and
self-directed learners!”
- Crystal Kirch
Works Cited
"15 Flipped Classrooms We Can Learn From." Web log post. Online College Tips. Online
Colleges. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. <http://www.onlinecollege.org/15-flipped-classrooms-we-canlearn-from>.
Bennett, Brian E., Dan Spencer, Jon Bergmann, Troy Crockrum, Ramsey Musallam, Aaron
Sams, Karl Fisch, and Jerry Overmyer. "The Flipped Class Manifest." Web log post. The Daily
Riff. The Daily Riff. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. <http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-classmanifest-823.php>.
Dunn, Jeff. "What's A Flipped Classroom?" Edudemic. Edudemic, 2 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 Apr.
2012. <http://edudemic.com/2011/10/whats-a-flipped-classroom/>.
Epstein Ojalvo, Holly, and Shannon Doyne. "Five Ways to Flip Your Classroom With The New
York Times." Web log post. The New York Times.com. The New York Times, 8 Dec. 2011. Web.
20 Apr. 2012. <http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/12/08/five-ways-to-flip-your-classroomwith-the-new-york-times/>.
King, Mike. "Flipped Classroom Defined." Web log post. The Digital Sandbox. Weebly. Web. 20
Apr. 2012. <http://digitalsandbox.weebly.com/flipped-classroom.html>.
Kirch, Crystal. ""Keeper" for My Flipped Class." Web log post. Flipping with Kirch. Bogger. Web.
20 Apr. 2012. <http://flippingwithkirch.blogspot.com/p/keepers-for-my-flipped-class.html>.
Knewton. The Flipped Classroom Infograph. Digital image. Knewton. Knewton. Web. 20 Apr.
2012. <http://www.knewton.com/flipped-classroom/>.
Musallam, Ramsey. "Should You Flip Your Classroom?" Web log post. Edutopia.org. Edutopia,
26 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. <http://www.edutopia.org/blog/flipped-classroom-ramseymusallam>.
Sowash, John. "Flip Your Classroom through Reverse Instruction." Web log post. The Electric
Educator. Blogger, 6 Sept. 2010. Web. 20 Apr. 2012.
Spencer, Dan. Flipped Classroom Resources. Google. Google Docs.
"Teachers Use Technology to Flip Their Classrooms." TechSmith. TechSmith Corporation. Web.