BUILDING AN ENGAGED PARISH DGFB – October, 2014 DISCOVERING & LIVING OUR STRENGTHS STRENGTHS Name a recent success STRENGTHS Activity When have you faced a challenge for which you did not feel equipped? What made the task difficult for you? How did you complete this task? When have you faced a challenge for which you know you had just what was needed? What within yourself did you draw upon? What was the result? STRENGTHS Foundational element of engagement: At my parish I have the opportunity to do what I do best STRENGTHS Key point of engagement: At my parish I have the opportunity to do what I do best HOW DO I KNOW WHAT I DO BEST? STRENGTHSFINDER Background STRENGTHSFINDER We are at our best when we do what we naturally do best. You don’t have to become a different person to become successful. You just need to be more and better at who you already are. STRENGTHSFINDER You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! (Psalm 139) You are my beloved, in whom, I am well pleased. (Luke 3:22) There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in EVERYONE. To EACH INDIVIDUAL the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. (1 Cor 12:4-7) ONE body, MANY parts! You have to be who God made you – without that which you bring, the body is not whole. STRENGTHS Psychometric tools don’t put people in boxes, people put people in boxes! 1 in 278,256 chance someone has the same Top 5 as you (in a different order) 1 in 33,000,000 – chance that someone has the same Top 5 in the same order OUR MISSION AND PURPOSE What is our common mission / purpose? How do you see yourself bringing the mission to fruition? What is your part? Soul – What is my unique identity? Role – What is my best contribution? Goal – What is our common mission / purpose? STRENGTHS What you do, I can not do, but what you do, I can not do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things with great love, and together we can do something wonderful. Mother Teresa STRENGTHSFINDER SF is a tool that provides insight into our natural thoughts, feelings and behaviors. STRENGTHSFINDER SF gives us a common language, a vocabulary, to speak about our talents / strengths. EVERYONE has something to offer STRENGTHSFINDER SF is NOT about weakness fixing – fixing your weaknesses might prevent failure, but it will NOT ensure success. STRENGTHSFINDER TALENT – a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied STRENGTHS TALENT – a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied STRENGTH – the ability to provide consistent, near perfect performance in a given activity STRENGTHS TALENT – a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied STRENGTH – the ability to provide consistent, near perfect performance in a given activity (Knowledge + Experience + Skill) x Talent = STRENGTH TALENT is the multiplier! STRENGTHSFINDER FOUR CLUES TO TALENT: Yearning – what kinds of activities are you naturally drawn to Rapid Learning – What kinds of activities do you seem to pick up quickly? Timelessness – In what activities did the time seem to “fly by” for you? Glimpses of Excellence STRENGTHS SF allows us to see ourselves differently and each other differently UNDERSTANDING THE STRENGTHS OF OTHERS BLM Disease I think everyone should Be Like Me SF gives us a tool to see others differently and affirm and value our differences Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it’s stupid. Albert Einstein UNDERSTANDING THE STRENGTHS OF OTHERS Barrier labels – when a powerful strength is mistakenly devalued and diminished as weakness UNDERSTANDING THE STRENGTHS SPECTRUM Raw vs. Mature STRENGTHSFINDER SF allows us to see ourselves as a valuable part of the Church – THE BODY OF CHRIST – directing us in ways we can be most effective in living out the calls of the Gospel. WE ARE MANY PARTS – ALL ONE BODY STRENGTHS Strengths call us into AUTHENTIC, MISSION BASED community! I don’t have to be all things to all people – no ONE person has all the answers! SEVEN STEPS OF STRENGTHS DEVELOPMENT Awareness – Identifying who you are and who you are not. Acceptance – Accepting who you are and who you are not. Appreciation – Embracing and enjoying who you are. Amplification – Becoming more of and better at who you are. Alignment – Finding and filling roles that fit who you are. Avoidance – Escape situations that highlight your weaknesses. Affiliation – Partner with those who are strong where you are weak. STRENGTHS Strengths development happens in stages: Personal STRENGTHS Strengths development happens in stages: Personal Interpersonal STRENGTHS Strengths development happens in stages: Personal Interpersonal Communal STRENGTHS Strengths development happens in stages: Personal Interpersonal Communal Ministerial UNDERSTANDING THE STRENGTHS OF OTHERS Partnerships require: 1) A level of understanding about the power of complimentary partnerships 2) An understanding of the unique talents of those people around you 3) An appreciation for the talents of others UNDERSTANDING THE STRENGTHS OF OTHERS When working in teams, you need to: 1) Understand your own strengths and help others to recognize their own strengths 2) Create complimentary partnerships 3) Identify a common purpose / goal to help focus the team 4) Help team leverage their collective talents toward achieving their goals UNDERSTANDING YOUR STRENGTHS EFFECTIVENESS EXPLORATION IN A ROLE What are my natural abilities that could be used in this role? What are my potential vulnerabilities, that is, how might my dominant themes occasionally be misunderstood or labeled in a negative way by others and thus hinder my effectiveness? What are my liabilities and disabilities, that is those abilities that are either absent or quite unnatural for me but are requirements for my role? What things give me credibility for this role? (Education, experience, etc…) Where and with whom am I most compatible? (Partners, audiences, situations) STRENGTHS Leaders must use their strengths to create: TRUST COMPASSION HOPE STABILITY SF DOMAINS OF LEADERSHIP Domains of leadership – talents grouped into “domains” of similar outcomes The broader Domains offer a practical lens to look at the makeup of a team People shouldn’t be well–rounded, successful teams are! STRENGTHSFINDER QUESTIONS? THOUGHTS? COMMENTS? Break! ACTIVITY Worksheet STRENGTHSFINDER Review of full 34 by Domain STRENGTHS Relationship Buildling Adaptability Connectedness Developer Empathy Harmony Includer Individualization Positivity Relator STRENGTHS INFLUENCING Activator Command Communication Competition Maximizer Self-Assurance Significance WOO STRENGTHS STRATEGIC THINKING Analytical Context Futuristic Ideation Input Intellection Learner Strategic STRENGTHS EXECUTING Achiever Arranger Belief Consistency Deliberative Discipline Focus Responsibility Restorative STRENGTHS ACTIVITY Strengths insight cards (2-3) STRENGTHS Thnik about the last time someone drove you crazy – can you begin to reframe some of the behaviors in the context of strengths / barrier labels? STRENGTHS In a small group – LOVE, CRAZY, ENVY WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Persue ENGAGEMENT WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Persue ENGAGEMENT Persue ME25 WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Persue ENGAGEMENT Persue ME25 Persue STRENGTHS WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Persue ENGAGEMENT Persue ME25 Persue STRENGTHS Chew on it ACTIVITY Creating an action plan! IMPACT PLANNING IN 45 MINUTES OR LESS! STRENGTHS & ENGAGEMENT APPLICATION Questions, thoughts, ideas… THE FUTURE OF STRENGTHS & ENGAGEMENT Gallup Faith Practice STRENGTHS Resources!!! STRENGTHS Resources – online and consulting CSEC Live! w LITANY OF BEING GOD’S INSTRUMENT OF GOODNESS Response: God who sings through us, we thank you. For the talents and the abundance of gifts that are ours… For the faith that stirs and grows in our hearts… For the many people who have been your instruments of goodness in our lives… For the moments when we have known the song of your presence in a special way… For the times when your goodness has made music through us… LITANY OF BEING GOD’S INSTRUMENT OF GOODNESS Response: God of goodness, help us to trust in you. When fear rises up in us and we do not believe in our ability to be your instrument… When the busyness and schedules of our lives press upon us and create questions about your song within us… When we doubt your presence in the difficult aspects of our days… When we loose sight of the truth that we are called to be instruments of goodness… When emptiness, loneliness, and other struggles keep us from hearing your melody of love… LITANY OF BEING GOD’S INSTRUMENT OF GOODNESS Response: God of love, sing your song through us. As we grow in believing in our goodness… As we allow more and more of who we are to be influenced by your presence… As the song of your love grows in us and the call to be your instrument becomes clearer to us… As we struggle to know how and when to share our gifts and goodness with others… As we go forth from here with the desire to be your instruments of love… UNDERSTANDING THE STRENGTHS OF OTHERS “We never get to the bottom of ourselves on our own. We discover who we are face to face, side to side with others in work, loving and learning.” Robert Bellah “Vocation: The place where your soul’s deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Fredrick Buechner STRENGTHS What is YOUR experience? What experience illustrates one of your themes in action? How might you build on this in the future? OR What experience illustrates something that you naturally do well? How might you build on this in the future? Executing Relationship Building Influencing Strategic Thinking STRENGTHS How are your talent the means with which God equips you to live the call of faith, relationships and work? CONTACT INFORMATION Kirsten Hangas Christ the King Parish Together Strong, LLC 406-546-1433 6650 Linda Vista Blvd Missoula, MT 59803