
Everything started when the
Bishop came in and then he
started to ask questions about
Confirmation. In Church there
were four different schools and
we all had to go to the front
when our names were called.
We all went and we said some
prayers and them the Priests put
their hands on our heads to
bless us then we all went to our
seats and not to long later we
received chrism on our heads.
Arvydas Juchevicius
On Sunday the 1st March 2015 our
class made our Confirmation in the
Sacred Heart Church in Clones. We
were also Confirmed with Gaelscoil
Eois, St. Mc Cartons and Conon’s.
My favourite part of the ceremony
was being anointed with the oil of
Chrism. I liked this part because I
loved the smell of it. This part of
the sacrament of Confirmation
means that you are being sealed
with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Eimear Courtney
I thought the Confirmation
Ceremony was good and the Bishop
was very nice. It was very different
than what I expected it to be. I
thought it was interesting what the
Bishop was saying about Chrism
and everything else. The questions
the Bishop asked were about the
pope and who picked I thought this
was very interesting to know. All of
the Priests were nice overall it was
very good.
Renee Nolan
On Sunday March the first
we made our Confirmation
in the Sacred Heart Church
Clones. The mass wasn’t as
long as I thought. After
mass my family and I went
to the Hotel Kilmore in
Cavan. We all had a lovely
meal and stayed for a little
while. My Confirmation was
really good and I really really
enjoyed myself.
Hannah Mealiff
On the day of my Confirmation I woke
up at half past six and I couldn't get back
to sleep because of my nervousness. I
played my ps3 until eight o’clock. When
my dad got up we had a lazy day until
eleven o’clock and that is when all hell
broke loose and worst thing of all I lost
my trousers. But they turned up in my
little brothers uniform drawer I almost
had a heart attack when I found out I
lost them then at two o’clock we headed
for the Church. The mass took about
two hours then we went to Connolly's
bar and when everyone was there my
mum give me my first phone an Iphone
Luke Rooney
On Sunday the first of March I made my
Confirmation. You make your Confirmation to
get the seven gifts of Fruit and the gift of the
Holy Sprit. At 3.00pm in Sacred Heart Church
Clones was the place and time we where
making our Confirmation. First welcomed the
three Priests and Bishop Liam Mac Daid who
was the Bishop of Clogher. He started of
saying a few prayers and after that he got us
to line up around the edge of the Alter. Then
Claudia and Oisín read out a prayer and I
carried up the body of Christ when we where
getting the anointing of Chrism. Chrism is
made of oil an balm it was runny and sticky
the words you had to say where your name
(Sarah) Amen and with your spirit and you
headed back to your seat with your sponsor
mine was my god mother Siobhan Mc Kenna.
I had a good day at my Confirmation. The
best bit was when I got home to see my
Sarah O’Harte
The thing that stood out the most
for me on my Confirmation day
was that my Great Uncle
concelebrated the mass with the
Bishop. I was delighted to see him
there. I really enjoyed the whole
mass as well. It wasn't too long. I
also liked the way we wore our
uniforms. I felt like a new person
after being Confirmed. I am glad I
chose to make my Confirmation.
Leah Coffey
As much as I enjoyed the after
party, the Confirmation ceremony
meant a lot to me. It was a
pleasure to meet Bishop Liam Mc
Daid he was so kind! I definitely
made the right decision of making
Confirmation and I will continue to
practise my faith.
Mai Kelly
Before I went to the Church on
Sunday, I felt very nervous. But
whenever the ceremony was over,
it wasn't as bad at all. The Bishop
was really nice too. Whenever he
did the anointing, it felt warm and
smelled a bit like lavender. I
thought that the mass would of
been very long, but it actually
wasn’t. I enjoyed my day really
Amy Mc Cusker
On Sunday 1st March 3:00 I made
my Confirmation. There were 3
Priests helping the Bishop. The
Bishop was Liam Mc Daid. I had a
reading. I thought I would get it
wrong, I think I got it alright and I
was the first to get my Chrism. It
was a really good day.
Claudia Curran
The highlight of my confirmation
was when I done my reading
because even though I was
nervous I think I done good. After
the Confirmation my friends and
family came over to my house we
had cake and dinner. It was a fun
day I enjoyed it.
Oísín Kierans
It was my Confirmation day and I was
very nervous but there was no need to
be. First the Bishop had a chat with us
and asking us questions about
Confirmation, like what's Confirmation
and what’s Chrism. Them the Bishop
called us up for the laying of the hands
where the Priest out his hand on our
heads and said a special prayer to
invite the Holy Sprit into us. Then we
had the anointing of the Chrism me
and my sponsor walked up to the
Priest and I was anointed and we said
a prayer and the left. The End.
Lee O’Dowd
On March 1st I made my
confirmation in the Sacred Heart
Church along with 58 other
children. The mass started at 3 so
I came a little before with my
sponsor Paul. My seat was F1. I
met the Bishop Liam Mc Daid. The
most important parts were the
laying of the hands and anointing
with Chrism I received the 7 gifts
and the fruits. I really enjoyed my
Laura Mac Neill
On the 1st of March, in the Sacred
Heart Church in Clones, the 6th
class pupils received the
sacrament of Confirmation. First
Bishop Liam Mc Daid said an
introduction and greeted
everyone. Then the Bishop invited
all the children to get the laying on
of the hands. I felt the holy spirit
descend on me and I felt safe.
Foreseeing that we were invited to
be anointed with the Chrism.
After that I got a nice picture with
the Bishop.
Caitlín Connolly
My favourite part of the
Confirmation was two parts.
The first was when the Bishop
walked in, I liked his hat and his
suit. I also liked the choir, the
harmony was very good and I
liked the way the girls did the
high parts of the song and the
boys did the low parts of the
song. I thought it would take a
long time but the time flied. I
really enjoyed the end of it
because we went to get our
On my Confirmation the Bishop
Liam Mc Daid was Confirming
me and my friends. First the
laying on of the hands
happened and then the
anointing came and we got a
cross on our heads with Chrism.
Chrism is a mixture of oil and
balm and when the mass ended
finally we were confirmed.
Luke Leonard
My favourite thing about my Confirmation was the delicious cake my
mum made me. It had strawberry jam and homemade butter cream
inside of it. It was covered in icing sugar. Everybody loved it and the
cake went down a treat.
Aaron Mc Mahon