Why have a European Year for Development in 2015? 2015 a special year for the EYD An opportunity • 2015 deadline for Millennium to showcase the Development Goals the strong • Post-2015 agenda commitment of negociated at UN the EU and its level: a milestone for development policy Member States • Ideal time to look at to eradicating what has been poverty achieved so far and still needs to worldwide what be done 3 What EU citizens think It is important to help people in developing countries 83 % 66 % Tackling poverty in developing countries should be one of the EU's main priorities As an individual they can play a role in tackling poverty in developing countries 52 % 4 Source: Special Eurobarometer 405 - 2013 What EU citizens know Have heard of the MDGs and know what they are 6 % 44 % Have no knowledge about where their country's development aid goes Say they know nothing about where EU aid goes 53 % 5 Source: Special Eurobarometer 392 - 2012 EYD2015 in a nutshell One • common • motto: Our world, our dignity, • our future • Main focus: informing and engaging EU citizens Design and implementation: at EU level + decentralised to Member States, civil society and all interested stakeholders EU Delegations: invited to promote EYD in partner countries Three key objectives 6 1 Inform Union citizens about EU development cooperation highlighting the results that the Union, acting together with the Member States, has achieved as a global actor and will continue to pursue with the post-2015 framework 7 2 Foster direct involvement, critical thinking and active interest of Union citizens and stakeholders in development cooperation including in policy formulation and implementation 8 3 Raise awareness of the benefits of EU development cooperation – for beneficiaries and Union citizens; achieve a broader understanding of policy coherence for development; foster a sense of joint responsibility, solidarity and opportunity in an increasingly interdependent world 9 EYD2015 is a shared opportunity not just for the Commission or EuropeAid! European Parliament Council Member States European Commission EEAS EU Delegations Economic and Social Committee Committee of the Regions Private Sector NGO/CSO International Organisations Universities Schools Local authorities Foundations … 10 A successful EYD2015 is… • All stakeholders are on board and work together: the EYD2015 is a truly European Year, not only a EuropeAid or a European Commission Year • Indicators show that the three objectives are being reached: citizens and stakeholders are better informed, aware of the challenges of an interdependent world and actively involved • EU Delegations and organisations on the ground are on board promoting the EYD in partner countries and bringing the stories from the field 11 A first look at the EYD2015 campaign Our red thread: storytelling Co-Communication Co-branding Co-creation of content 13 Core campaign elements Visual identity to brand events and communication material Communication toolkit EYD website and social media shared with partners Thematic months 14 EuropeAid flagship initiatives • • • • • • • • • • • Opening event with Latvian presidency Gender event, March in Latvia EU Dev Days (EDDs), June in Brussels 28 Kapuscinski lectures in Member States EXPO2015, Milan Lorenzo Natali Prize for journalists Creating or making use of a volunteer programme Textile label Climate COP21, December in Paris Conferences at the External Action Info Point all year Closing conference, Luxembourg 15 Stakeholders' initiatives • • • • • • • • • National Work Programmes Member States' EYD ambassadors Competitions in schools with Member States Marathons and sport for development Advertising on public transport Co-branded events with international organisations NGO initiatives Think tanks launch discussions Awards with private sector organisations 16 Get involved in the EYD2015 It's our Year! Factor EYD2015 in your communication strategy Bring EU development cooperation to the top of your agenda and brand your events and material 18 Join the group on Capacity4dev capacity4dev.ec.europa.eu/eyd2015/ Get updates, share info, contribute your ideas! You're welcome on board! 19 Use the hashtags #EYD2015 and #EUglobalplayer Promote the EYD2015 on social media and bring the global conversation to life 20 Involve your networks Promote the EYD2015 with your networks and stakeholders and encourage them to take part 21 Keep in touch! #EYD2015 capacity4dev.ec.europa.eu/eyd2015 @europeaid facebook.com/europeaid ec.europa.eu/europeaid