DNN CONTAINERS TRAINING Edgar Monarrez DNN MODULE CONTAINER Create a Container using HTML Assign [TOKEN]’s Define ContentPane Package Container & Upload GOOD CANDIDATES TO CREATE CONTAINERS HTML DNN Administration Web Design WHAT IS A MODULE CONTAINER? Skin definitions which can be applied to content modules. A container is defined in exactly the same manner as a skin except for the fact that there are a different set of skin objects (TOKENS or dynamic functionality) used in containers. STEP 1: DESIGN YOUR CONTAINER Design the layout that you want to create using HTML Be creative! There are a lot of examples of sites using DNN. http://www.dotnetnuke.com/default.aspx?tabid=541 STEP 1: DESIGN YOUR CONTAINER HTML CODE INTERNET BROWSER STEP 2: ASSIGN TOKENS Dynamic Content Add a placeholder to represent some type of dynamic functionality using a [TOKEN] Example: <div>[ACTIONS][TITLE]</div> STEP 2: ASSIGN TOKENS [TOKEN] STEP 2: ASSIGN TOKENS [TOKEN] STEP 2: ASSIGN TOKENS HTML CODE INTERNET BROWSER [TOKEN] STEP 2: DEFINE A CONTENT PANE A place where content of the module will be displayed Used to organize the structure of content within a DNN website <td id="ContentPane" runat="server"></td> or <div id="ContentPane" runat="server“></div> STEP 2: DEFINE A CONTENT PANE HTML CODE INTERNET BROWSER STEP 3: ADDING A CSS (OPTIONAL) You can add a css file to control the style of your skin called container.css The container.css file must be on the root of the skin package and you must not include a link to the container.css file. DELETE THIS LINE WHEN UPLOADING THE SKIN. DNN WILL ADD THIS LINE AUTOMATICALLY WHEN YOU UPLOAD THE CONTAINER <link href=“container.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> STEP 4: CONTAINER PACKAGING A skin package includes all the skin files inside of a zip file “Container.zip” html images Container.zip Container. css Other html elements (optional) STEP 5:UPLOAD CONTAINER & APPLY TO A MODULE Login with a host account Go to Admin -> Skins and click on Upload Container Upload your zip file Apply the container to a module by going to Module Settings RESOURCES DNN Skin Video http://dnn.utep.edu/Portals/628/viewlets/CreateASk in/CreateASkin.swf Learn CSS, HTML http://www.w3schools.com/ Firebug https://addons.mozilla.org/enUS/firefox/addon/1843