Schedule Course intro to STS, September – October 2014

Rev Final version 9 April 2014
Schedule Course intro to STS, September – October 2014
The schedule is built around the idea of “sessions” of teaching activity to facilitate
participation from students outside Linköping.
Session 1: Introduction and SSK
4 Sep
13:00-17:00 1. The emergence of STS.
Introduction: purpose, course structure and division of
assignments (CF & Harald)
Winner, Langdon. 1980. ”Do Artifacts have Politics?”
Daedalus, vol 109:121-36.
Sismondo, Sergio. 2010. An introduction to science and
technology studies. 2:a uppl. Chichester: J. Wiley & Sons.
Kap. 1-2, 9.
5 Sep
Course dinner
2. ”Sociology of Scientific Knowledge” (SSK) och ”Social
Construction of Technology” (SCOT) (CF)
Sismondo, Sergio. 2004. An Introduction to Science and
Technology Studies. Oxford: Blackwell, ch 5-6, p. 42-64.
Collins, Harry M. 1981. Son of Seven Sexes: The Social
Destruction of a Physical Phenomenon. Social Studies of
Science 11 (1):33-62.
Pinch, Trevor J., och Wiebe E. Bijker. 1984. The Social
Construction of Facts and Artifacts: Or How the Sociology of
Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each
Other. Social Studies of Science 14 (3):399–441.
Session 2: ANT, systems and infrastructures
11 Sep
13:00-15:00 3. Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Critics (Francis)
Callon, Michel. 1999. “Some Elements of a Sociology of
Translation: Domestication of the Scallops and the Fishermen
of St Brieuc Bay.” In Power, Action and Belief, edited by J.
Law. 196–233. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Johnson, Jim. [Bruno Latour]. 1988. Mixing humans and
nonhumans together: the sociology of a door-closer. Social
Problems 35 (3):298-310.
Callon, Michel. & Law, John. 1995. ”Agency and the Hybrid
Collectif”. The South Atlantic Quarterly 94 (2), 481-507.
Galis, Vasilis., & Lee, Francis. (2014). A Sociology of
Treason. Science, Technology & Human Values, 39(1), 154–
179. doi:10.1177/0162243913512681
15:30-17:00 4. Reflection seminar (CF)
12 Sep
5. STS perspectives on sociotechnical systems and
infrastructures (Harald)
Hughes, Thomas P. 1987. The Evolution of Large
Technological Systems [abridged]. I The Science Studies
Reader, redigerad av M. Biagioli. New York and London:
Gieryn, Thomas F. 2002. What buildings do. Theory and
Society 31:35-74.
Star, Susan Leigh. 1991. Power, technologies and the
phenomenology of conventions: on being allergic to onions. I
A Sociology of Monsters: Essays on Power, Technology and
Domination, redigerad av J. Law. London: Routledge.
Session 3: A few turns
15 Sep
13:00-15:00 6. The turns to markets and valuations (CF)
MacKenzie, Donald. 2009. Material markets: How economic
agents are constructed, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kap. 1-2.
Holm, Petter, och Kåre Nolde Nielsen. 2007. Framing fish,
making markets: the construction of Individual Transferable
Quotas (ITQs). I Market Devices, redigerad av M. Callon, Y.
Millo och F. Muniesa. Oxford: Blackwell.
Fourcade, Marion. 2011. Cents and Sensibility; Economic
Valuation and the Nature of “Nature”. American Journal of
Sociology 116 (6):1721-1777.
15:30-17:00 7. Reflection seminar (Teun)
16 Sep
8. The Ontological Turn (Ericka)
Barad, Karen. (1998) Getting Real: Technoscientific
Practices and the Materialization of Reality. Differences. A
Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 10(2)
Mol, Annemarie. 1999. Ontological Politics. A word and
some questions. I Actor Network Theory and After, redigerad
av J. Law och J. Hassard. Oxford: Blackwell.
Rappert, Brian. 2001. The Distribution and Resolution of the
Ambiguities of Technology, or Why Bobby Can't Spray.
Social Studies of Science 31 (4):557–591.
Session 4: Orientations
25 Sep
9. Feminist STS (Ericka)
Haraway, Donna (1991) "A Cyborg Manifesto. Science,
Technology and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth
Century," in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention
of Nature. New York: Routledge.
Emily Martin (1991) 'The Egg and the Sperm: How Science
Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical MaleFemale Roles' Signs, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Spring, 1991), pp. 485–
Wacjman, Judy. 2000 'Reflections on Gender and
Technology Studies: In What State is the Art?', Social Studies
of Science, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2000, pp. 447-464.
26 Sep
10. Thinking about course essay (Harald + Teun +
11. On the Values of Science and Technology: Marxism,
Pragmatism and Historicism (Francis)
Rose, N. (2008). The value of life: somatic ethics & the spirit
of biocapital. Daedalus, 137(1), 36–48.
Daston, Lorraine. (1995). The moral economy of
science. Osiris, 10, 2–24. or Daston, L., & Galison, P.
(1992). The image of objectivity. Representations, (40), 81–
Roscoe, Philip. (2014). A moral economy of transplantation.
In I. Dussauge, C.-F. Helgesson, & F. Lee (Eds.), Value
pratices in the life sciences (pp. 1–30). Oxford University
Contact point about progress essays (14-16 October)
Hand in: 24 October, 17:00
Session 5: Presentation of Essays (Harald + Ericka + Teun)
30 Oct
Presentation of essays (30 min each incl discussion)
Course evaluation