Chapter 2 Lesson 1 Uniformitarianism is the geologic principle that the same geologic processes that operate today operated in the past to change Earth’s surface. Erosion is the process of wearing down and carrying away rocks. Mr. Parr Song: Rock Cycle (No facts) http://www.yo ch?v=53lMdHzv GCQ Weathering is the process that breaks down rock and other substances. The type of weathering in which rock is physically broken into smaller pieces is called mechanical weathering. Chemical weathering is the process that breaks down rock through chemical changes. Abrasion refers to the wearing away of rock by rock particles carried by water, ice, wind, or gravity. Wedges of ice in rocks widen and deepen cracks in a process called frost wedging. Iron combines with oxygen in the presence of water in a process called oxidation. Permeable means that a material is full of tiny, connected air spaces that allow water to seep through it. 8G - Rocks and weathering (2 facts) Bill Nye the Science Guy (5 facts) Mr. Parr Weathering and Erosion Song (No facts) Lesson 2 Soil is the loose, weathered material on Earth’s surface in which plants can grow. Bedrock is the solid layer of rock beneath the soil. Humus is a dark-colored substance that forms as plant and animal remains decay. The fertility of soil is a measure of how well the soil supports plant growth. Soil that is made up of about equal parts of clay, sand, and silt is called loam. The pH scale measures acidity. How to Use pH test strips (2 facts) .com/watch?v=xIz2Y PBXuZU A soil horizon is a layer of soil that differs in color, texture, and composition from the layers above or below it. Mr. Parr Soil Layer Song (no facts) watch?v=gx2wVHeiTKE The A horizon is made up of topsoil, a crumbly dark brown soil that is a mixture of humus, clay, and other minerals. The B horizon, often called subsoil, usually consists of clay and other particles of rock, but little humus. Decomposers are the organisms that break the remains of dead organisms into smaller pieces and digest them with chemicals. Mr. Parr – Decomposers Song (no facts) om/watch?v=WLk9ib0OVA Soil Stories – The Whole Story (Day 1 – 5 facts / Day 2 – 5 facts) Bill Nye the Science Guy 12:25 (5 facts) Lesson 3 A natural resource is anything in the environment that humans use. Soil: Greatest Natural Resource Video (No facts) watch?v=qajjl3esi5E Soil conservation is the management of soil to limit its destruction. Science - Soil Erosion and Conservation Video (3 facts) watch?v=QHyK2M8yiQE In crop rotation, a farmer plants different crops in a field each year. Crop Rotation Made Simple: Video (3 facts) .com/watch?v=XeNA 6XdMoF8 What is crop rotation? Video (No Facts) watch?v=O9YDlcKG4rA In contour plowing, farmers plow their fields along the curves of a slope instead of in straight rows. In conservation plowing, dead weeds and stalks of the previous year’s crop are plowed into the ground to help return soil nutrients, retain moisture, and hold soil in place. Don’t call it dirt. (3 facts) The Plant Doctor (2 facts) Official San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Time-Lapse (no facts)