American Associations Day, The Power of A, and You Why Your Participation Tomorrow Is Vital Beyond 2012 Why is 2012 Different? We are building our foundation for success Why is 2012 Different? Your Hill meetings, with proper relationship building, will pay off in the future Members of Congress Have Staying Power Members Who Stay Get Promoted W&M GOP, 109th Congress 1. Bill Thomas (CA) 2. Clay Shaw (FL) 3. Nancy Johnson (CT) 4. Wally Herger (CA) 5. Jim McCrery (LA) 6. Dave Camp (MI) …… 9. Sam Johnson (TX) 17. Kevin Brady (TX) 19. Paul Ryan (WI) 20. Eric Cantor (VA) W&M GOP, 112th Congress 1. Dave Camp (MI) 2. Wally Herger (CA) 3. Sam Johnson (TX) 4. Kevin Brady (TX) 5. Paul Ryan (WI) 6. Devin Nunes (CA) 7. Pat Tiberi (OH) Members Who Stay Get Promoted HELP Dems, 109th Congress 1. Ted Kennedy (MA) 2. Chris Dodd (CT) 3. Tom Harkin (IA) 4. Barbara Mikulski (MD) 5. Jim Jeffords (VT) 6. Jeff Bingaman (NM) 7. Patty Murray (WA) 8. Jack Reed (RI) HELP Dems, 112th Congress 1. Tom Harkin (IA) 2. Barbara Mikulski (MD) 3. Jeff Bingaman (NM) 4. Patty Murray (WA) 5. Bernie Sanders (VT) 6. Bob Casey (PA) 7. Kay Hagan (NC) 8. Jeff Merkley (OR) What About Staff? • • • • The Legislative Assistant You Meet with Tomorrow Could Become: A Future LD or Chief of Staff A member of Congress A member of your association or profession A valued private sector contact Can Your Meeting Make A Difference? If your Member/Senator has not already arrived at a firm decision on an issue, how much influence might the following advocacy strategies have on his/her decision?* 100% 80% 51% 60% 60% 61% 60% 40% 46% 20% 36% 33% 34% 0% Contact from a person who In-person issue visits from Contact from a person who In-person issue visits from represents many constituents represents many constituents constituents constituents DC Office A Lot of Positive Influence In District Some Influence Why is Tomorrow’s Meeting Important? Tomorrow is the first step in creating working relationships with an office before you need to meet with them. Issue Discussion