13 MARCH UNISTEM DAY 2015 TH WHAT IS UNISTEM DAY? Since 2009, UNISTEM day is a one-day meeting organized for high school students. This event solely dedicated to the dissemination and outreach of stem cell science and research provides an opportunity to foster learning, discovery and debate by involving students and teachers in a variety of activities. The event showcases cutting edge research, paints a picture of the daily work of a scientist, and explores the mechanisms behind scientific breakthroughs, including the cultural expectations. By offering lessons, debates, visits at the laboratories and recreational moments, the students engage with the concepts and methodologies involved in stem cell research. They will gain an appreciation for science in that it can be fun and it builds personal character based on evidence, perseverance and integrity. As with previous years, UNISTEM 2015 will bring together Universities and High Schools from all over Europe by involving 46 European Universities in Italy, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The long and fascinating trip of stem cell research PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR LUND UNIVERSITY Practical and theoretical activities will take place according to your pre-assigned schedule. Each block of activity (blue, pink and brown) will start at 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00 so make sure you find your assigned activity on time! Uppsamlingspunkt: BMC, Wallenberg Neurocenter, ingång A, bottenvåning, Sölvegatan 17, 221 84 Lund EUROPE UNITED BY SCIENCE Vatten & frukt finns på plats Kom ihåg att hämta din presentpåse innan du avslutar dagen! UniStem is the Centre for Stem Cell Research of the University of Milan founded in 2006 by Profs. E. Cattaneo, G. Cossu, F. Gandolfi and Y. Torrente (www.unistem.it). The UNISTEM 2015 event is one of many UniStem activities on stem cell research divulgation and this is the 7th annual day dedicated to secondary school students, being the largest public event on stem cell research in Europe. Concept and coordination Sponsor/ Supporters Technical support In collaboration with Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR, bando 2014 - Legge 6/2000) 4 European Countries, 20,000 Students, 46 Universities and Research Institution, beyond 250 researchers, managers, communicators, ethicists, clinicians, technicians and many more TOGETHER FOR THE UNISTEM DAY DEDICATED TO HIGH SCHOOLS The event will start at 9 A.M. (C.E.T.) simultaneously in all participating Universities. Further information> www.unistem.it www.eurostemcell.org facebook.com/unistem Follow us facebook.com/unistem twitter @Unistem2015 twitter @Unistem2015 13 MARCH th 9 a.m. the event will start at 9 AM, the students need however to arrive earlier than that due to registration and settling down The long and fascinating trip of stem cell research LUND UNIVERSITY LUX Aula: HelgonavAgen 3, 223 62 Lund BMC (BIOMEDICINSKT CENTRUM) Wallenberg Neurocenter, ingång A, bottenvåning SÖlvegatan 17 221 84 Lund MORNING session Afternoon session 13:00-16:00 Co-ordinator: Malin Parmar start 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00 08:20>08:50 Registrering 08.50>09.00 Dags att ta plats i LUX Aula 09:00>09.15 Opening and welcome video Filmvisning: Vad är UniStem? 09:15>09.30 Stamcellscentrum hälsar välkommen! Professor Zaal Kokaia, Neurologi, Lunds Universitet 09:30>09:45 Call conference between Italy, Sweden, Ireland, UK and Spain 09:45>10:10 FÖRELÄSNING 1: Dr. Mattias Magnusson Forskare, Avdelningen för molekylärmedicin och genterapi, Lunds Universitet Vad är stamceller och vad kan de användas till? 10:15>10:45 Fikapaus utanför aulan – vi bjuder på kaffe, tè och fralla 10:45>11:15 FÖRELÄSNING 2: Dr. Sofie Singbrant Söderberg Forskare, Avdelningen för molekylärmedicin och genterapi, Lunds Universitet Blodets stamceller! 11:15>11:45 FÖRELÄSNING 3: Dr. Malin Parmar Docent, Utvecklings- och regenerativ neurobiologi, Lunds Universitet Från stamcell och hudcell till nervcell 11:45>12:00 Presentation av eftermiddagens “Prova på aktiviteter” Sarah Warsi Doktorand, Avdelningen för molekylärmedicin och genterapi, Lunds Universitet 12:00>13:00 Lunch på LUX Stamcellscentrum bjuder alla deltagare på lunchbaguetter (utanför aulan) All workshops & activities will be given in three sessions. Each student has one pre-assigned activity per session. Filmvisning (block brun) i LUX Aula: Helgonavägen 3, 223 62 Lund Uppsamlingsplats för aktiviteter i block rosa och blå: BMC, A huset, Sölvegatan 17, 221 84 Lund THEORETICAL WORKSHOPS 1. Hur blir man stamcellsforskare? 2. Human stem cell research: Ethical and legal aspects 3. Behavioural assessment of neural stem cell transplants – from animal models to functional 4. Populärvetenskapliga bilder av stamceller 5. Nya möjligheter för att söka och få tillgång till medicinska behandlingar 6. Bioinformatics and it’s role in research 7. Scientific communication 8. How to make your viral vector do what you want 9. Cutting into DNA, genetic engineering approaches for science and medicine PRACTICAL WORKSHOPS 1. Patch clamp electrophysiology: Are the cells derived from stem cells functional? 2. Purifying stem cells: Cell Sorting Stem Cell with Flow Cytometers 3. FACS analys av vita blodkroppar i mjälten 4. Induced pluripotency: Hacking the cellular machinery 5. Confocal microscopy 6. Blood stem cells under the microscope 7. Passera benmärgstromaceller 8. Direct conversion of skin cells into neurons and microscopy 9. Finding blood stem cells in the mouse embryo 10. Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Mouse Bone Marrow 11. Snitta en hjärna och hitta ett transplantat 12. Gene expression analysis: Are you faster than a robot?