LIHEAP and WAP Partnership - Weatherization Assistance Program

Reasons to Work Together
Martin Niemoller Quote
Similar target population
Similar, if not the same, service delivery network
Shared Goals
Shared Success
– High Energy users seamlessly handed off to WAP
– Job creation/retention
LIHEAP Directors concerned too
With severe cuts to WAP:
What does this mean for LX customers?
What does this mean for WAP workers?
What does this mean for the training centers?
What does this mean for all of the equipment and vehicles that are
out there?
Relationship Building
• NEADA and NASCSP lead the way
• Open communications
• Joint Strategic Planning
– Program Integrity Enhancement
– Data system integration
• Regular reporting of LIHEAP Weatherization stats
– Production
– Quality Assurance Status
Potential Resources
• Current average transfer percentage is 10-12%
– 3 to 5% on the table without special waiver request
• REACH grants (Limited Funds)
– Underwrite materials cost for weatherization of LIHEAP clients
– Cover some training costs for new IREC requirements
– Measure carbon savings and increase program revenue
• Leveraging funds
• Utility Ratepayer funds
What we can do
• Using and mixing multiple funding streams for WAP
– State Supplemental
– Utility Funds
• Elect to use some not all DOE rules on non-DOE funds
What we can do
Using LIHEAP funds for WAP
Underwrite baseload measures (freezers, etc)
limited roof upgrades
limited electrical or plumbing upgrades
Address water infiltration issues with gutter and downspout repair
or replacement
– Once made grade changes at a home’s foundation
– Get great energy savings on…
What we can do(cont’d)
• CFLs
The Waiver
• NEADA can’t support a 25% transfer of LX funds to WX with
so much unmet need for utility bill payment assistance
• We do support state WAP programs working with their LX
counterparts to determine an acceptable transfer amount
for their state to keep WAP viable.
• This is a state by state decision
• Criteria for requesting a waiver found at 45 CFR 96.83
Standard Waiver Process
1. Submit preliminary waiver request for a fiscal year, between February 1 and
March 31 of the fiscal year for which the waiver is requested
2. Identify percentage above 15% that is requested
3. Is the total # of households receiving LIHEAP benefits the same as last year?
4. Is the total $ spent in LIHEAP benefits the same as last year?
5. Describe Weatherization activities and how they will produce measurable
6. Describe how the waiver request was made available for public comment and
how comments received were handled
7. Can’t answer yes to questions 3,4 and 5, then you need a Good Cause Waiver
Good Cause Waiver Process
Submit all information from Standard Waiver
Explain why 3 conditions can’t be met, but still wish to increase transfer %
Provide current and previous year’s eligibility criteria and benefit levels for
LIHEAP component benefits
Cite measurable and quantifiable data and source of data used
If criteria were lower or benefits higher, explain why waiver should be granted
Provide current and previous year’s opening and closing dates of LIHEAP
Provide current and previous year’s outreach efforts for each of the LIHEAP
Good Cause Waiver
If previous year’s application period was longer and outreach efforts greater for
any of the LIHEAP components, explain why waiver should be granted
Describe any actions taken that led to less applications being made for any of
the LIHEAP components compared to preceding year, if so, explain why waiver
should be granted.
Waiver Disposition
HHS will respond in writing within 45 days of receipt, informing the grantee
whether the request is approved on either a ‘‘standard’’ or ‘‘good cause’’ basis
The Department may request additional information , if so, the 45-day period
for the Department’s response will start when the is received.
No waiver will be granted for a previous fiscal year
Waivers will be effective from the date of written approval until the waiver
funds are obligated
Carried over waiver funds used for weatherization won’t be considered ‘‘funds
allotted’’ or ‘‘funds available’’ when calculating the maximum amount that may
be used for weatherization in the succeeding fiscal year.
Larry Dawson
Deputy Director
Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
NEADA Board Chair