FOCUS MODEL OVERVIEW CLASS TWO Denver Regional Council of Governments June 30, 2011 Notes calResources Next week’s class is in Independence Pass from 2-3 PM; New Go To Webinar next week On-going classes through August 4; Thursdays 2-3 PM in Monarch Tentative Schedule: Model Steps July 7 How to Run the Model Theoretical Underpinning SQL Database ????? July 14 July 21 July 28 August 4 Review of General Concepts 1. Logit Models are models that make assign probabilities to a set of choices for an individual from a list of discrete choices. 2. The actual choice is made using a monte carlo process. 3. Travel in the model is made on a tour-level, and then a trip level. 4. We can divide the model into four stages. 5. We use four types of code in the model: T-SQL, C#, GISDK, and Java. 6. Much of the input and output data is stored in SQL Server. 7. We still have to run parts of our old GISDK code for path building, skimming and assignment. 8. We are doing this because we can get much finer detail and answer planning questions better using the model. Focus Model Flow: 28 Steps GISDK called from C#: For DIA, I-E, E-E and Commercial Trips GISDK called from C#: GISDK Preprocess Java: 3. Population Synthesizer C# 4. PopSyn Output Processor 5. Size Sum Variable Calculator 1. DRCOG Multi-Period Highway Preprocess 2. DRCOG Multi-Period Transit Preprocess 3. DRCOG Transit Preprocess 4. Trip Generation 5. Highway and Transit Skimming 6. Trip Distribution 7. Mode Choice FEEDBACK C# Regular Trips 8. Regular Work Location Choice 9. Regular School Location Choice 10. Auto Availability 11. Aggregate Logsum Generation 12.Daily Activity Pattern 13. Exact Number of Tours 14.Work Tour Destination Type 15.Work-Based Subtour Generation 19 . Tour Main Mode Choice 20. Tour Time of Day Choice 21. Intermediate Stop Generation 22. Trip Time of Day Simulation 23. Trip Time Copier 24. Intermediate Stop Location 25. Trip Mode Choice 26. Trip Time of Day Choice 16. Tour Time of Day Simulation 17. Tour Primary Destination Choice 18. Tour Priority Assignment 27. Write Trips to TransCAD GISDK called from C#: 28. Highway and Transit Assignment Focus Model Flow: Stage 1 STAGE 1: Make Population And Network STAGE 2: Run GISDK to Mode Choice FEEDBACK STAGE 4: GISDK Assignment STAGE 3: C# Logit Models to Create Trips STAGE 1: Make Population and Network Java: Population Synthesizer C# to process in database: Size Sum Variable Calculator; PopSyn Output Processor GISDK called from C#: GISDK Preprocess Creating networks for example Population Synthesizer ACS or PUMS Disaggregate Data Questions? Aggregate Data that We Need to Match: Economic Forecasts, Land Use Forecasts Disaggregate Population With the Right Portions Matching the Economic and Land Use Forecasts People come out as disaggregate unique entities with many characteristics. Example Family: Mother, Age 33 Part Time Service Worker Father, Age 34 Full Time Education Worker Son, Age 4 Pre-School Student Family Income : $61,000 Data Gets Processed into a Database Structure Database Structure Created and Filled People Database Structure Created and Filled Places What are: Tours, Half Tours, Half Tour Stops, Trips WORK HOME STORE Database Structure Created and NOT Filled YET Travel Household Monte Carlo PopSyn assigns the zone they live in. Then the model randomly assign the households to a point within the zone. Give Each Household a Housing Unit to Live in. A disaggregate X-Y point GISDK: Preprocess Highway Network Inputs Transit Network Inputs Socio-economic Inputs Network Processing & Data Preparation Area Type Trip Generation Highway Transit Skimming Skimming Trip Distribution Parking Cost Mode Choice Time-of-Day Highway Assignment Transit Assignment Stage One is done. Everything outside feedback loop is done. Now we have : 1. A synthesized population 2. A database filled with point locations and people, model variables 3. A set of highway and transit networks ready for use. Focus Model Flow: Stage 2 STAGE 1: Make Population And Network STAGE 2: Run GISDK to Mode Choice FEEDBACK STAGE 4: GISDK Assignment STAGE 3: C# Logit Models to Create Trips Highway Network Inputs GISDK: For Skimming and External/ Commercial Trips Transit Network Inputs Socio-economic Inputs Network Processing & Data Preparation Area Type Trip Generation Highway Transit Skimming Skimming Trip Distribution Parking Cost Mode Choice Time-of-Day Highway Assignment Transit Assignment Stage 2: GISDK Through Mode Choice All C#, trip-making components use travel time and distance skims for highway and transit Internal-External, External-External, trips destined to DIA and Commercial Trips created from Compass GISDK Later these trips get combined with the regular Internal-Internal Trips from C# into matrices by time-of-day by mode Skim matrices(distance) Time Periods for Skims TIMES OF DAY Highway Times of Day AM1: 6:30 – 7:00 AM; AM2: 7:00 – 8:00 AM; AM3: 8:00 – 9:00 AM; OP2: 9:00 – 11:30 AM; OP3: 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM; PM1: 3:00 – 5:00 PM; PM2: 5:00 – 6:00 PM; PM3: 6:00 – 7:00 PM; OP4: 7:00 – 11:00 PM. OP1: 11:00 PM – 6:30 AM; Transit Times of Day AM: 6:30- 9:00 AM MD: 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM PM PM: 3:00 PM -7:00 PM EL: 7:00 PM – 6:00 AM Trip Tables (this is commercial) GISDK Through Mode Choice So we run trip generation, trip distribution, and mode choice for the funky trips This is run from C# calling GISDK. The C# pops open a TransCAD window and calls the macros that have been specified to run. Stage 2 is done. Now we have a LOT of matrices: All highway and transit skims A set of commercial and external trips O-Ds A set of DIA trips O-Ds and modes And all stage one outputs: population, networks, a ready database. Focus Model Flow: Stage 3 STAGE 1: PREPROCESS STAGE 2 :GISDK Through Mode Choice FEEDBACK STAGE 4: GISDK Assignment STAGE 3: C# Logit Models to Create Trips Talking time: Let’s talk about ourselves What are the set of choices that make you travel like you do? What is the highest priority? What is unique about you that guides your choices? What are the smaller choices you make each day? What strange behaviors to you have that would be really hard to model? The steps in Stage 3. Mostly Logit Models. The heart of the model. 8. Regular Work Location Choice 9. Regular School Location Choice 10. Auto Availability 11. Aggregate Logsum Generation 12.Daily Activity Pattern 13. Exact Number of Tours 14.Work Tour Destination Type 15.Work-Based Subtour Generation 16. Tour Time of Day Simulation 17. Tour Primary Destination Choice 18. Tour Priority Assignment 19 . Tour Main Mode Choice 20. Tour Time of Day Choice 21. Intermediate Stop Generation 22. Trip Time of Day Simulation 23. Trip Time Copier 24. Intermediate Stop Location 25. Trip Mode Choice 26. Trip Time of Day Choice 27. Write Trips to TransCAD Long Term Choices 8. Regular Work Location Choice 9. Regular School Location Choice 10. Auto Availability 11. Aggregate Logsum Generation Long Term Choices: Regular Workplace Location Where will I work? Final Choice: Two nests- Work at Home, Work Outside Home Zone and X,Y Location of Work Type of Model: Nested Logit Inputs: (What do you think predicts?) Number of Jobs by type in in a zone Distance from Home to Work Full Time Worker or Part Time Worker Job Sector Accessibility of Work Location from Home Here’s how the choice looks, sent back to the database Persons table: Long term choice 2: Regular School Location Final Choice: Zone and X,Y Location of School Type of Model: Multinomial Logit Inputs: (What do you think predicts?) Grade Level in School Distance to School from Home Income Group Older Sibling’s School