RE Revision RR

Unit 8
Thursday 15th May
Rights and Responsibilities
 A) What is the Golden Rule 2 marks
Rights and Responsibilities
 A) Golden Rule = The teaching of Jesus that you
should teat people the way you would like them to
treat you 2
 Treat people the way you want to be treated 2
 Love your neighbour as yourself 2
 Being nice to everyone 1
Rights and Responsibilities
 B) Do you think human rights need more protection in
the UK?
 Give 2 reasons for your point of view
Rights and Responsibilities
 B) Human rights need more protection in the UK
 Illegal immigrants lose their human rights in detention centres
 UK law does not protect immigrant girls from being forced into prostitution
 Powerful and rich people are still able to abuse the rights of poorer people
 Human rights DO NOT need more protection in the UK
 All UN rights are already protected by UK law
 UK law gives plenty of protection of human rights
 European courts are available to ensure human rights are protected
 Other approaches are possible if valid
Rights and Responsibilities
 C) Explain how Christians make moral decisions
 8 marks + 4 for SPAG
Rights and Responsibilities
 C Explain how Christians make moral decisions
 They use the teachings of the Bible because they believe it is the word
of God
They use their conscience because they believe it is the voice of God
They use Situation Ethics because they believe it is the best way to love
your neighbour
They take advice from Church leaders because they are most likely to
give correct advice
They use the 10 Commandments because they summarise God's
teachings on how to behave
 Other approaches are valid
Rights and Responsibilities
D) Christians should agree with cloning 6 marks
In your answer you should refer to Christianity
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with
Rights and Responsibilities
 D) Christians should agree with cloning 6 marks
 Agree:
 Cloning can eliminate illness
 Cloning can provide people with a better quality of life, so you are
loving your neighbour
 People could protect children being born with genetic diseases
It is playing God which is wrong
A perfect world and perfect people is not what life on earth is about
No one knows the long term effects of cloning
Cloning is unethical
Rights and Responsibilities
 A) What is the Decalogue 2 marks
Rights and Responsibilities
A) Decalogue = The 10 Commandments 2
10 Rules given by God 2
Christian rules 1
Rules given by God 1
The Commandments 1
Rights and Responsibilities
 B) Do you think it is important to take part in
democratic processes 4 marks
 Give 2 reasons for your point of view
Rights and Responsibilities
 B) Do you think it is important to take part in democratic processes 4
Elections give you a chance to be heard
They give you a chance to change things you are unhappy with
The opinion of the majority is put into action
Candidates are all the same so there is no choice
Politicians never tell the truth
It is a waste of time voting makes no difference
Rights and Responsibilities
 C) Explain why some Christians agree with Genetic
engineering and some do not. 8 marks + 4 SPAG
Rights and Responsibilities
 C) Explain why some Christians agree with Genetic engineering and
some do not
Some agree because
Jesus healed people and Christians should try and cure disease
Finding genetic cures is no different o finding drug cures
There is a difference between creating cells and creating people
Some do not agree because
It is trying to play God which is sinful
It is wrong to try and perfect the earth
Most Christians believe life begins at conception and using embryos for
genetic research is wrong
Rights and Responsibilities
 D) Christians should always follow their conscience. 6
 In your answer you should refer to Christianity
 (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion
 (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you
Rights and Responsibilities
 Christians should always follow their conscience 6 MARKS
 Agree:
 St Paul and St Thomas Aquinas both thought Christians should use their
 Some Christians believe it is the voice of God
 The Church says you should follow your conscience
 Disagree:
 People have mistaken schizophrenia for the voice of God and done terrible
things e.g mass murders
 Some Christians think following the Bible is a better way of making a decision
than their conscience which could be wrong
 Jesus teachings and the teachings of the church are more reliable than
 Other approaches are valid