AARHUS UNIVERSITET 1. Go to Start, and press “Control Panel” 2. Select “Small icons” in the “View by:” dropdown menu. 1 AARHUS UNIVERSITET 3. Choose “Mail (32-bit)” 4. Press “E-mail Accounts…” 2 AARHUS UNIVERSITET 5. Choose “New…” 6. Press “Next >” 7. Press “Next >” 3 AARHUS UNIVERSITET 8. Press “Next >” The server for ingoing emails is called post.au.dk, and it is an IMAP server. For SMTP server you will need to enter your Internet Service Provider's SMTP server. You cannot send emails over the SMTP-server at Aarhus University. If you do not know your ISP's server information you can check your settings for your other email accounts if you have any or contact your ISP to get the information. In general the SMTP server will probably be called something like smtp.name_of_your_isp.dk. 9. If you open Outlook, you should now see your mailbox. 4 AARHUS UNIVERSITET 5